I'm in my third decade as a BC author.
During the last six months BC has been on a tremendous UP!
Not to disrespect a great group of departed authors, but it just might be that fifteen of the top twenty-five BC authors of all time have posted since January First of this year.
I would include in that group: Rasufelle, Jenny North, Jenny Walker, Laika, Erin, Bru, Emma Anne Tate, Erisian, and Melanie Brown. . .without giving it too much thought.
Who would you add to this expanded Mt. Rushmore?
Another frequent contributor
Would be Maryanne Peters.
Also Shiraz
Thanks, Ron
I just did a quick count and see that I have posted 445 stories here, but I concede that my stories are shorter than the named titans of TG fiction.
I was more interested in starting a discussion
I wasn't creating a definitive list.
Obviously, Angharad should have been included.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Hey, watch who you are talking about!
We do need more Angela Rasch in that mix, though.
I've got a few spare story ideas kicking around if you ever want to discuss some of them.
Melanie E.
Of course the present situation has nothing to do with
three witches waving their wands early this year.
Hmm...certainly is suspicious though!
Impressively even! ;)
I would add
I would add Joanne Barbarella to the list of GOAT's the site has the honor of hosting. I have read all of her stories, and many have moved me in ways. Her talent outshines many and I count her among the finest on the site. Any young writer who wish to make a go this writing business, will do well to read and learn all they can from her stories.
I Wouldn't Have Included Me
In that illustrious list, but it's lovely to have a fan who thinks I'm worthy. Sunflowerchan is always very generous in both her comments and her stories. With a little more experience she will be another star. I love her stories and how they bring the American South to life.
Jill is right in that we have a veritable pantheon of great writers here. I hesitate to nominate more because the list might leave some who deserve the applause out of the limelight. I'll only name a couple who I think are totally underrated. Steph C (Cyclist ) and Andrea DiMaggio. There are a few new up-and coming too, like C Emma.
If I am one of those three witches I'll see you all at Dunsinane.
Yes Jo
Yes, silly of me to forget Jo. Andrea should be toward the top of the list. Cyclist is unparalleled in her vivid scenes.
Also in the top fifteen are Ricky, Avia Connor, and SamanthaMD.
I'm not sure if Bailey Summers has posted this year but she would be in my top five GOAT!
Leslie and Maddy would be in my top thirty.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
100% agree. While there are many great authors here, my favourite by far is Avia Conner. It is always a good day when Avia releases a new story!
I'd Add Amethyst...
without hesitation. And if Ricky doesn't make the pantheon, he has to be awfully close.
One of the more prolific authors when I first found BCTS……
Who has been missing for some time……..
Bailey Summers
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Oh dear!
You can’t put me on Rushmore! With my fair skin; I’d turn lobster red in an hour. :) But thank you for that, Jill. I can’t possibly do any sort of “Rushmore;” I haven’t read enough to say who belongs, and I would leave some off — maybe even the best — through sheer ignorance. I can say we have so many truly outstanding authors posting at present that even in retirement, I can’t keep up with them all. In fact, several just posted . . . .
— Emma
Other great authors I have been reading for a long time at BC
and have contributed much this year, and i will note are Maddy Bell, Leslie Moore, SamanthaMD, LadyDragon623, Beverly Taff, Debbie V, Cyclist, Karen Page and I am sure I have missed others.
Mt. Rushmore
I see your point, Jill. There are so many good and prolific writers here that something grabs my interest whenever I stop by. I love to sample new-to-me authors through the solo listings. I have a list of favorites in the blog category. It is interesting to note the generators of fiction have interesting realities. I'm on here several times daily and every other day (like today) I'm here for 3 and a half hours as I am doing dialysis.
Can I offer Dorothy colleen for Miss Congenialogy to this pantheon?
All Time
So many great authors already nominated!
Two authors who have their own websites but also post here on BC I'd like to mention. I always read their stuff and frequently wish I had their wit and style: Light Clark and Byrony Marsh. If they don't get their own slots on this fictive Rushmore perhaps the mountain can be extended in their direction.
