Is That All There Is

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Do the tragedies never stop?

Based on scientific principles -- as explained by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. -- my transgender life has been caused by chemicals in water.

His arguments have been so compelling that I’ve stopped drinking water.

Now, before you start warning me about the consequences of anti-aqua, please let me tell you -- I’d rather die of dehydration than allow the evil and vast water conglomerate to suck out my morality through gender disruption.

I could “bearly” stand the news that RFK has suspended his presidential campaign.

All day I’ve been playing the great Peggy Lee’s song Is That All There Is in his honor. Peggy lived in the same North Dakota town that I did. Her cynicism vibrates in the spirit of RFK.

Thank goodness Trump has elected to further the causes espoused by RFK.

Long live idiocracy!

Life has come full circle. Bobby Kennedy was a lawyer for the infamous Joseph McCarthy alongside Roy Cohn. Now Bobby's son has joined the Roy Cohn-trained Trump.


According to...

Andrea Lena's picture

RFK Jr.. my friends - some in "real life" and some online - plus a couple of family members - apparently tripped and fell across the autistic trail after getting vaccinated.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

There Are Aliens Amongst Us

. . .making up all these conspiracy theories. And . . . I have proof . . . somewhere. I'll look for it and send it to you.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Psudo science reigns supreme

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Assuming RFK is correct, I guess that 80% of the American male population is living in the closet or in denial. With the possible exception of those raised in rural parts of the US who depend on well water.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Mandatory Dr. Strangelove

Everyone should be forced to watch Dr. Strangelove once a year as a condition of keeping their citizenship.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I feel a bit sorry for RFK jr

a) It appears that his withdrawal will have only miniscule effect on the election.
b) If the liar in chief does win the election any promises given will not so much be forgotten as considered completely irrelevant.

I Agree Bru

There's something about RFK jr. that isn't quite right.

He either has been horribly misled or is the very picture of a demagogue.

BTW. I grew up on a farm and drank water from our private well. Yet, I was definitely trans from my earliest memories.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Where's the Ugly?

I don't see the "ugly." Neither did Ray Stevens. Everything Is Beautiful.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Wrong Kennedy son

That's a photo of John F. Kennedy Jr., son of JFK at his father's funeral. RFK Jr. is Bobby Kennedy's son. They would be first cousins.