36D - Part 2

The day after our anniversary, I woke up feeling rather chipper. Spending a romantic evening with my wife had buried deeper the doubts I'd been having about my true identity. They weren't gone completely: there remained a lingering voice trying to tell me that something was wrong, but I chose to ignore it. I couldn't possibly be Dennis Mellon; my body clearly demonstrated otherwise. Plus every single person I'd interacted with the previous day - my wife, pupils and colleagues - all referred to me as Denise or Mrs McGrath. My doubts could do one as far as I was concerned. I was Denise McGrath, a beautiful 28-year-old lesbian schoolteacher. That was my life, and it was a good one.

Tessa was still in bed as I got up, but that was fine as she wasn't going to be working until this afternoon anyway. I showered as usual, then got dressed. I chose to wear a plain white t-shirt bra with matching high cut panties under a cute denim mini dress. All ready, I headed downstairs.

Yesterday I was strapped for time, what with all of the confusion, but today I had opportunity to grab some breakfast before heading out of the door. I was eating a bowl of Special K in front of 'Good Morning Britain' when Tessa strolled down the stairs. She had slept naked, like I had, but had pulled on an oversized black t-shirt to cover up her modesty this morning. She took up a seat in the single armchair.

"Morning babe", I said as she entered the living room. "Want some breakfast?"

Through a stifled yawn she replied: "No thanks. Will sort myself out in a bit."

I finished off my cereal and then said I'd better be heading out to work. I walked over to her before leaving, to give her a quick peck. We gazed into one another's eyes after breaking off the kiss. I could have stayed there all day, but duty called and I had to be heading off.

"Catch you later", I said, exiting the living room and putting on my white pumps. "Love you."

"Love you too, baby girl", she shouted back from the living room.

I left for work feeling full of love and happiness.

My day at school went by relatively fine. I did have some trouble maintaining authority over year 8, something that I didn't typically have trouble with, but everything else was smooth sailing.

The year 7s were always a joy to teach. They were new to secondary school life, so there was trepidation in their eyes that first week. I always found year 7s the easiest age to teach as they were the most afraid of authority. Not that I was strict, quite the opposite, but the threat of detention definitely scared them more than the older students.

Year 8s were more tricky to teach. They didn't have any exams to prepare for and had got used to secondary school life. This meant that they now knew detentions were really no threat at all and that teachers had very little power to stop them misbehaving, if they really wanted to. Luckily, most of them were respectful, but some did like to push the boundaries as much as they could.

Years 10 and 11 were now preparing for their GCSEs. This made them a bit more cooperative, but there were still some who tried their luck. It was also the age where they were more clued up to the real world, so some could be quite crude. However, most genuinely wanted to achieve good grades, plus I was teaching set 2 year 10 and set 1 year 11, so most were academically smart and therefore had a real interest in the subject, a few exceptions aside.

Year 12 had chosen to study English Literature for their A-Levels and had actively chosen to stay on in sixth form rather than go to college or to start working. They therefore had no choice but to listen, otherwise I could easily throw them out of my class. They were rather pleasant to teach and we're definitely the group you could have the most grown-up and proper conversations with.

I was not teaching years 9 or 13 this year, so the five aforementioned age groups were my full cohort of students for the year. I was lucky not to have a year 9 class as they tend to act very similarly to year 8s, but I did miss teaching year 13 as they tended to involve the most mentally stimulating lessons and conversations. But I was more than happy with my current allocation, as it meant teaching 20 lessons per week with 5 free periods.

I wrapped up by teaching year 7 in period 5, which was a nice way to end the day. I then stayed for a couple of hours marking and preparing for the next day.

I headed home at about 4.50pm. I'd received a text from Tessa during the day saying that she'd be late home so to go on and make myself food. It wasn't like Tessa to be late home and it was a rarity for me to have to cook my own dinner. But this didn't sully my upbeat mood in the slightest. I would have a nice chilled evening and be ready for Tessa when she got home (and I would be optimistically hoping for a repeat of the previous night's bedroom antics, which had lit a spark in me that hadn't been there before!).

I unlocked the front door and slipped off my pumps in the hallway. I headed upstairs to get changed. I pulled my dress off and stood in my bra and panties contemplating what to wear for the evening. It was quite a warm day, being early September, and I wasn't quite sure what would be best suited to the humidity. In the end, I decided the underwear I was wearing would suffice. After all, nobody would be seeing me this evening, only my wife, and she had seen me wearing less!

I skipped downstairs and prepped myself a microwave lasagna. I flicked through the box set options on the TV and settled on 'Pretty Little Liars'. For some reason, I was usually attracted to more action-based or horror-based TV shows and films. But today I wanted to watch some girlie drama. I'd never watched 'Pretty Little Liars' before, but it looked good to me, so why not give it a try?

