This may have been discussed already, if so, sorry.
I was browsing some stuff on YouTube when I ran across a page by "M2F Story". The first story is credited to Janet Stickney, who I believe most of us are familiar with. I went to the M2F Story page, but found very little posted. One of the few other stories posted was credited to Valentine Michel Smith. Now, I understand that VMS has passed away so I'm wondering how this person got permission to narrate and post the story? Is this yet another person stealing and posting other's work in an attempt to profit from them it some way?
Perhaps somebody else here knows more about this.
At least they are crediting the author
I'd have to see which story you're talking about and look it up online to see where it was published. I'm a big fan of Valentine Michel Smith. If I remember correctly, some of her work was posted at a site where it was common for authors to give permission to re-post their stories elsewhere providing the content wasn't changed and credit was given to the author. But that was some time ago and my memory may be faulty. Even it isn't, I can't say for sure if she was such an author.
I believe that Janet Stickney is still with us, so you could try contacting her and ask if she has been contacted by them.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Where in London can you see things not British?
The punchline is “the British Museum.”
I have ambivalent feelings about stories re-posted without permission. On the one hand there is a sense of violation. (I doubt there is much wrongful enrichment from a few TG narrations, though I don’t know.)
On the other hand, plagiarism and other theft can be preservation, albeit not the best form. When stories disappear there is a loss. Ten years ago Ellen Hayes dropped from sight. How much longer will we be able to read Tuck at ?
Funnily enough
Thnat was going to be my answer!
I worked there for a while, and we were forever asked, but where is the musuem of Britain, and we could only shrug.
I used to be normal, but I found the cure....
I had the first part of
I had the first part of Surgeon's Lodger "stolen" on Youtube. I emailed them threatening to report them and they took it off.