I'm semi-retired and drive school bus. That means I'm right there with the school kids counting down the days till the breaks, like Christmas break. Then when it's here I relish the wonderful feeling of freedom that it gives.
Yet this Christmas, the call went out for a contest and being the masochist that I am I decided to enter. The length limit meant the the story was quickly knocked out. I've been sitting on this completed story for a few weeks now. Long enough to let it settle so I'm confident that self-editing will catch all the errors (well at least most).
I've formatted it off line and I'm ready to cut and paste it into the story body box in the add a story page and share with the world. That make me anxious to get this winter break over with.
Hence the conflict part of me wants to savor the remaining days of the break and the other part wants it to end so I can post my story.
Side note:
There was a masochist who went to a sadist and pleaded, "Beat me, beat me!" The sadist smirked and said, "I'm not going to do it."
There's a Country and Western Song in There
All you need is the right chord progression.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Just take any C & W song and hollow out the lyrics and substitute. Done!
I get this feeling
In fact I have even started another story!
I used to be normal, but I found the cure....
Best of luck!
Anticipation can be fun... looking forward to reading your story!
- iolanthe
All things come . . .
. . . to those who wait.” :)
Or so I’ve heard. As usual, my own feeling is best expressed by that dazzling Spaniard, Inigo Montoya: “I hate waiting!”
— Emma
Waiting -- You Keep Using That Word.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Have fun
Storming the writing castle!
"Do you think 'drea has a chance of finishing her story?"
"It'll take a miracle!:"
Love, Andrea Lena