After an extended time-out for the site, how about another round 3 of...
Our lovely site is back up (thanks to several days of hard work and minimal rest from our wonderful Piper,) but any recovery requires a little bit of deep-diving to confirm things are truly working right under the hood, and what better way to do that than to ask you, dear readers, to scour the site's archives for stories to recommend?
For today's theme, I'm looking for stories featuring errors that somehow influence the trans content of the story. This can be clerical errors, computer errors, doctors' errors, anything where a mistake in records or action influences the story's plot in a major way.
As per the last two times, a couple of requests:
--Try and stick to stories that aren't too sex-heavy, so that they have a wider accessible audience
--Once again, I would prefer to see recommendations of stories that are either in-progress or complete
(I promise, we'll eventually ask for recommendations of abandoned works.)
If you are willing to provide links to the stories you recommend, it would be helpful.
Thank you everyone for your patience with everything that's going on. We can't express enough how much we appreciate your support.
Melanie E.
My first thought
Small Problem...a nanite glitch
Generation starship with a protagonist nicknamed mouse
As i recall, the gender balance was off, and the mad computer (or maybe a crew vote?) selects mouse to be a girl. chaos ensues.
Two for you
...although I'm only blowing my own trumpet!
Both The State Does Not Make Mistakes and Somewhere Else Entirely revolve around mechanical (computer?) errors. I'll try to elucidate without giving too much away. In State, there is a bug in the ID system which is discovered by one of the admin staff who exploits it... things then spiral out of control.
Somewhere Else Entirely depends completely on an occasional transcription error. This is not noticed by those who are running the project, and the result has much wider effects than anticipated.
I would note these are not short stories. Beware of being sucked in!
Glitch in the System
The Bliss
Do not complain
You might enjoy...
Ugh, nothing like computer hassles to complicate things, right? I'm glad to see the site back on its feet...all the hard work is much appreciated!
Along those lines, you might enjoy my story "Family Therapy" (and its short add-on, "Family Therapy: Nonbinary Reflections", where a father and son in crisis reach out to an online therapist who, unbeknownst to them, is actually an artificial intelligence. But after the machine mistakenly deduces that one of them must be transgender--and bound by its programming to maintain its patients' privacy--it ends up feminizing both father and son. When the truth finally comes to light, will this bring the two of them closer together, or tear them hopelessly apart?
Ricky’s “Abducted”
Ricky’s delightful entry in last year’s writing contest — the story of a cross-dressing lawyer who gets swept up into a bridal adventure while grocery shopping in something “floaty” — definitely meets your criteria! Abducted FOR an Alien.
— Emma
My story Modern Day Mythology
Seems to fit right in with this theme. A failure to fully understand technology that is well beyond what the users are capable of handling properly, and some bad decisions along with simply ignoring the rules that have been set cause some grief and havoc among a group of friends.
Told in eight parts and complete.
- Leona
A Glitch in the System
Legacy of the Anari By Ashleigh Blayze
A young man gets stuck in a cave and in the process of finding a way out finds an old manifide body with a metal ring on it and decides to keep it Safe by putting it on. Only Later to find out that She must take On The Legacy of the Anari.
Accidental Magic By Allystra Krane
I'm not sure if this story fits the Premise, but the name certainly does.
I am a male lolita.
So what is lolita fashion