Despite what many on this channel think of conservative news sites, if you aren't sampling them you only get half the story of life. The following is a lady who says she's a Christian. I would fault her on the following comment. Basically she is claiming if she dressed less like a woman and more like a man it would cure her husband of wanting to be what she no longer represented in the family..., a female. That is so wrong and so upside down in thinking and logic. Give it some thought yourself. She's okay dressing less as a female but he's wrong for dressing less as a male.
Little inside track here from dealing with transgender for X amount of years. If "he" can't live his life vicariously through her as the girl he married or is dating, he is more likely to take the next step and be the female she no longer represents. There are degrees of trans and it isn't going to go away if beautiful women are no longer part of our culture. The majority of the population don't understand what trans is and yet they want to give their professional opinion on how to treat and or cure it.
"I did worry about setting him off because I did know about some instances of cross-dressing throughout the marriage," she said "So I would change how I dressed. I wouldn't dress as feminine… Even all the way down to my lingerie or underwear and bras, I would just wear the basics because even though I might like to wear something prettier — that made me feel pretty good — but I wouldn't because if I had those things in my closet, then perhaps it might trigger him to cross-dress."
Okay, lets change topics. I mentioned before I use pads to give me fuller cleavage or push up and show more breast at times when I'm trying to rock the impression interest for different reasons. These are the pads women put in their bathing suits, or at times in their bustier style tops or dresses. Most fabric shops should carry them. I know Hobby Lobby does and they come in different sizes. Walmart in my area doesn't so if one is interested call around if wanting to try it. Sometimes a girl can use a little help to push the WOW button.
Change topics again. I'm not going into too much detail or reasons why I've been passing blood. Let's say kidney infection and leave it at that. I wear feminine hygiene pads for the same reason every female must at some time or another. Or they may use tampons. For the ladies on this channel no explanations needed. I'm only passing info for those who may not have the money to purchase new underwear every few weeks. "gentlemen" This isn't something momma nor daddy told you when you were growing up playing with GI Joe.
Hugs Boys and Girls
Barbie Jean
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it worn out.
Unfortunately, for many in our society……
Religion is synonymous with ignorance. And even more unfortunate is that this ignorance does seem to be hereditary. Ignorance breeds more ignorance.
I agree with your comment that in order to be truly informed, and therefor to be able to make intelligent decisions for yourself, you absolutely must look at all sides of every argument. Decisions made in ignorance are just that - ignorant.
Yes, we all suffer from certain prejudices which we learn early in life - the root of the word prejudice itself is in fact prejudge, which implies that it is a learned behavior. It is in fact something of a survival instinct. For instance, as children we are taught not to go into certain neighborhoods as they are dangerous - or to avoid certain people for the same reason. As we grow older, we use those lessons and continue to avoid those areas or people.
Unfortunately, often these lessons are based on the type of people who live in those “dangerous” areas, and whether they are based in racism, some other bias, they contribute to those prejudices. This is true not just as far as racism is involved, but can be extrapolated further to any group that is different than the individual involved.
Only education can break these cycles, and unfortunately this is truly lacking in many groups in our society - perhaps most prevalently in the so-called Christian Right. In our society, education seems to have become synonymous with liberalism. Perhaps because education destroys prejudices. Alternately, religion seems to be ever more synonymous with ignorance and prejudice. What would Jesus Christ think of that were he to appear today?
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
"must look at all sides of every argument"
Not really. Some things don't have two rational sides. Some claim that the Apollo 11 moon landing was faked. Some claim that the holocaust didn't happen. Some believe the QAnon conspiracy theory. There is no "other" side worth considering with some beliefs.
You forgot the big ones...
That the earth is flat.
The COVID vaccine contains a Bill Gates designed tracker/control chip
a certain politician who is trying to get re-elected never EVER told a single lie to the US public.
It takes all sorts to make up this crazy world. Without at least some of them, it would be a very boring place.
I do my Best
I can accept some people don't believe the world is flat. What they don't realize is the photobomb reassemble field is at the edge of each plane..., um plain. When one travels to the edge they are disassembled and reassembled on the other side. Thus the more intelligent challenged think the world is round. Silly people!
Sheesh, the old blame it all on Bill Gates conspiracy theory seems to get new life with every telling. It is an AMD chip. They petitioned congress and smoothed the hidden addition to the Biden Green Energy Bill to install the chip in every Covid vaccination. They didn't plan on the half dozen after booster shots and now when once passes through one of the scanners it shows seven different people passed through. They must have mixed up my vaccine with Cynthia Maria Gonzolas. I keep popping up as a latina on their scanners, along with a lot of proposals among other things.
Sam, I hope you learned it not right to be spreading all those foolish lies. Round earth, lying politicians, you keep saying things like that and they will lock you up in the Rubber Romper Room.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
You made me smile after a fruitless day trying to find a bug in a Wordpress Plugin.
There are always at least two sides to every argument……
And who is to say what is or isn’t rational?
I agree that there are plenty of conspiracy theories that are totally off the wall, and quite often dangerous as they attract fringe elements of society. However, in order to understand the people who put them forth, you have to consider the argument itself - no matter how crazy or stupid it may seem.
In the words of Sherlock Holmes, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
As an engineer, I was trained to look at all possibilities, because to ignore those we don’t agree with is to taint the research.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
He Told the Truth
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).
Same thing Jesus would say to us today. It's my own understanding he was informing the masses the knowledge he shared with them would not be accepted by many. Those who believed and those who didn't believe would divide many, including families. In two thousand years we have learned nothing. We still hate, we still let differences divide us.
How easy it is to accept men and women think differently. Yet how hard. nay impossible for many to accept boy=girl and girl=boy in some in their own mind.
Hugs D. Eden
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I like to think my pastor has it right
When he and I talked about my wearing a bra and other women's clothes he ended the conversation with, "I think I'll let you and God work it out."
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann