Harry Potter and the Deceptions of life - Chapter 1: Truth’s revealed

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Harry is Just out of the second year of Hogwarts and is about to find his life was nothing like he thought, being told your mother was not who you were told, your father wasn't the man you thought would be bad enough, but learning that your not the boy who lived and your not even a boy how will Harry cope with life changes new family ties. No one can say life is boring since finding out magics real.

I do not own the right to Harry Potter, Rights go to J R Rowling and her publishers, this is just my take on how it could have been.

-----This story is set after Chamber of Secrets-----

Harry Potter and the Deceptions of life

Chapter 1: Truth’s revealed

Harry Potter was anything but your average teenager, many people assume they know him even though all they really knew was a name. Even Harry didn’t know himself he had for years felt something wrong and when he found out about magic he thought that was what it was but he was to be in for a very big shock.

Harry had just returned from Hogwart’s for the summer vacation, no sooner had he arrived back the Dursley’s had given him a huge list of chores and told him when he wasn’t working to stay in his room they had then gone off for the week to the coast for a holiday. Vernon had had a CCTV system installed and warned Harry that if he did anything freaky they would know and he’d be punished.

Harry wasn’t too bothered in fact he was happy to be alone for once; he hated staying with the Dursley’s and no matter how much he pleaded with Dumbledore the old man refused to allow him to live anywhere else. The Weasley’s had even offered to adopt him after last year but Dumbledore would hear none of it.

Harry had only been at Hogwart’s for 2 years and was already sick of Dumbledore’s manipulations, Harry acted like he didn’t know Dumbledore was using him, after all if Dumbledore had really been worried about the stone in the first year it would have been destroyed before Voldermort went after it. He also wondered about the diary and who really planted it.

Harry never said anything but he suspected that Lucius may not have been behind it, his actions were of the type that were typical of purebloods that he had come across but for some deep reason he felt that again he had been played. Harry started wondering what the next few years would be like having to clean up messes created by Dumbledore’s for his amusement.

Harry knew he was being groomed to be the saviour the Wizarding world wanted but at present he saw no way out. As he lay on the bed contemplating the woe’s of his existence little did he realise the way out was about to open and it would be nothing like he expected. There was a loud pop and Harry bolted to his feet with his wand drawn.

There standing in the middle of the room was a finely dressed goblin. He had made no attempt to run, hide or defend himself as he stood there looking at Harry.

‘Mr Potter your wand is not required, I am here on official Gringotts business and mean you no harm,’ said the goblin ‘my name is Gragnok, chief advisor to the Potter/Black estates and finances.’

Harry was unsure but knew too well goblins although able to be vicious were also highly trustworthy, after all they were trusted as bankers for the Wizarding world, Harry slowly lowered his wand but kept grip on it just in case.

‘That is better, I am here on behalf of your departed parents to discuss some important matters, however it is unsafe to proceed here, so that you can better trust me I have a message from your mother. Gragnok said as he held out an emerald

Suddenly a small holographic type image of Lily Potter appeared

‘My beautiful child, how I wish I could be there for you right now, if you are getting this message then something has happened to me and I am no longer with you, I have left instructions with Gringotts in case something should happen to me, Gragnok should be bringing this message trust him, he will do no harm. I suspect Dumbledore will have left you with the Dursley’s if so it was against my wish and my will, if this is so the information Gragnok will give you will allow you to leave there, I will talk more soon.’ With that the image disappeared

‘If you would change to more suitable attire and pack your things I shall take you directly to Gringotts and after our business I can drop you were ever you like.’ Said Gragnok

Harry considered the message and decided to go along for now to see what this was all about. Harry didn’t have much in the way of wizard clothes but he did have 1 set of everyday robes just in case he needed them, after changing his clothes he quickly packed his meagre possessions in his trunk and stood in front of Gragnok.

