Jo, Emma, and I love to write. We love to have our stories read and appreciated.
A primary goal of the current contest is to spur more people to read more stories. With that in mind, I've prepared remarks about fifteen stories entered in this contest. Eventually, I will post remarks about every story entered. Emma will be posting similar lists.
Please give these stories a chance.
This story marks the return of Kristine Read to Big Closet. She is one of the grittiest writers on this site and this story is no exception. In this excellent story, Kristine makes use of plot and her mastery of language to deliver an entertaining and enjoyable life lesson. Depressed by the loss of the love of his life, Mark needs a compass to find his way forward.
Steph C (Cyclist) has written a basket full of stories for this contest. Pulling punches is not the author’s style. This is a good story that uses deft dialogue to advance the plot. You may experience some cognitive dissonance pinning down the who, what, where, how, and why of this twisting story.
This is the first story I’ve read by Estarriol. When this contest is put to bed I’m looking forward to finding more of this author’s work. In pursuit of Kat, the protagonist learns a great deal about themselves. This story makes good use of plot and characterization to lead us through to the end.
This author has carved out a niche on BC through brevity and great humor. Bru delivers an above-average story while testing out a new format. As usual, the characters leap off the page, and the language sparkles. Bru takes on the current kerfuffle over trans athletes from a new perspective.
Dorothy Colleen is one of our community’s sweetest writers. This biography seems to offer insight into her transition. Interesting characterization and language drive this good story.
You can always count on Patricia Marie Allen to deliver an above-average story and this is no exception. The family matriarch dominates the plot and everyone else in her home. Although the plot is somewhat predictable, everything else about this story shines.
Becky Reus takes us through an eleven-year-old’s internal struggles in this sweet above-average story, concluding that family support has been there all along. Becky’s use of language and plot drive this offering.
I wish I’d read this story by Noname1 years ago – before throwing out $thousands of dollars in wardrobes trying several times to “be a man.” If this author keeps writing these above-average stories she will soon have made a name for herself.
Terry Volkirich has been turning out excellent stories for years and this is one more. The only problem I have with this tale is that Terry states “Clarence” is a sissy name. My departed dad and brother (Clarnece, Jr.) would argue that isn’t the case.
The protagonist binges and then outs herself while puking on the footballer's shoes. Somehow, Rachel Moore makes this touching -- in this truly excellent story. Rachel is known for her plots and characters and spins a yarn with an ending we all can love.
Just Another Midnight at the Chapel
Did anyone order an exceptional quirky story? Sabrina Langton's outstanding use of both setting and characterization steers this fast-moving story. All I can say is, “More, please!”
Who doesn’t love a Melanie Brown story? I certainly love this exceptional tale. As always she has given us memorable characters. This little story is as good as her published novel Pink Bear Romance, which I just read and loved.
Who is that Mysterious Stranger who wrote this above-average story? My daughter was caught in the “random” roommate thing her first year in college. There are a lot of laughs in this one.
Patience, practice, and perseverance. That sounds like a nun’s mantra from my high school days. It’s also the backbone for a good story written by Greybeard.
This story would have had a very good shot at winning this competition had Avia Connor not allowed it to run about 5,000 words over the limit. It was disqualified but I love it.
one of the best if not the best
To the Bridge by Marissa Lynn .A amazing piece of writing especially since i don't care for short story's most don't give enough information to understand or care about the characters but this one does .I will be reading all she posts in the future. Also For Us, the Living By Emma Anne Tate
A Couple of Thoughts
Thank you for your comment.
This is the first post of my comments on stories. I will eventually include To the Bridge as well as every other entry in subsequent blogs. I'm going in chronological order of posting.
This contest is sponsored by Emma Anne Tate, joannebarbarella, an anonymous donor, and me. Emma and I are judging with our opinions having equal weight. Although Emma has displayed outstanding integrity there is a time when judges have to recuse themselves. Rather than go through that Emma, Jo, and I have ruled ourselves ineligible to enter.
Characterization isn't necessarily diminished in a short story. Della sold her hair and Jim sold his watch. They have become iconic characters.
Don't tell Tippi that her character in The Birds, which was originally a short story, was misunderstood.
I write more short stories than I do novels. But I see no shortage of character development in my short stories.
I do agree that I have started out to write a short story and finished with a 75000 word novel.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I am super blushing
that my story got a mention here among all these excellent stories.
Your Story
Your story drew a lot of comments, kudos, and hits.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thank you for writing this.
Thank you for writing this. One of the challenges of being an early poster is that some truly great stories were quickly pushed off the main page.
I absolutely loved your comments on my first effort for the contest. I am with Dorothy, blushing, but truly appreciative.
First Page
Do you remember when the first page was about fifteen stories?
There were times when a story would be on the first page for as few as four days.
Erin has done a lot to keep stories in the public queue longer. Random Solos also helps.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Oh, Erin has done a wonderful
Oh, Erin has done a wonderful job improving the site over the years. And I love the random solos feature.
I suspect most people do not scroll all the way thru the first page these days, as it goes on. Also stories without art get buried as well.
Regardless, having you and later Emma, put out lists like this will keep them fresh in mind.
All three of you deserve serious praise for the amount of work you are putting into this contest.
Doing this with Emma and Jo isn't work.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
This is giving me a chance to catch up on anything I missed (and reread others).
Same here! Very much appreciated!
I have one comment
Kat is the hunter, not the prey....
I used to be normal, but I found the cure....