Hello All !!
I am looking for some recommendations!!
The Best of the Best you read !
Or Top 10
Or the Best Authors to Binge through!!
And so on !!!
I enjoy stories where we deep dive in the minds of Main character... Be it First person or 3rd, that does not matter...
The internal struggle, the emotions and the conflict and drama which is written good .. is my favourite!!
I am Up for various genres..
Let me list my few Favourites till date!!
1. For a Girl
2. Kate draffen
3. Tuck Saga !
4. Seasons saga by Tigger
5. Author Clara on fiction mania (Bebe saga to be specific but otherwise almost everything is good)
Also I am following and going to read everything mentioned on below thread as well!!
However, above post is old! And I am sure there are many new as well!!!
I am just collecting everything that I can read .. May be my life won't be enough to read everything recommended in many posts... Yet I will keep on searching something new always!!!
Could you All please recommend me some?
Thanks in Advance!!!
A couple
Here are two that immediately come to mind:
For immersive and heart-tugging realism:
A Longer War by Cyclist
For an absolutely enjoyable blitz:
Maximum Warp by Emma Anne Tate
Story names above are links to the first chapters. :)
Thank you!!!
Thank you for the recommendation!!!
Helpful aggregations
A couple of months ago, I asked people to list stories they loved from authors they hadn’t seen for a while. Here’s the link: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog-entry/99390/remembrance-...
Then a few weeks later, I asked authors to list their “favorite child” from among their own short stories. Here’s what I got: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog-entry/99758/helpful-info...
There is an absolute wealth of binge-worthy material there! Yet I would be seriously remiss if I didn’t direct you to Erisian’s Light series, which is a binge that will keep you occupied for weeks with wonderful characters and a deep, deep plot.
Have fun!!!
— Emma
Awesome!! Thank you!!
Thanks you!!!
I bookmarked those entries!!!
Wow many recommendations there !!
Thank you so Much!!!
Wow, talk about a blast from the past!
Pulling up a blog I wrote 16 years ago as a basis to catch up on good stuff is sure dedication!
We have some really incredible authors on the site, and I really can't keep up with all of them, which is sad.
I don't want to play favorites, but a few of our currently active authors who I've been trying to make more time to explore:
Erin Halfelven. You want character exploration, then the site's founder is the best place to go for it.
Emma Anne Tate. She's a newbie around these parts, but she's got a great voice, and writes some very good characters!
Angela Rasch. One of the site's longest-running members, she's more quiet around here now than she used to be, but her library is incredible.
I can provide more, but I don't want folks to feel left out, so going with the obvious ones right now is, I think, for the best.
Melanie E.
Wow! Thank you for your response
Seriously!! That post has so many great and wonderful recommendations and great conversation all around!!
I have found so many gems!
Many of in my kindle as well to check out!!
Thank you so much for initiating that conversation!!!
I am hoping to get many recommendations similar to that and the new ones too!!
I have found it very hard to get such recommendations anywhere else . Amazon is filled with so much content and finding really good or rather ones which I am interested in , is very difficult.
This website and forum is helping me to collect.
I will ensure to leave comments and/or purchase outright on kindle if available!!!
Thank you for all the great work!!
these are my favorites
A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows
by Karen Page
A New Style of Education - Year 1
Education in the Hills
Chapter 1
Raised In SLC
Chapter 1
Double Trouble in SPA
Hayfield Hall: Interludes
A New Style of Education: Hidden Gifts
By: Annette MacGregor
Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 01
Into The Light
by Erisian
i read these over and over
You are >so< gonna get 'flooded' ...
I'll try and limit my 'river' into the flood to "a few". ... Well, that thought went down the drain as I went through my Bookmarks ...
And I'm gonna hurt myself by the Authors/Stories I omit.
"The Home That Love Built". Woman wins Big Lottery, converts hotel into a home for Girls and Ladies that >really< need it. Multiple stories in this World.
"https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/32875/covered-bridges" - one of >a lot< of stories by Bailey Summers. Packs a lot of feelings into sometimes not-quite finished sentences ...
All of the MORFS Universe. Started (I think) by this author: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/7616/case-files-dr-sa.... MORFS stories range from heart-warming to so-sad-I-bail-out. Read anyways.