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
GOAT Lists Are Silly
I'm a sucker for any GOAT list. Most are click bait and represent little more than someone cranking out content.
Most are preposterous! How do you compare NBA players who were never on the court together. Most lists reflect the age of those who compile them.
I see a lot of lists that have Kobe Bryant in the top five players of all time. I've been an NBA fans since the sixties. Kobe isn't in my top fifteen.
There have been several writers mentioned who I have not read. They probably are quite good but write in genres that don't interest me.
Donna would make my list but I don't think she's written anything for BC this year.
BTW the top five players of all time are Russell, Bird, MJ, Wilt, and Labron. So we can put that to rest.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Maybe this list should never have started?
Sorry but I always think that any "Greatest" list is too subjective. I would heartily agree with many if the names already mentioned, but respectfully suggest that one of the very greatest have shamefully been missed. Any list of the finest writers to have posted here cannot be considered complete without a mention of Bronwen Welsh, whose wonderful "Harriet Trilogy" (amongst others) is some of the finest writing that I have enjoyed, here or elsewhere. Such characterisation, poetry and humour I have paid good money, and failed to find elsewhere.
If we are creating a pantheon ( and, as I have said before, perhaps it would be better if we did not, for always there will be greater writers whom we overlook) I would respectfully add four of my own personal favourites, whose writing never fails to entertain and compel.
Susan Brown, Gillian Chambers, Maeryn Lamonte and Louse Anne. Stopping there, I miss out several authors whom I read as soon as I see their names, like Marianne G, and Suzi Auchentiber. Perhaps it would have been better never to start?
Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
Primus inter pares.
Or First among Equeals. A wise friend once told me, your favorite writer will always change. I normally hate these type of things. I do because I hate being compared to others, but on the same take of the coin, maybe it's good for the community if we highlight certain writers who have achived something, I fell each one of us has achived a certain mastery of the craft. (All but me, which if I'm honest I've had too many masters and have failed to learn any lessons from them all). I believe ever name mentioned here is a valued member of the community. I also see such list as these as chances for those who might have been overshadowed by others to maybe step into the limelight! After all, we as a community musth promote each other and raise each other up!
Yes . . . and No
Susan Brown would be in my top five. I'm not aware of Morpheus posting anything on BC this year.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
How could we all forget the utterly brilliant Morpheus! Pretty much all their work is sci Fi or Magic, but those are my favourite genres, so I can happily read anything by this brilliant storyteller.
NYT Best Seller List
Some of the best authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading are on BCTS. However to make and post a list is up to each individual's taste in reading material. There are many authors here who would put a few of those on NYT list to shame and yet politics and the money game will make sure those authors never make that list.
So many up and coming authors here who have grown and improved as they keep writing and posting. I believe those authors and all others who post on this site are fortunate to find a place to grow. They leave their literary talents to history for readers years, hundreds of years from now to find and possibly like me, escape from the present into the magical world of imagination and make believe. There is such a diversity of style and colloquialism in so many stories, I'm treated to all classes of people and transported all over the world, even off world to new worlds. Many who wouldn't dare step out into the writing world under their own name find their inhibitions removed as they assume the mantel of the girl or boy hidden inside who has a tale to tell.
Enjoy those stories that pull you in. We have been handed a precious gift, an invite into the imagination of a writer.
Hugs Angela
Life comes with few instructions. Most of it is up to each individual, at times a steep learning curve. Then the times that make all the tears, all the pain, all the sorrow, worth it all.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
can I add Drea DiMaggio?
she is one my favorites!
and there is some broad named Dorothy is is known to lurk in the shadows too . . .
Dotty, you could never lurk!
If I remember correctly the line in "Four Weddings and a Funeral" goes "I don't usually skulk, but I suppose that I could skulk, if skulking were required."
Dotty, the same is true of you and lurking! Huggling, maybe, but never lurking.
Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
sometimes my huggles lurk
so they can catch people by HUGGLES ... surprise!