Hope's Light Drafted!

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Wanted to drop a quick note, as the draft for Book 6 Hope's Light was completed not five minutes ago! In fact I'm still processing the (rather strong) emotions from the final scene. Whee?

This book came in at just over 130k words, right in line with the rest overall. And I can't wait to get the entire thing edited, proofread, and out there for you folks to read. As mentioned elsewhere, I intend to complete all the editing/proofreading stuff for the whole book before beginning to post it chapter by chapter, unlike bigger Part by Part as before. I'm thinking of posting maybe every Tuesday and Friday, so in the end the whole thing should still go up in about the same amount of time - and with it 'in the bag entire' first then there won't be any slippage of schedule for folks counting on the next installments. I'll use the site's organizers to still 'bucket' each Part appropriately as the narrative does fit a seven part structure.

How long will it take to edit/proofread? The overall goal is to start posting before the end of the year, with a stretch goal to get it out sooner. And if my usual friend isn't up to the task this year for the proofreading, I thank in advance everyone who has offered to help - I may indeed take you up on it! And if my friend for health/energy reasons splutters out partway, I guess I'll have to send all the 'already proofread' parts to any new proofreader to not torture them with chapters out of sequence so they'll get a full sneak-preview. :)

I didn't think I'd get it all done this weekend, to be honest - work swiped away yesterday entirely, and other events chomped off a day last weekend. But a marathon ten and a half hour session starting at 8am today until now got it done. How useful I'm going to be at work this week shall remain to be seen...but screw it. The muse demands what she demands, and who am I to argue?

This book hits the gas from the get go and all the way through, another (hopefully!) fun adventure mixed with scenes readily heartfelt, blending mythic moments with contemporary humor, with some metaphysics contemplation tossed in for good measure.

So, you know, much like the other books!

Thanks again for all the awesome support through scribbling down all these tomes, it means the world to me.

- Erisian <3


Anticipates it with glee

Let's hope your friend is extra speedy and given heavy inducement (performance pay?) to get it into my metaphorical hot little hands.

Grazing on the previous parts only goes so far!


Whee? No. Whee!!!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Congratulations, Seraph! Champing at the bit to see what marvels you have produced for us this time!


loving it

lisa charlene's picture

cant wait for the new book glad you finished it


Hooray! Congrats! Erisian has completed the draft of Book 6! Way to go!

Yay! I've been looking forward to this one

Yay! I've been looking forward to this one. I'll hopefully manage to resist asking "are we there yet?" while we await it being posted, and may your muse let go of you for a bit so you can get some sleep.

O.M.G. What a coinkydinc, I

O.M.G. What a coinkydinc, I just finished a reread of the earlier books. Yes, plural, all 5.

And I am very eager to learn how Amariel-who-was-Aradia-aka-Jordan-who-was-Justin is fairing in Hell.
It's an epic tale Erisian, and gripping too.

I wonder if Amariel will have to go toe-to-toe with Alal, for they seem to ever more move into opposite goals. As I see it, Alal wants to shatter all of creation, for she believes it's a lie. Anarchism, chaos, that'd create biggest chances and opportunities, and the strongest, most imaginative should have all. Amariel, I believe, has another pov. where all should have a chance, and creation is meant for all to have a slice of fortune, a piece of the pie. Stability is a necessity, for fledgling sparks to grow into inspiring greatness.

Maybe Gabriel will reappear? Or it's going to be concluded in book seven, and then she'll show herself to explain the intricate machinations she's put into motion.

Anyway, I can't wait for you to publish this book 6. As for the earlier books already: Many many thanks. It's awesome.


I have been awaiting this with baited breath……

D. Eden's picture

And am overjoyed at the news! Now I just have to go back and re-read the rest of the series in order to be up to speed for the new book. Thanks for the heads up so I can get started!

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


Erisian's picture

Thanks everyone! Hugs for all!

If I wasn't so tired tonight I'd respond to each lovely comment individually, but...yep. Brain is toast for the day.

And for anyone wondering what this is all about, it all starts here: Into The Light. This first book just sets the stage, and barely scratches the surface of what's in store. :)