‘Firstly pour this over your wand, it will remove all tracers that the Ministry use to detect underage wizards,’ said Gragnok as he handed a vial to Harry ‘here is another vial because at some point you may have to change your wand,’ he said as he handed Harry another vial

Harry did as requested and there was a feint glow around the wand before it dissipated and then harry placed the other in the potions area of his trunk.

‘Now to hide your scar,’ said Gragnok ‘Please stand still this will only hurt slightly,’ said Gragnok

Harry felt a slight pain but remained standing, after a few seconds Gragnok nodded and Harry reached up. He felt the area the scar had been only to note he felt nothing there.

‘Take this, it is a port key directly to my office at Gringotts, I will bring your trunk and Owl,’ said Gragnok as he handed Harry a quill ‘say pure and it will activate,’

‘Pure,’ said harry as he suddenly felt a tug below his navel, seconds later he crashed in a heap in the floor in a large office

‘My Apologies I should have warned you to bend your knees for landing.’ Said Gragnok as Harry got back to his feet ‘Please take a seat,’

Harry sat in a large red leather armchair facing a carved mahogany desk as tea appeared in front of him
‘Firstly I have another message from your mother,’ Gragnok said as he held out another gem

‘My beloved child, this will be difficult to hear but I beg you to listen as calmly as you can, before I go into further details I ask that you drink the potion Gragnok will hand you, do not worry it is not poison it will restore you to how you should look, you see you were disguised at birth to protect you from Dumbledore, when you have taken the potion Gragnok will relay the rest of this message,’ said Lily’s image before it faded again

Gragnok placed a vial of silvery pink liquid on the desk, Harry eyed the liquid unsure of what it might be but he was sure it would not be poison, had Gragnok wanted him dead he would have done it earlier. Carefully Harry picked it up un-corked it and drank it in one, the liquid felt warm and tasted slightly bitter.

Harry placed down the empty vial and quickly drank a little tea to remove the taste. Gragnok placed the gem on the table and Lily’s image reappeared

‘Firstly my beloved child you have most likely been told many lies about your heritage, I am sure you have been told I was a muggleborn and that I had a sister Petunia, if so you have been lied to. My real parents were Cygnus and Druella Black; I have 3 sisters Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa.’

‘I was born a year after Narcissa I was named Sapphira Antheia Black and was the youngest, however someone Obliviated my family and stole me from them at my birth replacing me with a stillborn baby to make it seem like I had died at birth. I only discovered this in my 5th year at Hogwart’s using a potion to discover my ancestry. Narcissa and I were always close at school,’

‘We discovered what had happened together and it was Narcissa who told me that I had supposedly died at birth. We had to be careful who we told in case the person who did it was still around, we did tell my real mother and father and my other sisters were aware too as was Severus Snape,’

‘It was Severus that caused me to find out about my heritage after he called me a nasty name, anyway someone must have found out because just after school my parents died mysteriously and of course it was blamed on Voldermort. Anyway after that I suspect my sisters had been Obliviated, again as Narcissa and Andromeda didn’t seem to want to know me anymore and Bella seemed as though she had begun losing her mind.’

‘Anyway going back to during my 7th year at Hogwart’s I fell in love with Severus and we began dating, I had always been close to him all through school and thinking back I have to wonder whether the marauders picked on him because of that reason. I suspect it wasn’t their doing though and that they were being manipulated.’

During the last year of school Severus and I had also made peace with James Potter and Sirius my cousin, after checking them for the Imperius curse I confided in them about my real identity, they both became very protective of me when they found out what someone had done, to everybody outside our circle we were all just friends.’

‘I could not prove they had been manipulated before and even they just put their issues with Severus down to immaturity. After school I was still going strong with Severus and after a year together I became pregnant. It was then that I heard Severus had joined Voldermort and had been found as a spy and killed. I was also warned that my baby was at risk,’

‘When I was told Severus had died and that Voldermort might be after you James pretended to marry me and made out you were his, we disguised you at birth to make you look like him. I didn’t like it because it made me sad to see my beautiful daughter living as something other than what she really was.’

