Harry Potter and the Deceptions of life - Chapter 2: Family

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Harry is Just out of the second year of Hogwarts and is about to find his life was nothing like he thought, being told your mother was not who you were told, your father wasn't the man you thought would be bad enough, but learning that your not the boy who lived and your not even a boy how will Harry cope with life changes new family ties. No one can say life is boring since finding out magics real.

I do not own the right to Harry Potter, Rights go to J R Rowling and her publishers, this is just my take on how it could have been.

-----This story is set after Chamber of Secrets-----

Harry Potter and the Deceptions of life

Chapter 2: Family

[From this point on Harry will be known as Persephone or Seph for short and he will be recognised as female]

Seph’s eyes fluttered open after a minute or two she realised her vision was clear and felt her face for her glasses only to find they were not on her face and her face felt different. Slowly she began to push herself up noticing her body felt sore but lighter. She slowly swung her legs off the bed and attempted to stand nearly falling before she managed to grab one of the posts of the bed.

Tentatively she made her way over to a full length mirror using the wall as her support, she notice her balance was off way off and whatever she was wearing felt weird even if it was comfortable, there was a knock at the door and Seph went to answer but stumbled over landing in a heap on the floor.

Snape heard the sound and rushed in to see what had happened, he quickly helped Seph back to her feet and figuring her intended destination he held her and guided her over to the mirror. There she stood with complete and utter shock written on her face. Standing there was no longer the boy who lived with an unruly black mop of hair, skinny limbs and pasty complexion.

Instead there was a young girl long deep red hair with black streaked in it, her face was porcelain and her skin was flawless, she had a curvy slim figure, long shapely legs and...and breasts and they were not small well at least when compared to other girls her age, it didn’t take Seph long to figure why she was off balance with longer legs and different weight distribution she knew it would take a little time to learn to move properly again.

The biggest change was her face her eyes seemed a slightly brighter green than before and a little bigger, her face was almost just like her mother except for her cheek bones which she noted were similar to Snape’s. As he held her there she realised how much she looked like him and her mother crossed, she was taller by at least 2 inches.

Even though part of her wanted to scream she had to admit she was hot even if she did think so herself, she looked up at Snape for a second before looking back at her reflexion, this was definitely going to take time to get used to she thought.

‘You’re beautiful, just like your mother,’ whispered Snape

Seph blushed then noticed the blush in the mirror and blushed more, carefully she turned to walk back to her bed but Snape kept his arm around her to help guide her.

‘Are you feeling okay,’ he asked

Seph wasn’t sure, how does one deal with a sudden and complete reversal such as this, how was she going to cope being a girl when she knew nothing about girls, sure she had friends at Hogwart’s who were girls and she supposed there wasn’t much of a difference other than the way they dress. Seph paled as she realised it meant skirts and girl clothes.

As she sat on the bed she looked at Snape again before answering

‘I’m...I’m not sure,’

‘I can understand that, it isn’t everyday you find everything about you was not what you thought, and looking so different probably doesn’t help. Know though that although I haven’t been the best person to know I intend to change that, if ever you need to talk know I will listen and try to help as best I can,’

‘It’s going to be hard at first but I will do my best to be there for you, I don’t expect you to call me dad or father or even think of me like that until you’re ready if ever, I cannot take back what I did all I can do is try to change to be more the person I should have been to support you,’ said Snape

‘Thanks, you know you are very different when you don’t try to act the big bad potions professor,’ said Seph

Snape laughed something that startled Seph at first, she could not remember a time she ever heard the man sitting beside her laugh, he had a nice laugh and it seemed such a waste to have hidden it from the world, Seph realised for the first time how much Dumbledore’s manipulations affected the man beside her.

She wondered if he had laughed like that when he was with her mother and whether she was the last to ever hear that laugh. Snape took a more serious expression

‘I haven’t laughed like that for some time, since your mother actually, when I was told she had married James I fell into a depression which later turned into a form of hate, when your mother died I blamed James and vowed I would never love another woman, I never smiled again, I never laughed I just threw myself into work,’ said Snape

‘Well I have to say I kinda like your laugh and it is something I could definitely get used to hearing, that is if you care to come out of that depression and hate filled existence,’ said Seph ‘It would not do me any good to have a manic depressant as a father,’

Snape laughed again ‘You know I think I could get used to laughing again, although I might have to scowl in potions, you know to keep up appearances,’

