"Stop OIL World Wide"

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I just ran into a bunch of Mad Naked Bike Riders. Both genders. I had been asked to join them but am not a STRIPPER. Looking at the news this is almost world wide. They want people to stop using oil from the ground.

I've done my bit. I do not own a car, nor do I rent or drive one.

My incidental use is minimal...whatever the bus uses.

Come on. Do your part.

Gwen Boucher.


You Can't Do It Today

joannebarbarella's picture

Were your bike-riders on powered bikes or on pedal-bikes? Either way their machines were the product of oil or coal.

Elimination of oil (and coal) is a worthy goal and should be implemented as quickly as possible but not at the expense of eliminating civilization. A transition is needed.

Just think, if you had joined the ride, the feeling of the wind blowing in your nether regions!

A Victim Of Her Conservatism :(

Had I really understood that they were doing the ride at the daytime 3:30, not the dark 3:30, I might have. Topless would unleash my exhibitionistic leanings. As for bottomless, Urinary Tract Infections are too painful to risk it. It was in the low 80sF (27 c), so was quite nice.

Be careful what you whish for

Though I tend to agree in principle that we should all strive to reduce the pollution coming from fossil fuels. But you have to be very careful what you wish for!!

Here in Germany there is an organization called “Die letzte Generation [The last generation]” that has lost a lot of popular support in the last three years. To the point that more and more people in the general population start to classify them as a terrorist, or at least pseudo-terrorist, organization. Their main [stated] goal is to accelerate the exit from fossil energies, in order to mitigate the climate change. If not to stop climate change all together.

The tactics employed by “The last generation” during their protests are what has started to turn the popular support they had against them. Initially they staged peaceful demonstrations in urban centers that garnered a lot of support from the general population. But towards the end of the pandemic restrictions they started employ so-called “civil disobedience”, which started to become disruptive of the “social peace” and required police intervention. Shortly thereafter, they resorted to vandalism and even destruction of private and public property, and even disruption of public infrastructure.

When these so-called “Klimakleber” or “climate gluers” start super-gluing themselves to mayor intersections and even highways, thus causing huge traffic jams, especially during peak rush hour traffic, tempers start to fray. Because workers are unable to reach their workplace on time causing a severe loss of productivity, and emergency services are disrupted in their ability to reach those in need of urgent care in a timely manner. There has been at least one fatality of a traffic accident victim because the ambulance was unable to get through in a timely fashion. There have been a few cases where irate drivers threatened these so-called “protesters” by driving their cars or trucks (not the 6.5L pick-ups or SUVs, but the 40 ton freight haulers) right into them. But so far the police has been able to de-escalate the situations and prevent the loss of life. Unlike what the police did in the southwest USA last summer, where police officers used their patrol vehicles to crush and kill “protesters” by rolling over them back and forth.

Then there is also the trespassing “The last Generation” did at several airports by destroying the perimeter security fences and invading taxiways and runways. Not only did that cause the shutdown of operations at that airport. But it caused innumerable flight diversions, cancellations of flights on top of numerous delays, congestions of passengers and cargo, as well as lost connections not only at the attacked airport but also at most of the destination airports served from there. The direct cost of each airport invasion runs into the hundreds of thousands if not millions of Euro.

The biggest problem I have with the majority of the so-called “green” technology is that most of it is nothing more than green-washing. Because for the most part, the assertions that “green” technologies are cheaper or better than fossil alternatives are based only on the direct operation, not on the total life cycle from resource acquisition to final disposal.

JerryRigEverything, who is a big fan of electric vehicles, published an interesting comparison of how “green” electric vehicles really are compared to conventional vehicles at When will a Electric Truck *actually* become "Green"?. According to his research, it takes about 30'000 miles of driving just to break even.

I want to expand on his final comment/wish for greener transportation, and state that the best way to reduce the fossil fuel pollution is through massive investments and improvements in the public transit infrastructure. Where I live here in Germany I have access to a fairly good public transit infrastructure. During the week I get a bus every 20 minutes, and on the weekends and evenings it is every 30 minutes. On top of that I only have to pay once per trip, irrespective of how many connections I have to make within the trip time limit. And depending on the monthly ticket I get unlimited trips within the corresponding geographical area. And at least here in Germany there is no competition between service providers, since public transit is regulated as an essential public service.

Running Over Protestors Blocking Roads, Highways

BarbieLee's picture

I found several instances of police and yes individuals driving into protestors. I'm reminded of the truck driver in CA riots dragged out of his truck and hit in the head with a brick. His life will never be the same. They have blocked ambulances, fire trucks and other legal and law enforcement vehicles. Florida, Oklahoma, Texas have passed laws where drivers are not liable nor legally responsible if protestors are blocking the highways or streets. Protestors have rights, those rights do no supersede another person's rights. I seldom want to interfere with another person's actions unless it directly involves myself, their life is in danger, or they may be harmed. I'm not joining any protests, jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, or go bungee jumping among a whole list of things people do. Not my place to tell them how to live their life.
Hugs Jessica

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Oil and Gas Provides Pharmacuticals