‘Yes honey by now you are thinking what the hell do I mean by that, you were not born as the boy Harry James Potter you were born as my daughter and your name should be Persephone Sapphira Black, Black because I was still unmarried at the time. Before you were 2 months old I found Severus was alive but due to things Dumbledore had told him he would not speak with me thinking I had betrayed him.’

‘I tried many times to tell him but before I knew what was happening we were deep in hiding after being told of a Prophesy that had been made and that Voldermort was definitely after you. James had come to love you as his own and although I was still not in love with him we were happy to an extent, James said that if he did not survive the war that the Potter titles, lands and wealth were to be given to you. I tried to refuse but he said that if not the Potter wealth would end up in the wrong hands and he did not want that.’

‘He also said that even though you were not of him he saw you as his own no matter who your real father was, I relented in end. When my real parents died my father had made sure I would want for nothing, when father first found out about me he remade his will making sure I had a home and money should I ever need it.’

‘Gragnok is the goblin that organised the wills of both the Blacks and the Potters and shortly he will read them both to you. I am sorry I am not there with you my daughter and I only hope life has not been too harsh on you, be wary of Albus Dumbledore he is not as good as he makes himself appear, as for Voldermort again he is not what he appears to be.’

‘Yes Voldermort is a dark wizard but there is a difference between being dark and being evil, sometimes the light can be more evil than the dark. From what I discovered Dumbledore was behind my kidnap and possibly my parents death, If a prophesy was made it is possible it was faked to stage our deaths,’

‘I am not saying to trust Voldermort if he still exists I am just telling you to be wary of both Dumbledore and Voldermort and to use your own judgement, not all of the things carried out in Voldermort’s name were done on his orders. His main goal was to liberate the magic world so that the dark magic was not restricted by the light.’

‘As said before Dark does not mean evil and light does not mean good a light wizard can be evil just as much as a dark can. A couple of final things before this message ends, firstly the potion will return you to your real gender by tomorrow morning, please live again as my daughter and accept your real name, secondly I want you to find my sister Narcissa and make sure she receives the gem Gragnok will give you.’

‘Narcissa I hope will take care of you and teach you of our family, also if Sirius is around see him too, he is the head of the Black family and he can make sure you are looked after, he is your godfather and you should already be living with him, but I suspect he has done something foolish if we are dead.’

‘There is another gem which contains details of our secret keeper, if we were betrayed by Peter Sirius may have been blamed as everyone thought he was our secret keeper, please make sure Narcissa gets that too, if Sirius gets into trouble it will hopefully get him out. There is also a gem for Severus, if he is still alive please find him and give it to him’

‘Finally my beautiful daughter grow up strong and proud, I wish I could be there with you but know I will always watch over you,’ said Lily’s image as it slowly vanished

Harry sat there is shock with tears running down his face, his whole life was a lie, everything the Dursley’s, his mother’s blood status, his father. It was becoming clear that Dumbledore was still manipulating the situation. By keeping him at the Dursley’s he knew Harry would become compliant and submissive, or so he thought.

By making sure he had certain information he was guiding him to do certain tasks to make sure the world continued to see Harry as the saviour of the Wizarding world, since his mothers kidnap Dumbledore had been trying to create the perfect submissive tool one that people would look too in tough times and one that would make Dumbledore himself look good.

Harry was brought out of his musings by Gragnok

‘I apologise for not giving you more time to think on things and can assume that it will take some time for you to wrap your mind around everything that is happening, I apologise but there are other things we need to discuss,’

‘Firstly the will of James Henry Potter,’ said Gragnok

‘I James Henry Potter being of sound mind and under witness does hereby bequeath all of the lands, titles and wealth of the Potter family to Miss Persephone Sapphira Black. These include the Potter family manor which is un-plot able. To reach the property you will first have to call the estates head house elf scarlet.’