‘Making student’s nervous isn’t the best way to get them to co-operate, take Neville he is excellent at Herbology he should be good at potions but because of his fear of you he becomes clumsy, maybe if you didn’t intimidate him he would not blow up your classroom as much.’ She snorted

‘Yes but I can’t be nice to him he is a Gryffindor,’ snorted Snape

Seph put her hands on her hips and glared at him

‘Oh Merlin,’ said Snape with a worried expression

‘What,’ said Seph looking confused

‘The shame my daughter the daughter of a Snape is in Gryffindor,’ he said trying to keep a straight face,’

‘Yeah, yeah lap it up laughing boy, you should know though that the hat wanted me in Slytherin,’ said Seph

‘Then why were you placed in Gryffindor,’

‘Because I asked it not to put me in Slytherin, people told me that all bad wizards came from Slytherin so I didn’t want to be in there,’ said Seph

‘Well I have to say it is not my house that makes a wizard bad it the wizard themselves that do that, during the war there were as many Gryffindor’s, Huffelpuff’s and Ravenclaw’s in the service of the Dark Lord as there were Slytherin’s,’ said Snape

‘I’m beginning to realise that,’ said Seph ‘I am also beginning to realise not everything I have been told about the war is the truth,’ said Seph

Before she could continue there was a pop and Scarlet appeared

‘Mistress, Scarlet is happy to see Mistress looks like Mistress now, breakfast will be ready in about half an hour, Emerald went this morning to collect some clothes for Mistress and Scarlet has run a bath,’ said Scarlet

Snape kissed Seph on the head startling her ‘I will see you downstairs, do you mind if I check out your library while I wait,’ he asked

‘Be my guest,’ said Seph

Seph tentatively stood determined to learn to walk with some sense of balance as Snape left the room
‘Does Mistress need Scarlet for anything else?’

‘No that will be fine thank you,’ said Seph as she wobbled to the bathroom

She managed to get there and quickly undressed trying not to look at her body

[How in the world am I going to do this without looking] she thought [Oh what the hell it’s my body and I will have to deal with it sooner or later]

With that Seph braced herself and took her first look in a mirror naked only to begin blushing like mad, [definitely hot] she thought, she pushed the strange feelings she was having away [I’m sure in a few weeks as I feel more natural like this I won’t react like that again]

Seph slowly got into the bath relishing in the heat that eased her every aching muscle, she let out a long soft moan startling herself and making her blush again, she quickly began to wash checking her body out completely [the sooner I do this the sooner it won’t embarrass me] she thought. After 15 minutes she was out the bath and busy drying herself off when Scarlet appeared

‘Scarlet will dry you Mistress,’ said the elf as she snapped her fingers and suddenly a warm feeling came over Seph and she was dry

‘Thank you Scarlet,’

‘Emerald had placed some clothes that should fit Mistress on the bed,’ said Scarlet

Seph walked in with a bathrobe on and blushed at the sight of the female underwear, she quickly put on the panties before looking at the bra confused, Scarlet saw the confusion and explained how girls put them on and why. Seph followed the instructions and soon she was dressed completely.

Seph looked at herself in the mirror and realised although everything still felt weird she had to admit she looked good. She was wearing a white knee length sundress; though she had to admit getting used to the breeze would be the hardest task even if it did look good.

Seph was about to make her way downstairs as the door was knocked

‘It’s open,’ said Seph

Snape walked in and smiled at what he saw

‘You look really beautiful,’ he said as he took her hand and kissed it.

‘Thanks,’ she blushed feeling uneasy still with the fact that it was seen as normal for a man to kiss a girl or womans hand

‘Breakfast is ready shall we go,’

Seph nodded and Snape placed her arm in his as he led her down to the dining room. Seph really enjoyed her breakfast, she found she was hungrier than usual and suspected it was all the energy it took during the transformation. The pair continued talking through breakfast, Snape suggested during the summer she learn Occlumency to keep Dumbledore from her mind.

They also talked about Narcissa and the Malfoy’s, Seph was very worried about how Narcissa would accept Seph as her niece and how Draco would react when he learned the boy who lived was a girl and his cousin. Snape tried to reassure her that the Malfoy’s might be proud and a little snobbish but away from the public they were a very loving family.

