If you click on 2024-01 January - New Year's Resolution Story Contest above, you will see a list of the entries.
Contest Closed for entries.
Please post your choices for top three stories and possibly win $50.
Start the New Year right by participating in Jill, Emma, and Joanne’s writing contest!
BC Staff have been up to their eyeballs keeping the trains running and publishing new eBooks for our community, so Angela (Jill) Rasch and Emma Anne Tate offered to run a little writing contest to kick off the new year, get people’s creative juices flowing, and hopefully bring some new authors and readers as well! Joanne Barberella has pitched in gleefully to supplement the prize amounts. Another author who wishes to remain anonymous has also added to the total prize pool.
Here’s how it will work:
First Prize $300. . .Increased to $500 if choice is unanimous!
Second Prize $200
Third Prize $100
Contest opened on Monday, January 1, 2024 and all story submissions must be posted by Tuesday, February 14, 2024 – Valentine’s Day. Submissions must be new stories that have not been previously published anywhere. For the length of this contest, they must be published solely on BC.
There’s an official tag for contest entries. The fourth drop-down menu under “Add a Story” is labeled “contests.” Scroll down and click on “2024-01 January - New Year’s Resolution Story Contest.”
Also, if you click on that contest tag, you will see every story that’s been tagged for the contest.
Stories must have at least 2,500 words (sorry Bru!) and a maximum of 5,000 words and be posted as a solo (not part of a series or chapter in a longer work). The stories must have a TG element and for legal reasons cannot contain explicit sex or underage (18) abuse of any kind.
Stories must include a plot Element involving a New Year’s Resolution.
Authors may enter as often as they would like, however an author is only eligible to win one prize.
Jill and Emma will judge the contest. Why? Because they are fellow authors who’ve posted lots of stories (and in Jill’s case, published a ton of them). Because they’ve got the time, being ladies of leisure, sort of. Joanne was reticent, so we let her off the hook.
Jill and Emma will send their scores (one to one hundred) to Joanne to be tabulated. She will add them together and announce the winners. If both Emma and Jill award a story their highest score, the winner will receive the extra $200. The winner would then win $500 instead of $300.
Huge offer for Authors “new” to BC
But there’s an extra wrinkle we want to throw in. We’d like to use this opportunity to encourage “new” authors and readers to give BC a try. Please invite your friends or authors you may know from other sites to participate. We are offering an additional prize for the top finishing “new” author (whether he, she, or they finish in the top three or not) of $200.
Therefore, if the winner is a “new” author who both Emma and Jill have rated highest, that author will be awarded a total of $700.
In addition, should the “new” author elect to publish a novel, Emma and/or Jill will beta read or edit their manuscript at the “new” author’s discretion. AND – Rasufelle, who has designed over a dozen covers for Jill and Emma, will design a cover for the “new” author’s work – all at no charge.
A “new” author is one who has not published on BC in the past, under any name.
Another Huge offer for BC members who prompt a “new” author to come to BC for this contest.
If the winning “new” author identifies a current BC member (prior to today’s date) who made them aware of the contest, their “sponsor” will also receive a $100 prize.
A Little Side Action
To make things a bit more interesting for our 2024 New Year’s Writing Contest, if you send Emma, Joanne or Angela Rasch a PM with the names of non-BC authors you have invited to participate in the contest, you will be entered into a drawing for an extra $50 prize. We’ll announce the winner at the same time as the rest of the contest winners are announced.
Help us get the word out, and let’s get 2024 off to a great start!
But Wait!!! There’s More!!!
Authors love comments. The more they can relate to their readers the better they write. . .and possibly the more often they write.
Our goals are to inspire and motivate authors. But we're also hoping to engage readers. To that end, we have added an additional contest to be judged by Joanne. She will choose the best comment. The winner will receive $50. To win the comment must be posted on a Writing Contest story by an identifiable member (not Guest Reader). The comment must be posted before 2/25/2024.
What a "Best Comment" is -- is solely up to Joannebarbarella's discretion.
On February 15, after the contest is closed, we'll post a blog for readers to list their own choices for the top three stories, and why you like them. No negative comments allowed! Anyone who posts a response will be entered into a drawing for a $50 prize. Each person may enter this contest only once. If you list more than three stories your entry will be disqualified.
Entries will have to be submitted by February 22, 2024.
So, come on, everyone! Give us all some fun short stories to start the year and spread the word!
Still time.
Lots of time!
— Emma
Contest stories
Is there any particular tag that should grace these contest stories is the subject heading enough?
It's in the updated information above
There’s an official tag for contest entries. The fourth drop-down menu under “Add a Story” is labeled “contests.” Scroll down and click on “2024-01 January - New Year’s Resolution Story Contest.”
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I haven't even started yet!
Oh well ...maybe tomorrow?
All of 43 days to come up with something amazing, you can do it!
Of course this is not limited to any one person.