I ate my lasagna in front of the TV and got myself a bowl of ice-cream for dessert. Watching TV in your lingerie while stuffing your face with ice-cream: I couldn't imagine a better life! Well, the only way it could be better was if Tessa was with me. But she'd be home later, so this would be plenty for now.

I got so engrossed in the TV that three episodes went by before I was brought out of my reverie by the doorbell ringing. I got up and opened it without thinking. It was a delivery driver dropping off a parcel. I opened the door as he was keying something into the gadget he was holding.

"Hiya. Can you sign here..." he said, before trailing off. He had turned his attention from his device and now was looking me up and down. Confused, I signed where he had pointed. He was still looking at me slack-jawed, and I had no idea at the time why that was. He was a handsome Asian chap, probably around the same age as me, but his stunned expression was rapidly diminishing his attractiveness.

"Can I have the parcel please, sir?" I asked.

"Oh...um...yeah, of course...sorry about that." He handed over the parcel with a huge grin.

'What a creep!' I thought, but I just said "thanks."

"You're more than welcome, darling. I just wish more women would answer the door in just their underwear!" He laughed loudly as he walked up the driveway and back to his van.

It was only as he said those words that I remembered that I was only wearing my white bra and panties! I blushed deeply, door still wide open. And then, to my horror, two of my year 10 pupils happened to be walking by down on the opposite pavement.

"Looking good Mrs McGrath!" One of them called over.

"Gawd! Is that what she was wearing under her dress today? Must remember that for the wank bank later!" The other said, loud enough for me to hear.

I was about to slam the door shut, when Tessa walked up the driveway giggling to herself.

"Jesus, Denise. Why you flaunting your body for the whole street to see?" She was still laughing to herself as she entered the hallway, but I was mortified. I hurried her inside and then shut the door.

"Shit!" I said. "I forgot what I was wearing and just answered the door for this." I held up the package.

"Oh, thanks for taking that in. It's for me." She took it off me and slid it behind the plant pot that was just inside the front door.

"I can't believe I just did that. Bad enough that the delivery driver was ogling me, never mind two of my pupils seeing me in just my underwear!"

"Well, look on the bright side: looks like you've given at least one of them a memory they'll treasure tonight and probably forever." She found this hilarious. I didn't.

"Oh, don't laugh Tessa. This is bad. They'll bring it up in school tomorrow and I'll be humiliated!"

"Forget about it", she said. Instantly, I forgot about all what had happened in the preceding five minutes.

"Forget about what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Exactly." Tessa was smirking. "Now, go and make me some food. I'm starving." I immediately went to the kitchen and prepared her a plate of lasagna, just like I had eaten earlier. I returned to the living room to find her sat on the sofa wearing just her underwear: a plain black bra and matching thong. God, she was gorgeous!

I handed her the plate and she gave me a kiss as receipt. I sat on the sofa beside her. I turned off what I had been watching and flicked on 'Emmerdale' on the terrestrial channels. When she had finished eating, she told me to take her plate and wash up whatever there was to clean. I obediently followed these instructions. I wasn't used to making dinner or cleaning up afterwards, but I had done exactly as Tessa had told me to do without protestation or accompanying thought.

I rejoined her on the sofa when I was done and we continued to absentmindedly watch whatever was on the TV. We spoke about each other's days and then decided to call it a night. We headed upstairs and got ourselves ready for bed. Tessa got into bed in just her bra and panties; I pulled out some pyjamas and was about to take off my underwear to put them on when Tessa said: "don't wear pyjamas, Denise, your underwear will do fine for tonight." My hands loosened as soon as she said those words and the pyjamas fell to the floor.

"Come and lie with me", she said. I did.

"Kiss me", she said. I did.

We kissed until she broke it off.

"Funny what happened this evening, with you and the delivery guy."

"What? I don't know what you're talking about."

"So it really does work?" she mumbled, barely audibly.

"What works?" I asked, confused and a bit irritated.

"Suck your thumb", she instructed.

I put my thumb in my mouth. But I still said, "what 'works', Tessa?" The sound was stifled but I was still understandable.

"Remove your bra." I unhooked the clasp of my bra and took it off, flinging it to the ground. My boobs jiggled as I moved back to lie opposite Tessa again. My thumb was instantly reinserted into my mouth once the bra and been slid off my arm.

"Tell me what you mean", I implored. Again, I was understandable but muffled due to my thumb being in my mouth.

"Nothing." She had finished her little experiment, at least for now. My thumb sucking and taking off my bra on command had satisfied her enough.

"No, go on, please tell me." My thumb was still in my mouth.

"I'm not going to."

"Why not?" Thumb still in mouth.

"Take your thumb out of your mouth and go to sleep. Forget about the last five minutes." I took my thumb out of my mouth and I was out instantly. When I woke up in the morning, I'd forgotten all about what she had said about "it really does work".

Unbeknownst to me, I was now her little puppet.

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