‘Draco is my godson, I know him very well although he knows very little about me, after all he knows nothing of me and your mother or why I have always appeared closed to the world, I think him seeing me smile or laugh because of you will win him around, I might even have to warn him from chatting you up,’ said Snape

Seph laughed nervously whilst blushing [That is definitely the last thing I want to think about right now] she thought [Oh Merlin I never even thought about girls before in that way let alone boys]

They finished eating around 7.30 but as Scarlet and Emerald were going to be taking them they didn’t need to rush, they sat in the common room drinking tea and the conversation turned to the library.

‘You have a very good collection of books in your library by the way,’ said Snape ‘I can tell they are your mothers choice,’

‘How can you tell that,’ Seph asked

‘Your mother was excellent at charms and potions and a dab hand at transfiguration there are also a few books she wrote of her own on the subjects,’ he informed her

‘Well I best take another look now as after today I may be living at the Malfoy’s and I might like to take them with me.’ Said Seph

Snape showed her the books and Scarlet brought her trunk down before she deposited her mother’s books and a few others she had seen and some Snape had recommended. Before long though it was time to leave, Snape handed Seph a white cloak, Emerald shrink Seph’s belongings and picked them up before Scarlet snapped their fingers and the group vanished from the cottage.

A few seconds later they appeared outside Gringotts, Snape kept hold of Seph as she nearly fell over, since she had woke up she had begun getting better with her balance but it was still a bit off. They made their way inside and were greeted by Griphook.

‘We are here to see Gragnok,’ said Seph

‘Any you are,’

‘Har’ said Seph before she was cut off by Snape

‘Miss Persephone Black and Professor Severus Snape’ said Snape calmly, ‘I would also like to see Gragnok alone at some point if it can be arranged,’

Seph realising her error blushed

‘I will inform Gragnok now, if you would like to wait in the VIP suite I will also arrange some tea,’ said Griphook

‘Thank you,’ said Seph as she entered the room Griphook had indicated, she took a seat only to realise her legs were open and quickly closed them blushing

‘This is going to take some time to get used to,’

‘Of that I have no doubt but I am sure you will learn quickly, said Snape as Gragnok walked in

‘Ah Miss Black I am pleased to see you have contacted Professor Snape, Miss Black if you would wait here for a few minutes I believe the Professor wishes to speak to me,’ he said as Snape nodded

‘No problem,’ said Seph

‘I will be back shortly,’ said Snape as he followed Gragnok out the room

Seph poured herself some tea and chatted to the house elves while she waited, she asked them about the properties she owned and asked if there was a way to allow Snape access to the cottage. They confirmed how she would be able to provide him access; it was as simple as her telling him he was welcome there without invitation. Seph had to laugh she expected some complex spell or ritual.

It was almost 20 minutes before Snape returned with Gragnok

‘Miss Black we can head to my office now, I am sure Mrs Malfoy will be here shortly and there a few things Professor Snape wishes to discuss with you,’ said Gragnok

Seph nodded and followed the 2 to the office she had been in the other day; she took a seat in one of the armchairs before Snape began to speak

‘Firstly I am aware you are already wealthy but I would like you to have this, I cannot make up for the lost time or the mistakes I have made but I wish to at least begin, you don’t have to use it but it is a symbol that you are of the house of Snape,’ said Snape as he handed Seph a ring with a blood diamond and the Snape serpent crest etched into the stone.

‘I.’ Seph was cut off before she could argue

‘I am still not expecting anything in return other than the chance you gave me yesterday to get to know each other from the start again, but if for any reason I die as the last Snape I would like you to inherit as it is your birth right,’ said Snape

Seph nodded, she could see it was pointless to argue and placed the ring on her right fourth finger.

‘I would also like to give you these, they were my mothers, they have always been passed to females in the family and my mother would want you to have them as do I,’ he said handing Seph an old carved wooden box

Inside was a beautiful white gold serpent necklace, the serpent had emerald eyes and Seph could feel a strong magic energy coming from it, the box also contained a pair of serpent earrings and a serpent bracelet that looked impossible to put on.

Snape took out the necklace and Seph lifted her hair so he could put it on her but the necklace seemed to slither on itself, he then pointed his wand at her ears piercing each one magically before putting the earrings in, he then carefully lifted the bracelet out and held it next to her arm. Seph jumped as the bracelet began to move and slithered around her wrist before going still again.

‘The necklace is imbued with protective spells and will protect the wearer from many jinx’s, the earrings work together with the necklace, the bracelet works as self defence and contains a mild paralysis agent which will render attackers unable to move for 30 minutes, the bracelet activates automatically if it detects a violent threat against you.’

