At the long last I bookmarked that story.
It is, IMHO, one of the best stories I've read ever.
12 years... I read that story, lost it, found... lost again. (I think it was posted on other sites under different names).
So let me share with you...
Barbara Scott - Fairytale Princess
By Faeriemage
(12 Strings ... another favorite... Just a good way to spend those depressing days where the summer is gone but it is still not a spring :-) )
One of the best and "underkudoed" stories on BCTS
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One of the best
that is ok better than some but not my cup of tea my favorites are Tommy trials and tribulations of a girl by Teddie S its a very long read but worth the time ive read it through 4 times also any story from the spa universe authors karen page and 5 other authors
Thanks for this blog
I am enjoying following your recommendation.
I find that its narrative would be easier to follow if there were fewer mis-spellings, typos and skipped words. To a pedant like me, they break the flow for perfect readability, but the story is good.
I don't normally look at kudos counts, but these do not seem as low as for some other stories which I have enjoyed and are certainly higher than I expected from your comments! Bear in mind that it is, however, easy to miss offerings and/or writers which had disappeared a long time before the new reader has encountered the site!