Contest Update -- The Time Is Near At Hand!

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"You have not yet begun your story." The Ghostly Author's countenance fell, and the air was filled with the acrid stench of unfinished tales. "Yet chance and favor may yet be yours."

"Now, Emma!" Scrooge scoffed. “I've got all the time in the world. I can't even post an entry until New Year's Day, and Valentine's day is weeks away!"

“It’s Sunday,” the Ghostly Author replied. “Do you know where your muse is?”

“Ah. Well. Errr. About that,” Scrooge temporized.

The spectral scrivener regarded Scrooge for a long moment before declaring, "You will be haunted, and perhaps inspired, by three stories that are disqualified from the contest."

This time, it was Scrooge's countenance that fell. "Is that the chance and favor that you mentioned, Emma?" he demanded in a faltering voice.

"It is."

"I—I think I'd rather not," said Scrooge.

"Expect the first tomorrow, when the bell tolls one."

"Would that be Greenwich Mean Time, or something else?" Scrooge inquired.

“Do I put a ‘u’ in color?”


The Ghostly Author tried again. “Do I sound English?”

Scrooge shook his head wordlessly.

“Scottish? Irish? Welsh? Pakistani?”

“Uhhhh . . . .”

Raising her hands to heaven, the Ghostly Author made the strange howling noise that had unnerved Scrooge earlier.

"Couldn't I take 'em all at once, and have it over, Emma?" hinted Scrooge.

"Expect the second, four days hence. The third a week after that. But don't be too literal, Ebenezer. The third lives on the other side of the International Date Line."

International dating had never occurred to Scrooge, and he was intrigued despite himself. "Really?"

The wraithlike writer smiled cryptically and faded from view, but the sound of her mechanical keyboard lingered. Clicketty-clack, clicketty-clack, clicketty-clicketty-clack!


Two Days Later
Scrooge rubbed his eyes and checked the monitor again. It couldn’t be. Could it?

He checked. Yes, it was. In a wavering voice, he called out, “Spirit?”

The sound of a mechanical keyboard once again heralded the arrival of the Ghostly Author.

“Spirit, can it be? The third story has already arrived — even before the second!”

“I told you not to be too literal.”

“Well, sure, but . . . .”

“Did I not warn of temporal anomalies when the International Date Line is crossed?”

“I meant to ask you about international dating,” Scrooge said, diverted from his prior inquiry.

The Ghostly Author smiled as she once more faded away. “You should try it, Ebenezer. Enjoy!”

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