Hi everyone! Jill here. Just thought we’d make things a bit more interesting for our 2024 New Year’s Writing Contest. Because, you know, it can always be even more interesting.
If you send Emma Anne Tate, Joannebarbarella, or me (Angela Rasch) a PM with the names of non-BC authors you have invited to participate in the contest, you will be entered into a drawing for an extra $50 prize. We’ll announce the winner at the same time as the rest of the contest winners are announced.
Help us get the word out, and let’s get 2024 off to a great start!
Authors love comments. The more they can relate to their readers the better they write. . .and possibly the more often they write.
Our goals are to inspire and motivate authors. But we're also hoping to engage readers. To that end, we have added an additional contest to be judged by Joanne. She will choose the best comment. The winner will receive $50. To win the comment must be posted on a Writing Contest story by an identifiable member (not Guest Reader). The comment must be posted before 2/25/2024.
What a "Best Comment" is -- is solely up to Joannebarbarella's discretion.
Publish Or Perish!
I rub my hands in glee "Mwahahahah".
I expect to publish a selection of the very best comments so you can beat me round the ears for my selection.
In the immortal words of Maximus in "Gladiator" "Are you not entertained?".
Strength and Honor
Those of us who are about to 'comment', salute you! :DD
Thanks to pesky word limits
my contest entry is already invalid (it's 2500 words already, and I've just gotten to the character making their resolution, let *alone* the consequences of that!)
But a best comment competition? Now that's something I might be able to dig my teeth into, and it'd give me a reason to engage a bit more with folks than I have been of late.
Melanie E.
It's Easy
Chop! Chop! As they say in East Asia.
And, hey! I've got my resolution ready. It's to be alive to make my 2025 resolution!
The only New Year's resolution
The only New Year's resolution I've ever been able to keep is that I'd not make any more New Year's resolutions.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
There Is No Limit to the Number of Entries
We would expect you to enter at least two stories.
A word to the wise -- it's clear to me that Joanne is not going to award a prize to a negative comment.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
My first draft took me 2500
My first draft took me 2500 words to get to my resolution. So I get that. But my second draft, eliminated almost all of that. It was good to have written it though, as it fleshed out the backstory, and I was able to talk about the important parts in conversation about the past.
I hope you are able to get your story finished, either as an entry or not!
First Draft
My first draft found me to be a 77. . . born on January 28.
Later, after a thorough physical, that was edited to a 4F.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
And mine . . .
My first draft was exactly the right size.
A pint.
— Emma
So now you're eagerly awaiting
the pint wine bottles?
A bad idea . . .
. . . whose time has come. The BoJo special!
— Emma
There is one, just over a pint.
Certain sweet wines come in bottles that are just over a pint.
That works out to be 17.59754 oz.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
What I and Emma referred to was the imperial pint (568.26125 millilitres). Not the inferior US liquid pint (473.176473 millilitres).
However, another major Brexit benefit is that the UK will now also allow 500 ml bottles for sparkling wines as well as for non-sparkling wines.
Yes I remember it well
March 5 = 299
Love, Andrea Lena
I Have Great Taste (Yeah!)
I buy mine in boxes!
There is a choice of 2 litre, 3 litre and 4 litre. I'm told you're supposed to drink the contents within two months or they go off. I've never been able to test the validity of that injunction.
I have expensive taste
I usually don't dring alcohol because I don't like the taste and never found a reason to learn to like that poison.
However, in the late 70s I did taste a red Burgundy that wasn't bad. At the time that wine cost the equivalent of 60 USD a bottle. Today? I have no idea.