Math for blonds

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Did you know, some infinities are larger than others?

Yeah, I had much the same reaction. As in dude, what are you smoking, and where can I get some?

It’s true though. The proof goes something like this:

Integers are whole numbers which can be positive, negative or zero.

The smallest positive integer is one and each subsequent integer can be found by adding one to the last.

If there is a finite number of integers, then there has to be a finite number that is the largest integer. We can call this n.

However n plus one must also be a valid integer, so for every conceivable integer, there will always be at least one other larger integer.

As such, there must be an infinite number of positive integers.

By similar reasoning, there must also be an infinite number of negative integers.

And an infinite number of integers as a whole.

However the infinite set of integers includes both positive and negative numbers whereas the infinite set of positive integers does not.

So the former infinity must be larger than the latter one.

By the same reasoning, there must be an infinite number of universes where I'm:



Always have been.

So that's, like, my infinity, like where I totes belong. And, yeah, like maybe they're all universes where there are like no others where I'm anything else.

Anyway, who cares about math? The sun is shining and it’s, like, perfect weather for wearing my new summer dress.

Besides, Mandy just called. A bunch of us girls are gonna meet down at the mall, maybe do some shopping, maybe go see a chick flick.

You know, maybe even meet up with some cute guy.


Yeah. What were we, like, talking about?

Never mind. Laters.

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