Do what you're good at
It's said that you should do what you're good at... it turns out that I'm good at procrastination.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
It's also said that you should write about what you know
so the theme for your story is obvious. ;)
A TG story featuring a procrastinator... That might be an interesting idea to kick around.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Seriously impressed
I get exhausted just fooling around around the contest. Just imagine if I had to actually THINK on top of that. Poor judges.
Or should I lament their naïvité in accepting this task?
Regardless, they have succeeded in getting quite a nice catch of stories already.
Jill is NOT naive!
She’s done this before and knew exactly what she was signing up for.
I, on the other hand . . . .
— Emma
So I shared the link to this
So I shared the link to this last night to someone new that is thinking about possibly entering the contest, when she got it this morning, it had moved so it was a dead link.
Is there a permanent link for this? Since it appears to be changing daily?
Probably the best link would be the contest link. That would show all the stories - and the pertinent blogs.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
What about the impertinent blogs?
A late question
The prohibition on explicit sex...the wording is a bit confusing. Is it no explicit sex AND no underage sex or is no explicit underage sex? There is a difference and I have posted somewhat adult material before on this site. I'm just asking the question. Suggestive or strictly Disney?
Adult Fine
The contest mirrors the site.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
That's three stories posted. There may be more.
The Sky's The Limit!
Thanks, Steph.
I'm In
One of my friends who posts here has inspired me to stop lurking and join up and I have one story written and in the proofing/tweaking stage, although it's sitting at around 6,000 words and I may have to just post it as a non-contest entry because cutting 1,000 would hurt the flow. It's at the minimum number of scenes to get from Point A to the payoff at Point B as it is.
There's another one (maybe two) that have also been in my head like the first one that I think I can keep to 5,000 or less, though. Having had ideas for stories like this, but never having written them, the words seemed to flow out the first time like they were just waiting to hit the "paper."
In any case, glad to be here!
About time too, given how many stories apparently lurk in your lurking mind ;)
You'll destroy poor Jill's statistics as well. She deserves that.
The idea underlying the contest is to revitalise this site. You posting a 6000 word story contributes significantly to that, contest or no contest. Of course posting a second and a third and a .... is even better.
Once again, Welcome!
Let me second Bru's welcome!
Post away -- your response is EXACTLY what we hoped to achieve when we launched this contest! As for trimming a 6000 word story down by 1000 words, I promise you it can be done (though, damn, it hurts!) Sometimes, it takes a friend who can give you an edit, because after a bit it's hard for an author to see a story the way a reader will (I'd offer to help, but as a judge, I can't).
That said, if that's too painful to contemplate, YES, post the 6000 word story, then post a shorter one -- or more -- that will qualify. The contest is fun and we love to get new entries. But even more important, it's great to have you come off the sidelines and start posting stories and comments. Yay!!!!!
— Emma
I'd better not put up my name
since afterwards the story would be only about 1500 words :)
But . . .
They would absolutely be the BEST 1500!
— Emma
Thank you, Thank you
Welcome to BC Marissa Lynn. You'll find a lot of support and lovely ladies waiting with baited breath. Write, write, write...right? Looking forward to what is about to burst forth. :DD TAF
Jill is very persuasive...
...but in such a nice way. So, anyway, I have posted a story for the competition. One little wrinkle... at the bottom of my story submission it says it is 5097 words long. But according to my word count it is 4971. I cut and pasted it back into Word from BC and it was still 4971.
Anyway, hoping that won't get me kicked out! :)
No worries, Jenny!
We’ve been giving some latitude on the word count for exactly that reason. You’re good. It’s wonderful to have you back!!!
— Emma
Word count
Me too. As Emma says, I have been reassured.
Hopefully I can get back to the one I began writing
With snowmageddon this last week, I've been clearing so much snow that I haven't been able to think of writing, little less try to do it. Hopefully this is the last of the heavy snows for awhile and I can work on that story.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Thanks, Everyone!
Thank you for all the welcoming, everyone!
My first story will not be a contest entry. I took a good look at it and while, for space, the last scene would have been the obvious cut, it really is the payoff for the whole thing.
As it turned out, writing the first one, which is titled "'Til You Make It" (and I just posted!) unleashed the floodgates.
I came up with four stories, all of contest length, in the days since.
One, I might not enter in the contest, because the two main characters, while adults and ultimately strong survivors, are dealing with the fallout of what was ongoing emotional and physical abuse (nothing sexual, one more much recent than the other as it's the catalyst for the whole story). I don't want to be on the wrong side of the line.
Now, the other three are not that dark. One gets heavy for other reasons. Another doesn't get heavy at all.
But basically, in the end, I want to be kinder to my main characters than other characters might be to them. I can't bring myself in the darker/sadder moments to pile it on characters who've already been through/are going through a lot. They deserve hope, love and a chance at happiness.
So, thanks again for the kind words and thanks to so many you writers here for the inspiration!