‘Also the bracelet will act as a wand holder and any wand held there will be unable to be removed except by the owner,’ Said Snape as he sat back down

‘Th...thank you, I,’ said Seph a little overwhelmed with Snape’s behaviour [maybe it will work out between us, maybe he will be the father I have always wished for] she thought

‘There is no need for thanks Seph, I am happy to be able to see them being worn again,’ said Snape
There was a knock at the door and Griphook entered

‘Mrs Narcissa Malfoy is here to see you,’ he said

‘Good, good show her in,’ said Gragnok

The goblin stepped aside and Narcissa walked in head held high, she noticed Seph but said nothing as she noticed Snape both of which had stood.

‘Severus, it is good to see you, you haven’t been around this summer yet, I hope you come soon Draco is terribly bored,’ said Narcissa as Snape took her hand and kissed it.

‘I hope I will be around a lot more than previous years this summer, I hope I have reason to visit you nearly every day if not stay over,’ said Snape with a smile

Narcissa raised an eyebrow

‘Severus have you finally met a woman you are interested in, I haven’t seen you smile since just after Hogwart’s,’ said Narcissa

‘You could say that,’ said Snape

‘Any is this the young lady you have your eye on,’ asked Narcissa as she appraised Seph
Seph blushed and looked down

‘She seems very shy Severus, although I do have to say she is very beautiful.’ Said Narcissa

‘She is the young lady we speak of but it is not to do with love or marriage,’ said Severus

Seph was playing with her hair feeling very self conscious it was then that Narcissa spotted the Black family ring

‘Where did you get that,’ she said as she went to grab Seph’s hand

‘Narcissa please take a seat and all will be explained,’ said Snape as he caught her hand

Narcissa dropped her arm and regarded the young woman again ‘Fine but I expect a good explanation,’

Snape helped Narcissa into a chair then Seph before he sat between them

‘Miss Black do you have the gems I gave you yesterday,’ asked Gragnok
Narcissa’s eyes went wide

‘Damn,’ said Seph ‘I left them in my trunk, Scarlet,’

Scarlet appeared with a pop

‘Yes Mistress how can Scarlet help young Mistress,’

‘Please can you get my trunk in here I need something from it,’ said Seph

With a pop the trunk arrived and was enlarged, Seph quickly bent over and opened it up

‘She isn’t very lady like is she,’ said Narcissa

Seph blushed realising what Narcissa meant and she quickly crouched as she rummaged for the gems. A few seconds later she had found them and after closing her trunk Scarlet popped away again with it. Seph went to hand Gragnok the gems but he stopped her.

‘Pass the red one to Mrs Malfoy,’ said Gragnok ‘Only she can activate it,’

Seph did as told and handed Narcissa the gem in question, Narcissa looked at it and realised its significance she placed it on the desk before an image of Sapphira AKA Lily appeared

‘Hello dear sister, I know this will come as a shock to you as I know your memories were altered but please hear me out, the last you heard of me you thought of me as Lily Potter but that has never been my true identity. When I was born I was stolen from my family and replaced with a still born, I was placed with a muggle family who raised me as their own.’

‘I suspect they had their minds altered, however it was not until my 5th year at Hogwart’s before I learned the truth, you helped me check my heritage after Severus called me a mudblood, we found that I was not Lily Evan’s at all and that I was in fact your younger sister Sapphira Antheia Black. We told mother and father and our other sisters and tried to pretend we were just friends,’

We did that for fear whoever took me in the first place may try again. Unfortunately whoever it was did find out we knew and they Obliviated yours and our sisters memories and killed our parents. After that you would never let me speak to you again even though we had been close friends all through school,’

‘I suspected that whoever had altered your memories had put me in a bad light, the young girl sitting by you is my daughter Persephone Sapphira Black, and she is a Black because I was unmarried at the time of her birth. When she was born she was disguised as a boy because we suspected someone might come after her.’

‘She has been hidden as a boy for a little under 13 years, she will need help coping with such a sudden change and I ask you as my sister to help her, she was most likely placed with my adopted family who may have mistreated her, she will probably have very little knowledge of the magical world and I suspect Dumbledore may even have plans to manipulate her.’

‘Gragnok has a copy of the Black family ledger, you will note both me and my daughter are listed, also Gragnok has a potion ready to prove Seph’s heritage, please sister love her as your own, give her the love I could not be there to give, teach her about our family the Blacks, her father is Severus and I hope he is away from that manipulative old man Dumbledore.’