‘Scarlet is a free elf who works for the Potter family and from this day forth the Black family, she will guide you to the Potter family properties and will also serve as your personal maid. I also hereby will that you be recognised as an adult in regards to your inheritance, but I would recommend having Gragnok continue as financial advisor,’

‘Seph although you may not have been my child know that I love you as if you were, know that although your mother and I were friends and not married you still mean a great deal to me, if I am no longer around know that like your mother I will watch over you.’

‘Gragnok is to provide you with the Potter family ring which will allow you to access the money without having to enter the bank, he is also to provide you with a card similar to a muggle credit card that you can use in the muggle world.’

‘Gragnok is also to provide you with all your identify papers which will change depending on whether you use the name Potter or the name Black, please remember you do not have to use the name Potter I will not mind, just remember me, Forever your father James.’

Harry had sat listening to every word, tears still streaming and still struggling with the knowledge that had been imparted.

‘I will provide you with a detailed ledger of all the lands properties and monies included in the potter family that belong to you, only you will be able to open the ledger, now we move to your mother Sapphira Antheia Black’s will or as she was known Lily Potter.’

‘I Sapphira Antheia Black being of sound mind and under witness does hereby bequeath all my possessions to my beloved daughter Persephone Sapphira Black. The possessions include the black family cottage in Wales the house elf Emerald will guide you there, all of the personal possessions in vault 204 and all the monies left to me by my father. ‘

‘Please remember when you are settled you can have the items from vault 204 transferred to where you live, the items include diaries and other personal items as well as lots of books on various aspects of magic, use them well and study hard you may need the knowledge, some of the books are considered dark so be careful who you tell,’

‘Gragnok is to provide you with one of the Black family rings which will allow you to access your money without having to enter the bank, he is also to provide you with a card similar to a muggle credit card that you can use in the muggle world and will be linked directly with your vaults.’

‘I have asked Gragnok to continue to manage the family finances and I ask you to trust him, he has always looked after our assets with care, you are also to be recognised financially as an adult, this allows you direct access to your monies and prevents anyone else from interfering with what you do with your money and possessions.’

‘This precaution was taken because both James and I feel that someone may try to seize your properties and wealth to use for their purposes, we know Dumbledore had a group called the Order of the Pheonix and we feel he may wish to use your wealth to fund his own goals and ambitions so be careful.’

‘Finally my daughter remember no matter where we are we love you,’ with that Gragnok placed the parchment down and looked at Harry

‘Miss Black I will tell you now that the Potter or Black family rings cannot be removed once on your fingers and the cards will not work for anyone but you even under Polyjuice or other concealments.’ Said Gragnok as he handed Harry 2 rings, the first had a fire diamond with the Potter family crest engraved into the stone, the other looked like liquid Onyx with what Harry assumed was the Black family crest engraved.

Harry slipped the Black family ring on his little finger of his right hand and the Potter ring on the little finger of his left as Gragnok suggested. As the rings readjusted to Harry’s fingers the stones both glowed for a second or two and Gragnok said that that was to indicate that the rings had been activated.

Harry was also told when the change occurred the rings would again resize, Harry was now recognised as the head of the Potter family and the Black family heiress even though he was still male, Harry was also told that now the rings were active he could call on the house elves of both the Potter and Black families and no matter where he was they would appear.

Gragnok then handed Harry 2 portfolio’s detailing the properties and other items available to him now.
‘Miss Black,’ said Gragnok

Harry flinched at the name still very uncomfortable with the knowledge in less than a day he would change into a girl, the whole idea was frightening the hell out of him, how in the world was he to cope being a girl after 12 years of life as a boy.

Harry was snapped out of his musings by Gragnok

‘Miss Black, I understand this is still a rather large shock for you, but there are still things to organise and discuss so I must ask that you try to keep with me as I discuss other matters regarding you and your relatives.’