Stand-alone shorts, always with a twist at the end. No matter how hard we try to figure it out, Bru will fool us up to the last paragraph: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/77535/brothers-love
There are a lot of Bikini Beach stories. Blame Elrod/Elrodw for starting it all here: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/64915/bikini-beach-.... Briefly, no males allowed in Bikini Beach - a minor problem fixed by taking a shower.
Then adventures ensue. Just >never< tick off Grandmother, aka The Old Woman.
Ray Drouillard's https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/71218/new-life and other stories. Many are set in dorothycolleen's M.Y.T.H. universe. Ray has other stories, including MORFS stories. ### This gets you to Dorothy Colleen's stories: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/63695/customer-service.
A lot of stories by Emma Anne Tate. This one assures my sniffles. Twice. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/97322/doorwa
Eolwaen very often builds worlds that Might Be, Should Be.
Just the title here is not a bad way to live. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/80537/when-all-is-com...
A touching one of many from Grover: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/23988/elf-extremely-l...
We >need< these folks from Jamie Lee: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/87875/haints-part-1
A lot of stories from LadyDragon623: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/70353/interconnected-....
I have two suspicions about her: English is not her first language, and she is using speech-to-text. On the surface, she can be a tad rough to read. Go 'underneath' the surface for her stories.
The Cynthia Chronicles from Portia Bennet. The starting point is https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/11420/incremental-journey.
The first story seems slow, and a tad 'icky' (not 'bad' 'icky', tho). Read on through, and Portia takes us into a Very Nice World.
"And now for something completely different." R.G. Beyer's https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/85514/summers-current. Most is told in First Person ... but "who's on first" keeps shifting. Try to keep up ...
This gets you to Ricky's stories. They are a master/mistress of fast witty dialog. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/82686/ouch
The "Spells-R-Us" universe has endless stories.
From Teddie S., https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/71379/tommy-trials-an... One of the Chapters was posted on Christmas Day, and I thought of it as my holiday present.
Trismegistus Shandy gives a lot of stories. This is the header/intro to one of their worlds. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/37626/valentine-divergence
=== === ===
Now that I've dumped links to a coupla scores of megawords on you ... happy reading!
I won't hold you to your 'promise' of reading all we suggest. After 5-10 screens, if after the story is 'not for you' - bail out. No need to 'slog on through' regardless.
Sooo Many!!!
Thank you!!! Wow!!!
Now If Only there is no daily routine and I can just sit through and keep on Reading.....
The Forgotten Ones
One of the problems we have is that the "young" ones don't remember the "oldies"
Here are three oldies that are still alive and kicking (I think) but haven't posted here for quite a while:-
Kristina l s- She wrote an array of stories...a brilliant writer who just moved on
Nick B- Brilliant well written stories, ranging widely through the genre
Miss K- a shooting star who wrote several wonderful stories and then disappeared as quickly as she came
Dimelza Cassidy- Her "Mister" must rank as one of the finest TG stories ever. I think it's still available on FM
My favorites
Daring Diane - all of her stories are captivating and draw you in to both the plot and the characters.
Tiffany Shar - all of her stories are also captivating, was my first introduction to BigCloset
T.D. Aldonetti - unfortunately unable to finish her saga Duty Calls, the Airforce Sweetheart is a great captivating story
Crystal Sprite - Texas Gal is one of my favorites and still check to see if there will be another update
Clara - on fictionmania, have just met and enjoyed her writing - agree with the Bebe series
Belladonna - is another author I enjoy on FM
One other there is Suejr? Mom's unique Punishment is a good read, though I am not sure I have ever finished it
Also here, always have to check my bookmarks - so glad able to do that is Trick of the mind
On Amazon - Katie Leone stories are excellent, Karen Singer has some great stories, as does Karin Bishop
For me, while these are great stories it is because they would be great reads even if there was nothing in them about crossdressing or transgenderism. Their presence just adds to the story
There are some amazing stories listed above, I'll try not to duplicate.
All of Emma's Anne Tate's stories are amazing. I would start with Duets and Aria for Cami, Maximum Warp is in a category by itself.
I have to second Clara's stories on Fictionmania, 'George and Martha' is my fav, but I have read every one more than once. I have asked Clara to post here, but she had some problems with formatting. If anyone else knows her, please beg her.
'Wildcat' series by Leslie Moore found on Amazon. She also writes as 'Soft Shoulders' on FM
'Stations Late Night Princess' and 'Frills' by Alecia Snowfall on Amazon. Two of my treasured books in my own library I have read many times.
