Just got home from hospital. Ten days ago I stepped out to the end of my street to catch a bus, and then my lungs decided not to cooperate. I collapsed, pulled out my phone and made a hash of trying to call an ambulance. Fortunately, another woman stopped to see if I was okay, took over the call and stayed with me till the ambulance had loaded me on board.
That was ten days ago, as noted above. The cause was a large blood clot in my pulmonary artery.
I am just trying to catch up now, but chances of an eleventh competition story are zero. As for my medical bills:
Emergency ambulance: free
Ten days in hospital moving from 'acute' to 'respiratory/ ward: free
Surprisingly decent three meals a day: free
CT scans: free
Medications (oral and injected anticoagulants): free
Aftercare and continuing prescriptions: free
Oh my
Good grief, that's a scary thing to go through! -offers hugs!!!-
Glad and relieved to hear you've made it home, and hope recovery continues. Embolisms are no joke. :/
Do take care!!! <3
Get Well Soon!
Wow! That sounds like a really frightening thing to go through, really glad you’re doing okay. It also sounds like a great advert for the much maligned NHS!
Wow --
Good to hear you are recovering.
Your contribution to the contest has been outstanding!
Thank you.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
To you and your guardian angel this time out. You stepped out to catch a bus and almost caught a hearse. Last month our daughter had a clot on the brain (stroke). Her boyfriend caught it quickly and whisked her off to Emergency. Still testing, but it looks good. I hear the secret is getting treatment as soon as possible.
Get back in fine fettle and keep us amused with your skills.
Lots of bed rest, and lots of love!
Take care of yerself!
Melanie E.
glad you're still with us!
get better soon, huggles!
That you are still with us.
Clots are nasty things and unpredictable, been there, didn’t bother with the t shirt.
Don’t hurry the recovery, just be glad there is one.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Oh Dear
I'm so glad you had helpful people and good health care when you needed it most.
I hope your recovery continues to go well. Take all the time you need!
As another newcomer, I loved seeing what you came up with for the contest and look forward to seeing what your muse comes up with in the future.
Take Care
We all want you hale and hearty. You would be sorely missed here and I'm sure by your other friends in the UK.
The NHS still works by the sound of it, despite the best efforts of the Tories and their right-wing media posse to incapacitate it.
Stay safe, my dear.
Went through something sort of similar in 1987. 200 small clots instead of one big one. Scary.
Take time. Be good to yourself and get back to us when you can.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
look after yourself
I used to be normal, but I found the cure....
Clots and Clogs Clearing and (c)Keeping Clean ...
There's any number of reasons for 'throwing' clots (mine are AFIB plus cow parts sewn into my heart.)
The docs have a number of drugs that can reduce clot formation (colloquially misnamed as 'blood thinners.')
The other 'half' of the puzzle is up to us. We need to keep our arteries clear, clean and open. Most well known are the heart arteries (and endless stents, bypasses, anti-cholesterol drugs ...), and now, of course we know about lung/pulmonary arteries.
We don't want any clots getting stuck in a major (but narrowed) artery ... We don't even want clots or narrowed arteries reducing/cutting off blood flow anywhere. Not to our brains, or kidneys, or lungs, or (some here don't, or no longer care) penis, or toes, or ...
The best way I know of, to keep our arteries clean and open is not to eat crud that clogs them up.
And two (there are many others) of the best ways to help us do that are these >Free< join anytime programs are: https://www.pcrm.org/vegankickstart https://veganuary.com/.
Everybody, please check them over, and >do it<.
Please. So very please.
Good genes
Good genes beats good diet every time. While I don't pig out on all the bad for us foods, I don't shy away from red meat or eggs. I have however taken most fast foods and high fructose corn syrup out of my diet.
But even back in the day when Jack in the Box and Wendy's were still acceptable places to pick up some take out dinner, anytime I had a lipid panel done, my LDL was well below the problem area and my HDL was well into the good range.
Now, it's even better:
Total Cholesterol (Normal value: <=239 mg/dL) Value 131
LDL Calc (Normal value: <=159 mg/dL) Value 73
HDL Chol (Normal value: >=40 mg/dL) Value 47
Triglyceride (Normal value: <=499 mg/dL) Value 57
Other test results show me to be a disgustingly healthy 78, soon to be 79, year old.
That said, it still behooves us all to eat as healthy as our budget will allow and get a modicum of exercise. Even with all those great test results, I'm still packing around about 40 lbs. of extra weight. That can't be good on my heart. I fear that the cause is a sedentary life style. Having spent the bulk of my work experience as truck driver since my early 30s and now part time as a school bus driver, exercise is not easy to come by.
In my twenties I worked precast concrete and I then was packing around 20 lbs. more than the charts said I should, but it was all in my shoulders and upper arms. Muscles weigh more than fat. I credit a lot of my good health to that ten years in my early adulthood.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Glad you’re still with us
Your real life sounds much too close for comfort to the scary stuff in some of your stories.
Sending the love
Close call Steph. We aren't ready to lose you yet, and hope you aren't ready to leave. Look after y'sen please.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Dear Steph — Very best wishes on your recovery. Go easy on yourself, and don’t fret over that eleventh story! The ten you got in are amazing.
Warmest regards,
— Emma