Toni With An i – Explicitness? Or Probably Not? - A New Author

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If you’ve stuck with Toni With An i from Part 1 to Part 2 (I know, two long parts in quick succession, I only have a third chapter completed at the moment, so don’t worry) you’ll have noticed a change in how explicit it is. There’s definitely going to be moments where bodies are to the fore. Bodies and all the feelings around them simply are a part of who everyone is, trans or not. I wanted to let readers know, however, this isn’t a pure smut story, or even a mostly smut story, which I know would be atypical for this site; this community I’ve just joined as a new author. So I wanted to address that.

As a new author I haven’t earned any credit or good will with anyone and I do expect it to be earned rather than presumed. If you didn’t find something in Part 1, and by that I include the dialogue, and humour, and the friendships, then believe me that I’m not trying to convince anyone to keep going with a story you’re not enjoying. Everyone’s time is too precious for that. Just know that those elements, the friendships, etc. along with a trans discovery is the main thrust of what I’m telling, not eroticism.

There is, however, a reason Toni’s first night was so, ahem, explosive! Toni With An i - Part 2 could give it away, probably, maybe... but Toni dealing with her new life and the repercussions of who she might become, how it happened, is something that I hope will be addressed to most readers’ satisfaction as the story progresses.

This isn’t going to be a nasty story, there’s no deep evil or maliciousness to people, at least I haven’t considered any yet. One of the alternative titles I considered for the series was, “Why Is Everyone Being So Nice!?” In no world is everyone nice, but rest assured, for now the people Toni knows are good people, even if they have secrets, misgivings, or their own issues that might boil over.

And thank you for reading. It means the world to me I get any readers. When I say everyone’s time is precious I mean it. And investment in anyone’s characters, story, and their art and craft possibly even more precious again, at least to me as an author, and something to be treasured.


I don't speak for everyone on this site

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I can only speak for myself and I realize the my views are only echoed by a small percentage of readers. But here's my quarter's worth. (When I was a kid, it would have been two cent's worth. But inflation and all...)

If you caution violence, suicide, sex or sex scenes, or explicit content, then your story will get a pass. It's my feeling that sex scenes beyond acknowledging that the couple have or have had sex has no place in a TG story. Certainly, detailed descriptions of technique or positions used have no place. Amazon classifies all TG as erotica... I would like to dissuade them and everyone else of that notion. It simply isn't true. The bulk of my stories are young audience stories.

If you fail to tag one of your stories for any of the above, and still include it and I read it, then all of you stories after that will get a pass from me.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

And a lovely blog post, too!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

People here have many different tastes. Some write erotica, some don’t, and some are all over the map. I’ve tended to get less graphic the more I’ve written, but that’s just me. This topic comes up frequently here, and I think my friend Iolanthe gave the best advice: “Be strong. Believe in yourself. Don't second guess yourself. Don't change your writing for other people until after their check clears.”

Obviously there are enough “bets or dares” stories that it’s a category tag. Your take was unique, though. The first chapter was pretty graphic in places, but that doesn’t bother me and anyway it was appropriately tagged. The dialogue and internal monologues were really promising and that, more than anything, got me coming back for the second chapter — and that one will definitely keep me coming back for more!

Like Patricia, I’m just one voice, and I only speak for me — but “me” is really glad that you decided to share stories with us!


Loved the Girl Power vibe in Toni Chapter 1

laika's picture

I did skim Part 1 of your Toni story, but haven't yet read it for real so I didn't comment...
And as I glanced over the opening strip poker game I was thinking: "Oh God, not another one of those- a buncha beer swilling, knuckle-cracking neanderthals feminize the losing player & make her their bitch!"

Then the girls showed up and completely shattered my expections; in a very good way.
They were as randy and as frank n' forthright in their talk about sex as the guys were, but they were very sweet to Toni, welcoming her into the sisterhood and boosting her confidence in her newfound (tho' probably latent all along) femininity. This is EXACTLY the kind of story element that goes over well here at BCTS and should again with this tale; at least for those that enjoy reading of sexual situations or at least (like me) aren't put off by them. The prose is excellent, the dialogue sounded natural and realistic, and FUNNY. Humor is another thing lots of readers here really appreciate in a story.

From my cursory inspection I don't recall if anybody fucked anybody in this chapter, but the tone of your story impressed me as having all the qualities your blog here says you hope it does. Self discovery, friendship, and none of those humiliation or exploitation elements that some readers get a squirmy thrill out of and others get in a huff about. Just good clean wholesome fucky sucky fun!

I don't know when or if I'll read your story for real, I have a backlog of favorite serials I'm stalled in my reading of, for weird personal reasons. And I can't say if you'll become one of oue most popular authors, but from what I saw I bet your surefooted storytelling will at least find some appreciative readers here.
~Hugs... and Welcome to the Monkey House! Ronni (coincidentally) with an i

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

I appreciate the post MsWooly

Podracer's picture

As well as the note at the end of Toni 1. Though I will read stories with sex content, I usually skip forward over the sweaty bits to reach the real story. If that real story, characters and plot aren't there then I don't go back.
Welcome to BC!

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

Thanks for the explanation

gillian1968's picture

I’ve read both chapters of the story so far and have really enjoyed it, although it takes a bit to catch on to the general trend. You keep feeding in surprises!

I’m not big into erotica, but as long as it is properly tagged, it is OK. My perception is that the really intense scene in the first part served a key part in breaking up Toni’s emotional logjam and setting her on a course to better self understanding. And that is a good thing. I would stick to small doses though.

I haven’t commented yet on the story itself, partly because I tend not to be in comment or respond mode when I get going on reading. Mea Culpa.

But I like your writing style. You have a gift for telling the story with dialogue. But your descriptive passages in the second part are very good too. And your characters are interesting, human and believable.

I’m looking forward to more!

All the best!!!

Gillian Cairns

I commented on part 2

but I'd like to add that in Part 1 some of the characters were initially presented as stereotypes and the story gave off expectations that it would be a 'forced fem with explicit non-consensual sex' trope. That was a false assumption. It may have been set up as 'forced' but Toni was always a willing participant, just needing a nudge.

I was very pleasantly surprised at the character development of the part 1 characters and the characters introduced in part 2. To anyone that started part 1 and did not continue I would say that unless you don't like reading anything explicit then return to the story and give it a second try. Its not true life realism but sometimes that just what you need.