Harry nodded

‘Firstly your aunt Narcissa, I have contacted her and asked her to attend a meeting tomorrow morning, I felt it best you see her after you change tonight,’ said Gragnok

Harry nodded still slightly numb but aware of what Gragnok had said

‘Your other Aunt, Bellatrix is in Azkaban for murder, the charges are pretty severe and I doubt she will be out ever. Then there is your cousin Sirius Black, he is also in Azkaban but there may be a chance with the information on the gem your mother discussed and there may be grounds for an appeal.’

‘Lastly your other Aunt Andromeda is also free as she never openly supported the dark lord, however I would suggest you let Narcissa guide you with regards your family as some may be loyal to Dumbledore and it could cause problems.’ Said Gragnok

‘For tonight I would suggest you call your personal elves and ask them which of the properties are habitable and stay there tonight, have one of them bring you back here around 8am tomorrow, Your aunt is to arrive at 8.30. I would suggest you bring your trunk and other possessions as once Mrs Malfoy knows the truth of your heritage she will most undoubtedly take you to live with her.’

Harry nodded again before shaking himself out of his slight daze

‘Is there anything else I need to know,’ asked Harry

‘No for now that is all,’ said Gragnok as he handed Harry the identification and documents.
Harry placed the Gems and the documents in his trunks and the ID in his pocket before turning back to the goblin.

‘I take it I just say the names of the elves,’ when Gragnok nodded Harry continued ‘Emerald, Scarlet,’

There was a sudden pop and 2 house elves appeared one in a little red dress on in a green one

‘Good day Mistress, how can Scarlet serve you,’ said Scarlet looking slightly confused

‘Good Day Mistress, how can Emerald serve you,’ said Emerald also slightly confused

‘Why did they call me Mistress, I’m a guy,’ said Harry confused

‘Because although the physical change may not have occurred you are still recognised as the Mistress of the 2 families,’

‘We are sorry is we upset Mistress we is just doing as we must,’ said Scarlet with her ears curled over her eye’s slightly, Emerald had the same look as if they had done something wrong

Harry sighed ‘It’s okay, I just wondered that’s all, I suppose I will have to get used to it sooner or later although looking like this does make it feel even more confusing, now Scarlet, Emerald out of the Potter and Black homes I own which is ready for habitation,’ asked Harry

Scarlet was the first to speak ‘The Black Family cottage is ready,’

‘The Potter Manor was shut down when Lord Potter went into hiding Mistress, you will need to visit to wake the Manor up again,’ said Emerald

‘How would I wake it,’ asked Harry

‘Mistress would need to use her magic to light the fire in the main bedroom, that will wake up the Manor again,’ said Emerald

‘Okay I will leave it sleep for now and will stay at the cottage tonight, what about food at the cottage,’ asked Harry

‘Emerald can fetch some food while Scarlet takes Mistress, if that is okay with Mistress, is there anything particular Mistress wants,’ asked Emerald

‘No I don’t mind,’ said Harry ‘Okay Scarlet please take me to the cottage,’ said Harry as Emerald popped away ‘Thank you Gragnok I will see you tomorrow,’

Scarlet snapped her fingers and Harry, Scarlet and Harry’s possessions vanished from Gringotts. Seconds later Harry opened his eyes to stunning living room in Emerald, the furniture was all deep dark mahogany. Scarlet turned to Harry with big bright eyes

‘If Mistress wants Scarlet will show Mistress around,’ said the little elf
‘That would be nice,’ said Harry

For the next hour Scarlet led Harry around the cottage, the place was huge and Harry had to wonder if it was more a mansion than a cottage. The common room was large enough for a family gathering, there was also a large dining room, a study, a library and at least 10 bedrooms including the master suite which Scarlet had already set up for Harry to sleep in.