‘If he is please let him know I never betrayed him, the Potter marriage was a fake to hide that fact that Seph was Severus’s child, Dumbledore lied to me saying Severus was dead and Voldermort would be after Seph if he found out my child was Severus’s, James was just a friend helping protect me and Seph,’

‘2 months after Seph was born I found Sev was still alive and tried to talk to him but he did not want to listen, he believed Dumbledore and his lies, I tried to convince him and explain but I didn’t get chance before I had to go into hiding because I had heard of a prophesy and that Voldermort was actively seeking my daughter,’

‘I hope Seph has contacted him if I wasn’t able before I died but if not and he is away from Dumbledore let him know about Seph he deserves to know his beautiful daughter. I have left a number of vials with memories of our time at Hogwart’s in my personal vault, they are there for Seph to be able to get to know me better but they may help you remember me too beloved elder sister.’

‘Please Cissa love her as you once loved me, be the family she needs to grow strong, and protect her from Dumbledore, I will always watch over you my big sister,’

With that the image of Sapphira vanished, Snape had his arm around Seph and both had tears on their eyes, Narcissa looked teary but kept her demeanour, obviously trying to work it all out.

Gragnok placed a ledger on the desk and Narcissa recognised it immediately as the Black family history, it listed every Black from when the Black first existed to present day it also listed birth and deaths exactly. Narcissa carefully picked the book up and opened it to the last entries, there in bold lettering was Persephone Sapphira Black daughter of Sapphira Antheia Black and Severus Tiberius Snape.

Narcissa’s mouth opened in shock ‘No it’s not true, Severus tell me this is a lie,’ she whispered

‘It is the truth Narcissa, Gragnok Sapphira said you have the Potion,’

Gragnok nodded and placed a large vial on the desk with 3 quills, Snape picked a quill up and dipped it in the potion before turning to Seph

‘This will sting but only a little, can I have your finger,’ he asked

Seph complied and held out her hand, Snape jabbed her finger drawing blood, Snape then placed the quill on some blank parchment and watched as the quill began to move, listing Seph’s family tree. After a few minutes it stopped and Snape picked up the parchment before handing it to Narcissa.

After a second Narcissa picked up another quill dipped it in the vial and pricked her own finger before placing the quill on another parchment. After a few minutes Narcissa compared them as Snape performed his test. Once done Narcissa paled

‘Why,’ was all Narcissa could say before she began sobbing

Seph was out of her chair straight away hugging Narcissa trying to comfort her.

‘I shall leave you for a short time, call me when you have had time to compose yourselves and we can continue, there is no rush,’ said Gragnok as he left the room

A tea set appeared on the desk and Snape poured 3 cups, it took a good ten minutes before Narcissa calmed down to a whimper rather than a sob, Seph never let go, she wasn’t sure why she acted like she did but for some reason she felt it right. Without warning Narcissa’s arms snaked around Seph and she found herself pulled into a tight embrace.

‘You poor dear,’ said Narcissa softly ‘If only I had known, Severus you have a beautiful daughter, would you mind if I teach her how to be a Lady of the Black family.’

‘It is not for me to decide, I have no right’s to make decisions for her,’ said Snape ‘I treated her terribly when I thought she was Harry Potter, as you remember I thought Lily had betrayed me but in fact she didn’t and because of that Lily died and Seph was placed in the care of abusive magic hating muggles.’

‘When she attended Hogwart’s I still had my anger of James betrayal and I took it out on Harry, I never even gave time to get to know her as Harry because of my blind anger, so it is up to Seph if she will accept your help,’ said Severus as he hung his head in shame

Seph untangled herself from Narcissa before wrapping her arms around Snape

‘I am still not ready to call you father but I meant what I said about giving our relationship another go, please don’t keep beating yourself down and returning to your depression, show me that lovely smile you had earlier and laugh for me,’ said Seph

Snape smiled as he hugged her back

‘Merlin,’ said Narcissa in a slight daze ‘It has just sunk in you were the boy who lived the golden boy of Gryffindor,’

Seph paled expecting the worst

‘Damn that Dumbledore and his interfering, Seph will you come live with me at Malfoy manor and let me get to know my niece,’ said Narcissa as she smiled softly

Seph looked nervous but nodded ‘I would like that aunt,’ Seph hung her head as she suddenly thought of Draco and the possible teasing she would receive from him.

