She hadn't been well for few days, in fact really, I was back and forth to the vet for the last few months. Anyway, my Whizz developed heart failure which worsened over the last couple of days and she stopped eating or drinking so I couldn't get any diuretics into her. We had a lovely afternoon together and she knew something was up as she followed me around the house and sadly I took to the vet for the last time. I then brought her home and buried her in the garden, near to Bonzi's grave.
So I have said goodbye to my little companion and feel like shit. How can doing the right thing feel so awful?

So sorry for the loss of your
So sorry for the loss of your friend. It's hard when any of them pass away.
I am so sorry, Ang
Really hoped you’d have just a bit longer, but you always hit the point where delay is almost cruel. And it still feels like shit, every time. So very sorry.
— Emma
Celebrate the memories you have of your companionship. They are what your sweet Whizz left to comfort you. They are part of you now, just as Whizz became part of you. The pic above looks like my Bebekat who has been gone for 19 years, but I had her for 19 years before that and that's a lot of memories. They hurt, but they are sweet. The pain fades but the love remains.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Whiz is a good Kitty
I am saddened for you and the news of her passing.
I'm so saddened
by your loss.
Love, Andrea Lena
For your sympathy and kind words, she was something special, and Ill always remember her.
The loss of a companion is never easy……
But even more so when you have to make that decision. I know that you cannot simply replace her, but I am also certain that you will have room in your heart for a new companion to help ease the loss.
You have my deepest sympathies.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Almost twenty years later I still feel guilty about my next to the last dog, wondering if I did it too soon. It's been two years since the next one died and I feel guilty because I didn't put her down but let her die on her own as I procrastinated. I have some hopes that the present dog will outlive me. I find that the only thing worse than losing a pet is living without one.
Oh, hon!
I am so sorry to hear this, I know how devastating this is. As has been said before, it's amazing how such a small creature can leave such a large hole behind in your heart. You may not be able to heal the hole left behind, but perhaps someday you can fill it, if you are lucky and Bast smiles on you.
Bless you,
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
It's so very hard when they have to leave us.
May all Beings be Healthy,
May all Beings have Joy,
May all Beings be Free of fear,
May all Beings be Loved, in this World, and in the Next.
Words don't hardly help at all.
We keep hoping for a 'miracle', a 'turnaround', hoping for something to "give them one more day in the sun" ... And then, it's in our Contract, as Guardians to our Companions, to set their paws upon the Rainbow Bridge.
I have a vast collection of gratitude, etc. huggles, that I have had to "dump out into" the Aether [1], otherwise they leak out of my eyes ... Grab all the huggles you need, anytime. Delivery is at the speed of thought.
[1] No, not the 'luminiferous ether', or the Ether-net.
-Hugs- :( <3
Always so hard. Always.
She seemed
To be getting along okay when I was down the other week, even allowing me to give her some affection.
Keep strong and we’ll get down to see you shortly.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Because they are our children and we love them with all our heart, and it hurts deeply when we have to say goodbye and go on without them.
You are in my thoughts, remember the good times.
Really sorry to hear about Whizz. We lost three cats in just under two years - one (who'd moved in with neighbours but still came to visit) to illness, one to age and a tumour, and one to accidental poisoning. The house, and the bins in the front garden were horribly empty. We adopted a mother and two kittens from the shelter and seven years later, they're still here. But we miss the three we lost, and the dog who died years ago. I found his lead at the back of a cupboard last summer...
So sorry for your loss
I know how dreadful one can feel after having to do such a thing.
Anne Margarete
I'm so sorry for you loss,
a billion hugs coming your way.
So sorry for your loss
Sadly our feline friends just don't live long enough, and then comes the day when we have to put our own feelings aside and do what is right and best for them. Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of Whizz.
Big hugs,
from P and D
So sorry
So sorry for your loss. Been there done that at the end of July. He had been with me for 15 years.
I adopted one from a local shelter but it isn't the same.
Good night, sweet kitty
It's always incredibly painful when our four legged companions leave us but all the years of fond memories make even this part preferable to never having experienced their pure, dependable, uncomplicated love.
~tears and hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
They who have given us
If not their devoted love, then at least their companionship, deserve the end to pain sometimes. It is hard to give it. I feel for the humans who have to do this, Ang. I won't belittle the gap the small one leaves behind, but I would instead encourage you to try and smile along with the tears, at the moments of life with you that Whizz has trailed behind over the years.
Hugs, JJ.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."