'A Second Chance' by the late, great Dawn Natelle. A stunner. Keep plenty of tissues handy!
'Tamara' series by Shiraz.
'The Bet' by Karen Singer on Fictionmania.
All of Karin Bishop's books on Amazon.
Good reading, all of it. :DD
I'm frequently in touch with her. I'll give it another go, since I've explained how welcoming and warm it is here. She posts at TG Storytime as well. Like every other post on this thread, your choices are excellent. Thanks!
Love, Andrea Lena
About Karen singer
Yes!!! Absolutely.. Karen singer is gifted.
I read the bet... Initially it turned me off for 2-3 chapters but later it became so engrossing! Even though I do not enjoy that particular Genre, I LOVED it! Brilliant writing, I visited her blog and read few more as well ..
The BET is awesome.... This story helped me change my perception about genre and what it could achieve with Goood writing!
Thank you for your recommendation!!
I agree with you
I'm not a fan of the genre and the first few chapters are a tough read. But the rest of the story and the interaction between Chad and Mel is amazing, especially with all of the other characters. There is also a sequel with Chad and Mel after they are married that is quite good although I forget the title, :DD
A few of my favorites
Jennifer Brock
Kelly Blake
Dorothy Bellion
Portia Bennett
So many others who have already appeared in the comments above!
Love, Andrea Lena
I guess I'll mention myself
If you like tear-jerkers, you might trying reading my short story "Angel" - https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/73825/angel
If you like puns, I'd suggest Christmas in Space - https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/71404/christmas-space
Or anything from my large catalog here on BC.
I second your mention.
You're the first author i ever encountered! The Reluctant Girlfriend on Sapphire's Place. Thank you for the gentle urge to be myself !
Love, Andrea Lena
My Contributions
Finally! A chance to tell this group that I think the very best one out there is "Severance Pay" by meps98. I have reread this one SO MANY times. It just hits all of my buttons and the writing is first rate.
Next on my short list is anything by Ricky, always a good time. And Alecia Snowfall has been listed above as well; while I like "The Stations Late Night Princess" a lot and have reread is several times, I also recommend her "The Puppeteer" series where you get to vicariously give it to the baddies out there.
And for superb dialog and an intensely intriguing storyline, check out Barbie Lee's "Model Makers", another great one that I have given numerous rereads.
Finally I'll mention Kat Walker's "Secondhand Life" which has a clever gimmick and has been a fun read.
>>> Kay
My Fav's
There are so many good stories out there, but here are a few that I reread
In no order
- Shiraz with Tammy saga + Lyssa [Snowfall] + Marshalls [ Jessie Wolf] - lots of interactions between 3
- No Half Measures, Breaking Cover - Jenny Walker
- JulieO - protector series
- Brandy Dewinter - SMITE 1+2
- Caregivers [E.E Nalley, Bek D Corbin, Miggie Finson etal]
- Boys' School - be very careful to put the appostrophe in the right place
Incomplete but I live in hope
- Midnight Download - Wendy J
- Tuck - Ellen
- Making Lemonade - L Rochelle
- Educating Danielle - Karen E Lea
Chasing Hope - Jenny Walker - the ending always makes me sob
A Galaxy Unknown - Thomas DePrima [only TS bits around book 7/8).
Thank you!!
Jennifer Walker's No Half measures is absolute beauty! I am planning to read more of her books.
About Educating Danielle ... There are 2 books on Amazing. Not sure if it is a complete story .
Tuck ! Oh my god!! The intersections between all characters are just. Muah!!
The story that I keep coming
The story that I keep coming back to is Annette McGregor's Hidden Gifts. It is set in Karen Page's S.P.A. Universe which is also worth a re-read. Annette passed away before she finished posting Hidden Gifts, but it isn't the sort of story that would really have had an ending, so that is not a big issue - I just wish there was more.
Karen took 15 years to complete the main S.P.A. story A New Style of Education, but she has recently posted the start of a sequel and has plans that include another book based on one of her short stories.
Anam Chara's Debriefings is a lot more thoughtful and sensitive than the title might suggest. Like Hidden Gifts, it is not finished.
Penny Lane's Somewhere Else Entirely has already been mentioned, either in this list, or one of the lists referred too.
Several of these stories have lead characters who cross-dress rather than appear to be heading for transition, but that is fine by me.