Voice is Important

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When we meet someone whether they are an old or a first time meeting our voice is the second thing noticed and it's usually an unconscious thought. The first thing noticed is physical appearance and that includes not only body but also attire. Do not dress like an escapee from a homeless shelter who lost all one's clothes in a flood or a fire. The Hippy Revolution was in the past and it should have been left there along with the tie dyed clothes and other bright ugly mismatched colors. Did everyone suddenly go color blind back in the sixties?

Voice Coach, ahh, now I'm getting to the reason for the title to my insane rambling. Met one yesterday and we discussed a lot of things. First, female voices rise and fall in pitch like a song or sing song. Not everyone's but most. Most animals and people respond to a female voice better than a male voice. Female voice is usually higher in pitch than a male voice. There were several actresses who had a deeper voice, still a female voice. A little deeper voice doesn't necessarily mean it's male. Lauren Bacall, Suzanne Pleshette were among those women with a deeper voice.

Our voice does not sound the same to our-self as it does to others. She recorded me reading a short story. It's been a kazillion years back when I did that with a recorder to understand what others heard. At that time I did a lot of practicing and rehearsing for the for the right scale and inflections to find the right voice. I practiced a lot to make sure I could bring it back at those times I let Barbie out of hiding. At that time I was on the road a lot and a Citizens Band radio was in all my vehicles. Thus I was Tear Drop on the radio too. There wasn't any 'dead air' as it seemed everyone wanted to talk to me, thus a lot of practice.

My learning about this life I was born to in this boy-girl mix master was all self education, trial and error. My pearls of wisdom cost nothing and should be considered what it is worth, nothing. Caitlyn and I agreed on everything on the voice difference of males and females.She's pretty smart. My opinion since she was agreeing with me. If one isn't already there with the voice they wish to have...

Get a recorder. A smart phone is better than nothing but it won't be a true voice recording. Kinda like talking into tin cans with a string.
Practice octave and pitch until the voice one hears is pleasing Then practice that voice until it becomes locked in. Don't necessarily have to use it all the time if circumstances are difficult.
Singing, yodel, scream, if possible it may help find one's voice. It's okay to feel foolish when seeking a voice. Think of it as a new job one is trying to learn.

I dress to present the image of an intelligent, fashion conscious woman, when I'm meeting someone. This time was no exception. My normal voice is in the iffy range of female. I usually stick with that. Our meeting was over, a lot of advice and knowledge shared. We both stood up.

"And now." I held out my hand.

She took my hand, normal in some circumstances when a conversation is finished.

I switched to that female voice I found so long ago. "Hello Caitlyn, my name is Barbie Jean. I'm so pleased I was able to meet you."

"OH MY GOD..., beautiful!. What was your call sign?" She was smiling as she held onto my hand.

"Tear Drop."

"Next appointment you have to explain this."

If you want it, work at it. Understand opera singers, any singer didn't achieve what they wanted until they tried and put out the effort. An understanding of music and scales would help but not a necessity. A recorder is a necessity as a tool is for most jobs. One must hear and understand what others hear when one speaks, or sings. I wish everyone finds what they seek out of their life.

Life is a gift meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
Always, and Forever
Barbie Jean

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