I’m beginning to think that I’m evil.
I have finally written a cereal on purpose and not just ad hoc. Not that the readers will be able to tell the difference.
Of course it’s a “Bru” cereal which is why I’m not calling it a serial.
Some will think it will snap, crackle and pop while others will think it’s just soggy. Most who read will find themselves in the shoes of Oliver Twist in the orphanage.
“Conform!” really was a pilot. Depending on the response I’d post the rest (I’m not saying whether the criteria was “below” or “above” a certain limit).
Some facts. The story is divided into 8 chapters. The story is already written. I will post one chapter each day (barring unforeseen circumstances).
Oh, did I mention that the total length is about 2400 words?
I said I was evil.
Potato Patahto; let's call the whole thing off... NOT!
Leave it to Bru to put a twist on serial and come up with cereal.
Does the twist mean that I should read it with my morning coffee? That's when I generally have cereal.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Cheerio(s), Honey Bunch.
You must think we’re a real bunch of flakes. . .raisin our expectations like that.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Sweet and of questionable nutritional value
How can it fail?
Lets be Clear About the Truth
Evil..., it's in there somewhere way behind conniving, vindictive, seductive, cold, calculating are some the nicer descriptions I've heard about you. Secrets stolen, lost, traded, careers turned to ashes, escorts left behind and those were some of the mincer things said about a certain someone. I could write a novel using descriptive words and adjectives only to describe someone we all know.
Hugs Bru, did you really wear a latex catsuit to the opening premier of "Cat Burglar Mistress"? What makes me think you were the actress in that shameless movie?
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
No, the catsuit was not latex. Too hot.
Lace is much cooler.