Narcissa seemed to notice her distress ‘Is something wrong dear,’ she asked

Seph blushed before Snape answered

‘I believe she is concerned over Draco and Lucius, Draco and Harry never got on and during the last school year Seph accused Lucius of endangering the students with Riddles diary,’

‘Don’t worry Seph,’ she said as she held a hand out for Seph pulling her to her lap and enveloping her in a hug ‘Granted Lucius was a little angry but more so at Albus for putting the thought in your head in the first place,’

‘Do not worry, you are family and I am sure both will accept you, as for Draco I assure you he is nothing like he makes out at school, at home he is very loving of family.’ Said Narcissa

‘Severus please get Gragnok so we can finish our business and head home,’ said Narcissa

‘I would suggest taking Seph shopping first, she has only been female since this morning and only has what she is wearing,’ said Snape

Seph paled unsure about shopping, the only shopping she had ever done was to get school supplies never anything to wear elsewhere.

‘Yes even more important that we finish this meeting as soon as possible, there will be a lot to get,’ said Narcissa

Minutes later Gragnok came back in the office with Severus and took their seats.

‘To business, I take it Miss Black will be living with Professor Snape and your family Mrs Malfoy,’ asked Gragnok

‘Yes,’ both said

‘Good it makes me happy to see family getting back together, especially this young lady after hearing Miss Sapphira Black’s words spoke I know Miss Black will need lots of support, there are a few forms to sign Professor about legal guardianship obviously as her only living parent guardianship is passed to you,’ said Gragnok as he handed Snape 2 forms to sign

Snape read through and signed, the forms indicated he was taking responsibility of Seph’s life as she was underage to be considered a full adult.

‘Now just to make you aware Miss Black has been made an adult financially, I trust you both to make sure she does not go too mad with her wealth,’ said Gragnok ‘Although final say on purchases are down to Miss Black’s decision.’

The 2 adults nodded

‘Not that she will need to spend money for a while, I am sure both my family and Severus will make sure she wants for nothing.’ Said Narcissa

Gragnok nodded ‘Quite. Miss Black also has another crystal for you to see, I would suggest showing it in front of Mr Malfoy because he will need to act in a political fashion, it concerns your cousin Sirius.’ Said Gragnok

Narcissa growled

‘Actually it is testimony by Sapphira proving Sirius was not the Potter’s secret keeper meaning they were betrayed by someone else,’ said Gragnok ‘It is likely Sirius was framed and as no formal trial was ever had then he never had chance to prove his innocence,’

Narcissa’s frown disappeared as she took in this new information

‘Finally as Miss Black will be living at your home Mrs Malfoy I wish to ask Miss Black if there is anything she wishes moved there from her mother’s personal vault,’ asked Gragnok

Seph considered this for a minute ‘I don’t know how much there is and whether there is enough room,’ said Seph

‘Do not worry about space there will be plenty, Malfoy manor can be expanded magically to make rooms bigger in the inside than they appear.’ Said Narcissa

‘If it’s okay them I would like it all sent so I can go through it in my own time,’ said Seph
‘Seph can you call you elf,’ said Narcissa

‘Which one,’ said Seph causing Narcissa to raise a brow

‘How many do you have?’

‘2 personal maids,’ said Seph

‘Then call both,’

‘Scarlet, Emerald,’

Both elves popped in

‘Yes Mistress,’ they chorused

Narcissa turned to them ‘You are to go to Malfoy Manor and speak to Trixy my families elf, you are to inform her that we will be having a girl move in and she is to prepare the east wing, please assist her, when you are done return here and inform Gragnok, he will send the vault your Mistress wishes to be at home,’ said Narcissa

The two elves looked at Narcissa then at Seph

Seph nodded ‘Please do as Mrs Malfoy has asked,’

‘Yes Mistress, we will do as we are asked,’ with that the 2 elves popped away

‘If that is all Gragnok we will head out now as we need to address the problem of Seph’s wardrobe and other things young ladies need.’ Said Narcissa

‘quite, quite, well then Miss Black I wish you good luck with adapting and remember you are always free to come in if you need any advice,’ said Gragnok

‘Thank you for everything Gragnok, although I still haven’t quite figured everything out you have been most gracious and kind and I appreciate the time you have spent helping me,’ said Seph

‘You are welcome dear, take care,’ said Gragnok with a smile as the party of 3 left the office and made their way out of Gringotts.