Five stories, bing, bang, boom? That’s fantastic! Nothing like seeing creative people get inspired!
— Emma
And Dare I Say It?
Another one might be in the offing.
I had characters in mind, but wasn't sure on how to, in this case, get it up to contest length.
But I came up with something different for what happens between two of them, which unlocked an idea for an ending, which then unlocked the circumstances for the story to be contest length.
This might take a little longer, as all I have are some character and plot ideas and the first snippets of dialogue, but I can see being able to whip it into shape.
And oddly enough, this in-progress story is the one where the title popped into my head the quickest.
Number six for me is half-written
Steph, you are a real inspiration. You and Rachel — five contest stories each! Wow!!
— Emma
Story number 8 is a thousand words in.
'Fine Tuning'
I Daresay..
No apologies needed.
And if they were, I'd be the last person who could say anything since I have four stories posted (three of them entries), three more in the queue that are awaiting final tweaks and proofreading and two more in progress, one of which popped into my head as I was working on the intended one, so I had to put down the outline for the new one before I could go back to the one I wanted to work on.
All of which is to say, I look forward to reading your eighth entry and anything that comes after.
Fine tuning
Is now up. It may need a little trim, unless our arbiters are happy (5,122 on BC word count)
It is another Cardiff story, with music, but it does reference suicide, so caution if that is a trigger.
You're good, Steph
It checks out on other WP programs; no need to trim it.
And thank you again, for your enthusiastic participation in this contest!
— Emma
We Have Awakened Demons
Isn't it grand to have authors almost elbowing each other aside to post more...and more...stories to our competition!
And such stories! Such quality! I love you!
Much more sinister than just being (a)woke
No demons wore awoken. The thing is much more sinister than just being woke! (However, if you ask DeSantis that is not possible)
'twas the night before New Year and three women in red robes and shoulder length whitepowdered wigs were assembled around a pentagram on the floor. (I think there was a cat there as well, a tabby, don't ask me why). As they switched on the battery powered candles one of them brought out her e-wand (these people were up-to-date). She waved the e-wand arbitrarily (randomly?) and a clawed hand appeared within the pentagon within the pentragram. A ghastly voice could be heard: "Cooookie". One of the other red-robed (and bewigged) women brought out a cookie and put it into the demon hand. The hand disappeared for a moment and then reappeared. "Coookie".
The third woman in her very becoming red robe and extremely handsome powdered white wig brought out a roll of parchment, thrust it in among the long and very sharp claws (have demons never heard of manicures?) and in an ominous voice the third woman, and incidentally the most scary being present, loudly declared: "You have been served".
Thus were the demons summoned and let loose to roam the world of BCTS, The rest is so terrible I can't bear to tell the story (I'm still trying to get one of the major networks interested).
Expect a Summons
The people who represent Jim Henson's estate are not amused. Of course, everyone else is ROFL their "cookies" off.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
From the survey I have conducted (sample size of one individual and many many cookies), proofreaders prefer Godiva chocolate biscuits...
...and yes more were just sent out to prepare for the need to review the upcoming contest entry!
And Kimmie probably can barely see her computer display from the mountain of virtual cookies earned over the past few years stacked in the way! <3
For the length of this contest, they must be published solely on
Care to clarify the end date of "the length of this contest"?
I finally found a story idea. But, I'm only 800 words into it. So not even a 1/3 of the way finished with a first draft. I should be done by V Day.
Read more of my works on Patreon.
Length of Contest
1/1/2024 to 2/14/2024.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
And for...
... every other country on the planet. 14/02/2024
I mean, even US passports use the logical date format!
It's a bit like saying "I always say twenty past four, so I'll write that in numbers as 20:04' "
Seriously, I have seen SO many USAnians with ticket problems.
"No, sir. 09/06 was the ninth of June. Your ticket is nearly three months out of date"
It also causes real problems when they present legal documents with that format on, such as transfer guarantees for a set period. It is why such things as ATA carnets (temporary importation/transit/export documents) have the date written backwards (YYYYMMDD) so that it requires conscious thought.
Washington’s Dream
I highly recommend watching the SNL skit Washington’s Dream. The topic is slightly different, but I think you will see the resonances. Why do we put the month before the day? Why? Freedom! >>Giggles<<
— Emma
So that's why the UK voted for Brexit
I knew it must have been something more than just the pint!
Now the English can put the date and month in ever which order they like.
Enter the engineer
As an engineer I like standards
In this case standard ISO 8601 is applicable
That also has the feature of having the most significant number to the left which is comforting for an engineer.
Big Endian
... vs. Little Endian?
-- Daphne Xu
Dagnabit, Bru. You just exposed my back-up ...
folder/directory name encryption to the whole world.
Now everybody is going to know that my .../backups/2024-02-09/ directory contains my backups made on February 9th of 2024.
Wait! Wait! By the Shades of Emperors Julius and Augustus!
Just >How< did you get your name into FeBRUary??!??