BarbieLee's picture

The large farming, earth moving equipment, many railroads wouldn't be without oil. Shudder to think what winter would be like without natural gas and oil. Talk everyone flying to switch to elec Ground all jet and reciprocating engine aircraft. Rockets to space? Military bombs, artillery, tanks, planes, should be elec. The list is endless. Maybe go back to harvesting whales for lamp oil? Planting, harvesting with horses and mules? The world would starve.
Hugs Gwen,
We are more than fifty years to achieving Fusion and a clean limitless energy supply. We will never stop needing oil and gas for other things they provide us.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Not to mention

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

The vast majority of all electricity is generated with fossil fuels. Some from hydroelectric dams and a very small amount from solar or wind. But remember solar panel construction isn't eco-friendly and wind turbines have a limited life time. The blades need replacing and the disposal of the old ones is causing eco problems as well.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I am all for going green but

I am all for going green but I need my Jeep. I need a car to both get to work and to do my job. Public transportation sucks in my city, so I need a car. I also work in IT and service hundreds of people and businesses. Not all of that can be done remotely and I can't take an hour or more to get to a person's location by bus. Plus all the farms and other cities our business services it just isn't practical not to have a vehicle.

And before you say I should go electric. Electric vehicles do not have the range I need, plus they are very expensive. Plus from some of the things I have seen they are not as pollution-free as many people believe them to be.

Ecological price of EVs

According to the video I referenced in my previous comment, an electric vehicle has about twice the carbon emissions than a gasoline/diesel powered vehicle in the construction phase alone. That is, before you as the user even get your hands on it.

And if you factor in the ecological cost of mining and manufacturing the solar panels, then solar energy is not that clean either! And while the rotor blades of wind turbines may have a lower ecological cost in construction, their end-of-life cost after only about 10-15 years is a huge nightmare since they are almost impossible to recycle.

How Do You Eat an Elephant?

There are a lot of small steps that can be taken without running a marathon.

I ran ONE marathon. That was enough to recognize that my body wasn't built for that kind of punishment.

Yet, I continued to run shorter races.

Greenhouse gas is causing huge environmental problems. The gas and oil people have done a great job of misinformation and discounting the impact of efforts to cut back on the consumption of their products. Meanwhile, the earth is going to hell with weather becoming much more severe and catastrophes much more frequent. I was in the insurance business. Where you can buy it -- homeowners insurance premiums have increased four to ten times for premiums the last thirty years. . .eight to twenty times -- when you consider only that portion of the premium for property losses.

We live in a green world that isn't black or white. What is a viable answer for one person will not work for others.

Please consider these steps:

1.) One of the significant changes a person can make is to practice a more plant-based diet. Meat production will generally involve much more land and energy. Of course, a diet based mainly on fruit, nuts, and vegetables is also heart-healthy. You don't have to be a strict vegetarian. Just cut back. How much -- is up to you. I went on a Mediterranean diet five years ago. I lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of stamina. About every other month I'll split a hamburger with my spouse. If I get caught in a social situation, I will not make demands on my host.

2.) Use energy efficient appliances.

3.) Use public transportation, only where that isn't asking for mayhem. I live in the city and wish it was safe here to ride buses and trains. I won't get into guns here, but. . ..

4.) Support governmental efforts to develop alternative energy. People make choices based on their pocketbooks, which is the invisible hand that controls capitalism. The cost of using alternative energy has become competitive in many areas and uses. The more widespread the usage, the cheaper it becomes and the more people will use it.

5.) Vote against any politician who says wind turbines cause cancer and depress property values.

Full disclosure: I love my Kentucky bluegrass lawn. I do have an electric mower, but neither of my cars is an EV. We do not have solar panels on our home. We have too many mature trees for it to be effective. I voted against Al Gore because I couldn't stand Tipper or Al's buddy Bill.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

wind turbines cause cancer???

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I'd love to see the pseudo-science behind that statement. It'd be a good laugh.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

The "windmills cause cancer" guy

laika's picture

The "windmills cause cancer" guy doesn't even have pseudoscience to back his claim up. He expects you to believe him because HE believes it. If something popped into his head it must be true, since he has the best brain ever, a brain like the world has never seen. Many famous Nobel Prize winners come up to him every day and express their envy over his big magnificent brain. Or so he says...

But the real reason he hates windmills so much is because when he was seven he was with some other kids on a birthday outing to a miniature golf course, and when they got to the hole with the miniature Dutch windmill he just could NOT knock the ball into the tunnel with the slowly turning vanes passing in front of it stopping his ball every time. Most kids would shrug it off and enjoy the rest of the game but the thin skinned little rich kid could not admit to having failed at something. Screaming at the top of his lungs, he accused the mini golf course of giving him a defective putter, and all his friends conspiring against him. And when somebody snickered at what an uptight little psycho he was being, that was the ULTIMATE HUMILIATION! All his worst nightmares come true: PEOPLE WERE LAUGHING AT HIM!

He has never forgiven that windmill for his disgrace that day. In fact, 70 years later he still has nightmares about his humiliation at that mini-golf course, and he's held a personal vendetta against windmills ever since; vowing that if he ever became President he'd ban all windmills forever. I forget his name but he's a real weirdo. He also hates Taylor Swift for some reason.
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Taylor Swift

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I'd say I wasn't a big fan, but that might make people associate me with the weirdo


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann