Are you ready? It's time for a second helping of...
Sometimes all it takes is one good sentence or paragraph to get you hooked on a story, and this time around, I want to see some recommendations of stories that do just that: stories that kick off with a bang, that grab you and rivet you to your seat and scream "read me!"
As with the "Kelly Girl" prompt, I have a few limitations I want to put in place:
--Stories featuring sexual content are okay this time around, but try to make recommendations that don't focus on that too much.
--Stories that are either complete or currently in-progress are preferred.
Once again, if you feel up to providing a link to the story -- or stories -- you recommend, that would be fantastic and make it easier for others to check them out. Likewise, we saw quite a few suggestions of stories not featured on the site last time -- I don't want to discourage that, but I would like to ask that if you provide links to content outside the site, you try to make sure they're safe.
Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to seeing what folks have in store!
Melanie E.
"Pink? Why Pink" by Andrea Ribeiro
"A House Divided" by Trismegistus Shandy
"Wild Magic" by Wren Phoenix
and at the risk of blowing my own horn
"The Bridge". a commentator said the story grabbed them from the first line.
Pink is awesome!
While yellow is my fav color, I really like pink too. But the story is awesome! I'm surprised I hadn't read it earlier. Thanks for the recommendation, Dorothy! :)
Fantasy this time
Two of the most iconic fantasy tales on this side from Morpheus: the changeling chronicles and Among the Val Kyr both start with a fighting scene in the first 5-10% and after that ist just cancel all apointmens for the next days...
Bru, please . . . put it back! I thought those were GREAT opening sentences!
— Emma
The mutuality of Omaha
I think Iolanthe Portmanteau does a good job with introductory sentences that pull you in. Just as a for instance, I really love this one: "I have nothing anything against Omaha, Nebraska per se," from her short story, When Androids Visit Omaha. Since I can think of any number of things I'm not wild about when it comes to Omaha, I absolutely had to read this . . . .
And here are a couple gems from the always-clever Bru: “I had not expected to be almost killed during the first lecture when I went to university. At least not by the professor.” C
“Sometimes I hate being the only boy in the girls’ locker room.” The Only Boy in the Girl’s Locker Room.
— Emma
Wild Horses by Rebecca Anderson
Its opening paragraph:
"Maybe times have changed enough that my story couldn't happen today.
I read in the newspaper a few weeks ago that the officials at one of
the state juvenile facilities are under investigation for abuse."
One of the best stories on this site.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Playtime By Steph C (Cyclist)
"There was a group of children on the street, playing with a dog"
It seems innocuous until you read the next sentence.
THAT’S the other one I was looking for!
Thanks, Joanne!
— Emma