Seph wasn’t sure she had ever seen a goblin smile before; it was a little unnerving but she tried to forget it and concentrate on the task at hand. As they walked out of Gringotts into the fresh air Snape turned to Seph

‘Before anything I think we best get your wand checked, it might not work as well now and the last thing you need is to return to Hogwart’s with a faulty wand,’ said Snape

Seph nodded and followed Snape while Narcissa looped her arm in Seph’s

As they entered the shop Seph remembered the first time she came there for her wand and how creepy Mr Ollivander seemed. It seemed Mr Ollivander was on target yet again as he suddenly appeared
'Good afternoon,' said a soft voice. Seph jumped.

An old man was standing before them, his wide, pale eyes shining like moons through the gloom of the shop.

'Hello,' said Seph awkwardly.

'Ah yes,' said the man. 'Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you again Miss Black.' It wasn't a question. 'You have your mother's eyes. I remember telling you how it seemed only yesterday she was in here herself, buying her first wand. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wand for charm work.'

Seph paled, Mr Ollivander moved closer to Seph. She noted his silvery eyes were as creepy as ever.

'Your father, on the other hand, favoured a mahogany wand. Eleven inches. Pliable. A little more power and excellent for transfiguration. Well, I say your father favoured it — it's really the wand that chooses the wizard, of course.'

‘Ah Severus it is good to see you and with your beautiful daughter too,’ said Mr Ollivander

Seph’s eyes were wide

‘You mean,’

Severus held up his wand and Seph felt like passing out, how much did Mr Ollivander know, Seph paled at the thought

‘And Mrs Malfoy as lovely as ever I see,’ Narcissa smiled

‘Do not worry Miss Black you have my oath and word of honour that I will never reveal my knowledge of your past to anyone,’ the old man said with a smile ‘Now let me see your wand,’

Seph pulled out her wand and showed it Mr Ollivander

‘Ah yes, it is good you came to see me, this will definitely not work for you at the moment, the core is still correct but the wand itself is wrong, hmmm let me see,’ he said as he removed the Pheonix feather and went in the back and collected a number of boxes.

Carefully he selected a few and placed the core in each getting Seph to try each one about the 15th wand she tried the wand sent out a large ball of red sparkling flames, the flamed did no damage just coated the store in a light show.

‘Indeed this is excellent,’ he said with a smile ‘Very unusual too, The outer surface is ebony with a Basilisk fang inside as you will see there are runes carved on the wand making it good for practically any spell and of course it still has your Pheonix feather core, it’s Ten and a quarter inches charmed to be flexible.’ He smiled brightly at Seph

‘Mr Ollivander would it be possible to place another Pheonix core in Miss Black’s old wand,’ asked Snape
Seph looked confused

‘Ah yes, I understand Professor Snape, of course I can make Miss Black’s old wand appear as if it has never been any different,’ he quickly went in the back and after perusing several Pheonix feathers he selected one and placed it in Seph’s old wand.

Seph went to pay but Snape interjected and paid the 15 Galleons for both wands before saying good bye and leaving the shop.

‘We will explain it later why we had your old wand made to look like it did before,’ said Snape
Seph nodded realising it was a secret matter

‘I have a few supplies I need to get so I will leave you and Narcissa to go to Madam Malkin’s to begin clothes shopping, I will meet you at lunch at the usual place Narcissa,’

Narcissa nodded as she led Seph to Madam Malkin’s

As they entered the shop Madam Malkin immediately made her way over ‘Mrs Malfoy it is a pleasure to see you, and who is the fine young lady accompanying you,’ she asked

‘This is my niece Persephone Black we are here today to buy her a complete new wardrobe,’ said Narcissa
‘Of course step this way,’ said Madam Malkin as she led them to a private room in the back of the shop
‘If you would step on the podium dear I can get you measured,’ she said

Seph looked nervous but with Narcissa’s encouragement she stepped up and Madam Malkin began to measure her waist, hips and bust before checking her height. A number of hours later the 2 of them finally left the shop, Seph had to admit it was pretty fun though, although she wasn’t sure how she felt about Narcissa’s insistence that she pay and not Seph.

After Madam Malkin’s they went to various other stores to collect hair products and make-up of all types, Seph found herself dribbling over watermelon fragranced shampoo’s and strawberry fragranced conditioners not to mention the huge selection of bath oils and body creams Narcissa bought her.

Make-up was just as bad with Narcissa buying a number of expensive make-up sets and various books on hair and beauty charm work. Finally they visited the Apothecary where Narcissa bought several readymade potions telling Seph they were for times of the month, Seph was utterly confused but shrugged as Narcissa said she would explain later.

