Hey everyone.
We know that there are a lot of issues folks are having with weird popups and stuff right now. We're trying to tackle it as best we can, but it's a bit slow going -- we're managing to fix the symptoms as we find them, but we're still rooting out the causes.
If you're having issues with things on the site that you think are specifically related to this situation, let us know here before posting another blog, please. That way we can keep things easy to find while we look into this.
Information that would help:
--What page you were on when you had the pop-up happen
--What element you clicked on on that page that led to the pop-up
--Any other errors the page might have been showing at the time
--Anything else odd
--What browser and OS you are using
More or less, the more information you can provide us with in regards to where and how these problems are occurring, the quicker and more easily we can sort this out.
Any and all of these pieces of information you're not willing to share publicly, feel free to PM me if you would prefer -- me, not Ms. Erin, at least for the time being.
Once again, we're trying to figure this out, and thank you for your patience.
Melanie E.
Pop ups
I read the post comparing Teddie to Andre Norton and clicked back and went to a porn page. I also tried to open a story page and got a different porn page. These were just now. It has happened a couple other times the same way. Diverted when trying to open or return to main page. Using an android Lenovo pad, and a windoze laptop at times.
Just Now
I clicked on this post to read it in Firefox.
It opened in a new tab.The original tab redirected to a porn cam site.
I went back to the main page and clicked on the link to read girllinthelight's Vampire Hunter story. It popped up in a separate tab again, while the main page redirected to more porn spam.
A third time, from a different tab, I clicked to read this post again. The same pattern-- the blog post popped up in a new tab, the original tab wound up at a different porn page.
In all three cases, the initial redirect went to a site called (and I'm adding spaces here): quixotic -- high .c o m/, with a bunch of numbers and letters (enough to fill up four lines in this comment box) after the backslash -- and from there, it went to whichever porn page.
Just Now
Clicked on this page and it opened in a new tab with main page becoming a porn page.
Extra info
After having deleted the porn page I clicked on other BC pages and this page and no further porn pages took over the main tab. I then left BC and came back and clicked on this page to see if it happened again. But so far no further porn pages. Have you fixed it?
Clicking directly
Clicking directly the "Home" link opens it in a new tab, while in the same tab another site opens.
Right-clicking the "Home" link and selecting open it in new tab, opens homepage in new tab and no other site opens.
Just now
I clicked on this on google chrome and I saw I was being redirected to Quixotic something or other, I immediately clicked it off. Good luck with the clean up. The people who do this should be hanged drawn and quartered, and I'll pay for the rope.
In my firewall logs I see
In my firewall logs I see blocked requests to https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmc4C65MoHWJ9qdqUvxXbQjJcv... which seem to be suspicious.
I've had several instances in the last day or so, of a site being blocked by Guardio. It has been at least a month since I was at a porn site. I wonder if my cookie cash is full? Now I have to try to remember how to clear that.
My fetching back end
In common with others, I am getting the back end fetch message frequently. I open home page in M'soft Edge, see that my persistent log-in has failed and defaulted to my old username, so I add the current user name and.. fetch my failing end back.
Again as others have reported, if I close the window/tab, leave it for around an hour, then try again, it usually works, going directly to my current name, etc.
(As mentioned in another thread), I had that happening yesterday. I disabled JavaScript and the problem went away.
I use an older version of FireFox (the newer ones don't support my add-ons), on Windows 7.
Firewall and virus software
I guess that it should go without saying that we should make sure that our virus scanner and firewall software is up to date. We might not be able to keep from being redirected to sites we do not want, but we can keep them from doing something bad to our systems.
We just have to give Erin and the rest of the team the time they need to clean up the damage and patch the holes the snakes are coming through.
Thank you for everything you do for us.
Hugs, Monica.
RE my recent blog "Can anyone tell me why..."
In keeping with your request for all the info about it:
OS: Windows 10 Home edition
Browser: Firefox (latest release)
I think I covered the rest of it in my original blog.
One other piece of information that you didn't request but might be useful or not.
I didn't get redirected to any sites off BCTS and I have a pop-up blocker running. I assume that's why I got the script and didn't redirect, Everything seems fine this morning.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
It happened again.
It happened again.
I usually go to my track page (from bookmark) and then click on Home link. Today it again opened the porn site in main window and BCTS in new tab.
Page source analysis don't show anything. Most probably insertion is in one of java scripts utilizing the "click" because right-click didn't open unwanted site (so far).
Another instance of porn pop-under
I just posted a comment to SamanthaMD's blog post at . And when I clicked on the “Add new comment” link, I got sent to a new tab while the original tab went to a random porn aggregator site.
I am using Firefox on a Debian 11 Linux computer. And I regularly update my software with the official repositories.
1100 GMT 8 March pop-up again - update
I was catching up Pink? and had one again. Sorry didn't see exactly when - but there wasn't kudos button so it wasn't at that point
I had also logged back in.
W7 Chrome 64 bit and Norton AV
Edit - happens when I go to the next chapter - last one was Ch17.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Friday, 0650hrs est.
Welcome back. Twice this morning. Once returning from a story to main page, and just now to open this post, I was shunted to a porn site. Using a Lenovo tablet, android and chrome. I have a pop up blocker and antivirus.the first one had a long girl talking nude to someone off screen. At least she was moderately attractive. The reader second one just now from bonga cam was a lengthy page . I think someone out there may have found oneto talk to (shudders). Good luck.