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be posting this!
And indeed i didn't want to be in a position to post this either! I should explain.
So after all the build up a preparations, i set off early doors on Saturday to start my journey up to Yorkshire. The weather was a bit blowey and occasionally damp but despite that i made great progress reaching my planned lunch stop at Monmouth best part of an hour ahead of my best guess. I made the decision to push on and stop at Hereford instead and despite that 30km stretch having the bulk of the day's climbing i was sat eating my pasty at Hereford Cathedral just after one.
Back on the road the legs felt a bit heavy but i was at the campsite at three, 113km, over 1000m of up and lugging along maybe 25kg more than usual. I had a pleasant evening lubricated with some pressed apple product then settled in for the night as the rain hit town. It wasn't a bad night's sleep, i've had better but i was warm enough and reasonably comfortable.
So this morning i was up with the wood pigeons and took my time breaking camp as the sun started spreading its warmth on the damp landscape of north Herefordshire. I had heard of the breakfasts at the cafe on the site so i treated myself to a plate of something resembling a full English and very nice it was too. The wet tent delayed my departure a bit as i tried to remove as much damp as possible before packing up, it was 9.30 when i rolled back out to the road.
The day had the makings of being quite pleasant as i started my journey which would take me first to Shrewsbury then on through Nantwich to Crewe. Except i didn't get much more than 10% of the days riding done before i had a catastrophic equipment failure. Many things on a bike you can bodge to get you out of trouble but a terminal failure of a drive ring and fixing bolts, well thats beyond even my capabilities. Aunty Bev ended up filling in for International Rescue with a six hour round trip so i am back in Bristol.
On the plus side i've come up with a plan B, i'll be travelling up to Yorkshire on Wednesday with a different bike, i'll miss visiting the Dales but i still get to do the rest almost as planned.
I'll post new Gaby before i go north but to be honest, today has been quite testing and i couldn't face doing it. For now then,
Madeline Anafrid
At least...
You didn't have a prang unlike Gordon Ramsey. The photos of his body are not for the faint hearted.
I hope that Bike No 2 is in fine fettle and up to the task. Please keep us informed as to your progress...
it will be
once its been in the workstand tomorrow!
I could fix the broken bike (i have a spare chainset) but i can't get it up to Yorkshire in the remaining time frame, the folding bike was my go to touring machine in the past, its been used for camping trips from the Baltic to the Alps across 20 years.
Of course as i'm not travelling for as long (2 days instead of 7) i don't need as much food or indeed, clothing so the load will be somewhat less, not that i think that's directly related to the failure.
I'll post again before i head north, the new plan can work without a bike if need be.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Vuelta de Hereford
Keep the chin up and hopefully you will reach the destination after a short delay.
I had many a happy time in the saddle but have decided I am no longer confident enough to take to the highways once more so I only recently donated my bike to a charity who repair and rehome them to worthy users. I won't miss the long steep climbs but I will miss the canal paths and ducks that used to entertain me of a summers day !!
Stay safe and keep coming up with your wonderful stories of Gaby and her friends. I'd love to know what Mvanwy is doing now !