All in all Seph was having a great time; her balance had improved tremendously since first thing in the morning, well that was until the disastrous shoe shop. Narcissa insisted on buying her several pairs of low heal and high heel boots, several pairs of court shoes and high heels, a number of flats, some strappy heels and more she also bought Seph several different handbags as well.

It was midday when Narcissa and Seph left Diagon alley, surprisingly neither were carrying bags of shopping as Narcissa had one of her house elves take all the shopping back to be placed in Seph’s room. Seph wondered where they were headed as they walked through the streets of London. The area was pretty expensive from the looks of it.

Before she could say anything though they entered a posh looking restaurant, the head waiter recognised Narcissa straight away and led them to a table where Snape was already waiting.

‘I was beginning to wonder if I would see you today,’ said Snape with a fake scowl
Seph laughed

‘Well we still have this afternoon to do yet, you might want to head back to the manor while we continue,’ said Narcissa

Seph looked at Narcissa in shock ‘You mean we haven’t finished yet,’ she asked incredulously

‘Of course not Seph, we have finished in Diagon alley and next we hit muggle London, there are so many other shops we have to visit there are all the brands young ladies should be aware of like Gucci, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana and many more. All fashionable young ladies need designer clothes in their wardrobes.’

Seph was starting to wonder if all these clothes were going to bankrupt the Malfoy’s, she tried to insist on paying but her aunt refused point blank.

‘Have you had a good morning Seph?’

Seph beamed him a smile ‘Yes, I never knew shopping could be fun, the only time I have ever been shopping was in my first year with Hagrid and my second year with the Weasley’s, it’s also been fun getting to know Aunty,’ said Seph

‘Now Seph remember to call me Cissa, Aunty makes me feel old,’ she laughed

Seph blushed ‘Sorry this is all new, I mean having family and family that actually wants to know me,’ Seph looked down embarrassed by what she said

‘How anyone could not want to know you is beyond me, you’re so full of energy, don’t get me wrong Draco is my son and I love him but boys just don’t do shopping and I always wanted a daughter to shop with, and even though you might not be mine I am thoroughly enjoying this bonding experience,’ said Narcissa with a huge smile

As they ate their meal they continued to chat about Seph’s morning and how she was feeling, Seph was already feeling close to Narcissa and Snape was even closer after their chat last night and this morning it felt as though a huge weight had been lifted and there was much less tension between them.

Seph was starting to see why her mother fell in love with him, when he dropped the masks he was ironically very sweet and kind, Seph was looking forward to getting to know him better and wondered whether one day she may even feel natural about referring to him as her father.

Snape left them in muggle London and the girls went busily around the shops, Seph felt like a dress up doll but she didn’t mind it was pretty fun seeing how different outfits looked and figuring out what went with what. Narcissa promised to take Seph to a beauty spa later in the week where they would spend the whole day being pampered. Seph found she was looking forward to it even though she was still reeling from last night’s gender switch and still hadn’t quite got her head around the whole thing she was too busy enjoying her time with Narcissa to stop and consider it all.

It was around 6pm before they were finally done and made their way to the leaky cauldron to Floo back to Malfoy manor, both Narcissa and Seph were pretty tired but after Narcissa handed Seph a pep-up potion they both felt a little more alive and ready to face the Malfoy family. Seph called Scarlet at the pub and had her take the shopping back ahead of them.

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just as good as the first

just as good as the first chapter, I can't wait for the next

I was weary at first

of a Harry Potter fanfic. Almost as soon as I started reading, though, that weariness turned to excitement. The direction is fresh and independent of the trappings of the canon works, yet you took details from the later books and used them to flesh out the story. The writing feels just a touch dry, but the story is well done enough to overlook that and enjoy the happenings. If you can keep up the speedy posting schedule I'll be both happy and impressed.

Melanie E.

I've Read Both Chapters And

I like this new version of the "HARRY POTTER" story. It will be most interesting to see just where this story goes.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

Lol i so love this :D Thank

Lol i so love this :D

Thank you for writing this captivating story,



Pretty good can’t wait to see this story continued. I like seeing this other side of Snape and Mrs. Malfoy. I think the goblins are acting way out of character for the potterverse being that nice though.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

The Harry Potter Goblins

WillowD's picture

I've read a lot of Harry Potter fan fiction. The nature of the goblins varies widely in a lot of them. I've read a number of stories where the goblins are a pretty noble race and are very tied into muggle economics.

I do, I do

Like this version!
