Project 2025 will end Big Closet.
Wake up!
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Project 2025 will end Big Closet.
Wake up!
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So True
specifically, this site will be regarded as a distributor of PRON and with that being banned (and to hell with the 1st amendment) it will be a target.
Perhaps the team should start to plan moving it outside the USA if the results on Nov 5th go the wrong way?
If you can vote and have not registered please try to get a vote and don't delay.
If No 1st Amendment
The second Amendment becomes the rule, so you had all better get your weapons now (I'm an Aussie, so it doesn't apply to me). However, my country will feel the fallout.
Project 2025 is truly a terrifying document. Hitler and the Nazis couldn't have produced anything as horrific. Couple that with the restrictions on abortion rights, and the coupling of LBG-QI+ with Trans -rights and about 10% of the population is doomed. Can blacks, Hispanics and Jews be far behind? Then there are illegal immigrants, the homeless and other vagrants. The word "Pogrom" doesn't even start to describe what's coming. Ethnic cleansing? Not even close.
The event of the other day in Pennsylvania more or less guarantees that it will become Law.
Goodbye to the America we know and admire.
The fallout from Trump getting elected
and enacting Project 2025 will be felt around the world.
Apart from Putin dancing the night away, almost every other country will feel the direct or indirect impact of the world's No 1 Economy tanking. It will make the crash of 1929 look like an insignificant blip.
Wall St will drop like a stone taking millions of 401K accounts with it. Other markets will follow suit and anyone with a mountain of cash in hand, will be able to swoop in and buy major companies (and employers) for pennies on the dollar. Any company with a current debt will go to the wall at those debts will be called in. Can Elon's cash reserved save Twitter. It will be bad, very bad.
Here in the UK, we celebrate the attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up Parliament by burning effigies of him or any politician that we currently hate on huge fires. If Trump gets defeated, may I humbly suggest that 5th November is used to burn effigies of him forever more?
(not the real thing, I hasten to add)
BC Might Not Be Banned
But they will eliminate the ability to come here with the hope of maintaining your privacy through strict Guidelines of entry.
How many current users of BC would continue if they weren't somewhat confident their usage wouldn't become public knowledge?
Many users of BC use library computers. Those days will be look over.
I get it that this isn't a political site but its very existence is in jeopardy.
Don't think so? Read the porn bill that was introduced in Oklahoma. It's already happening.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
When they come right out + tell you who they are, believe them
Wake up? I'm already wide awake, with abject terror...
It's not alarmist to fear their so-called "Mandate for Leadership" when in it they've spelled out over 900 pages exactly what they hope to do to America, and how they intend to eliminate the checks and balances between the 3 branches of government (a process that has already started with recent Judicial appointments) that would normally prevent them from imposing their will, their notions of morality on the rest of us; their plans to eliminate "transgender" as a category of existence on a national level. It's all there in black + white, in there own words. Next stop, Gilead...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
When the stupid element
See Trump moving his head as the shooter fired, as a act of god or the hand of god, no one seems to have suggested that the devil looks after his own, which is more likely. The Christian right, which usually made up of old white men with nothing but hate in their heart and wouldn't be recognised by Jesus if he did come back as Christian. Mind you the religion of love has killed more people than anyone else. Bigots are ten a penny in religion but they know they are right, because it said so in the bible or god told them directly. That's what the Taliban say, but believers can't see the parallels. Any woman who votes Republican condemns all women to being abused with rights reduced, she should be made aware of this. It's turkeys voting for Christmas, just like Brexit.