Harry spent some of the afternoon perusing the library, he found many books of interest including transfiguration and potions and especially some charms books that were specifically for girls. Although Harry still wasn’t sure what to make of everything he had been told he felt he should prepare.

It all seemed unreal but at the same time why would his mother lie, Harry just couldn’t see it happening yet he still wasn’t sure how to deal with what he knew tonight would bring. Part of him wanted to contact Hermione for help; the other part feared not only her reaction but whether she was under the control of Dumbledore.

Harry had seen Dumbledore’s manipulations for the last 2 years, he suspected he was being groomed and it was slowly becoming clear that Dumbledore was definitely not the man he portrayed himself as. If what his mother had said was true it was very possible it had been him who had shaped even his mother life.

The question was why, could it be that to gain power he wanted to be seen as the one who shaped the saviour, did that mean Voldermort was not bad but had been made to look bad just to boost Dumbledore’s reputation so that he could take over from behind the scenes rather than a direct assault to gain power.

The more Harry considered this the more sense it made, Harry decided he needed an ally but Ron was a bad idea, it seemed the Weasley’s or at least most of them were in Albus’s control, Harry doubted Hermione would be though then again she did always seem to be very interesting in Harry’s business.

Harry decided to worry about it later for now he had bigger issues, first the fact that his mother wasn’t who he was told she was and second his father was Snape, of all the people it had to be Snape, then again he worked for Voldermort maybe he would be good to talk to.


‘Yes Mistress,’ said the elf

‘Can you got to Hogwart’s and bring Severus Snape here, make sure he is alone when you get him and make sure he knows not to tell anyone,’ said Harry

‘Scarlet will do as Mistress asks,’ said the elf before she popped away

Less than 10 minutes later Scarlet popped back with a tall dark familiar figure, as the figure turned to Harry with his wand ready Harry saw confusion before Snape’s mask re-appeared

‘Potter,’ sneered Snape ‘Why have I been brought here,’

‘Please take a seat professor, we have a lot to discuss,’ said Harry

‘I will not, tell me where are we, this does not look like your relatives home from the description Dumbledore gave.’ Said Snape angrily

‘No it isn’t this is my home, part of my inheritance, and if you don’t want to sit that’s fine, you should know though, my mother never betrayed you,’ said Harry

Snape’s eyes widened

‘What the devil are you talking about Potter and no riddles,’ snapped Snape

‘I want your oath that what is said here between us stays between us, if not then I will have Scarlet return you to Hogwart’s,’ said Harry

Snape looked angry ‘Fine you have my oath,’ said Snape as he was bathed in a pale blue light

‘Thank you as I said my mother never betrayed you, till the day she died she loved you even when you turned your back, Dumbledore had swore you were dead and Voldermort might come after her child so she pretended to marry James Potter to cover her pregnancy, that way no-one would suspect her child was yours,’ said Harry

‘How dare you lie about such things, your just like your father and his damned pranks, I am warning you Potter continue like this and I will kill you myself.’ Snapped Snape

‘I take it you don’t remember my mother was part of the Black family and that she was replaced at birth with a stillborn before being placed with muggles.’ Asked Harry

‘What kind of fool do you take me for Potter, your mother was a muggleborn witch,’ said Snape

Harry pulled out the birth certificate he had been given earlier and handed it to Snape before pouring 2 cups of tea. Snape stared at the document with a look of complete shock on his face; slowly he sat still with his eyes on the document.

‘Where...where is she,’ he asked

‘Who,’ said Harry

‘My daughter,’

‘That is not for you to know right now,’ said Harry feeling awkward

Snape stood up fast and pointed his wand at Harry ‘you will tell me now or you will feel pain like never before Potter,’ said Snape

‘You would harm the only person who knows your daughters whereabouts, not that you have any right to call her your daughter,’ snapped Harry

‘I’m warning you Potter,’

‘Don’t threaten me again Snape or you will never see me again, it’s bad enough that you have treated me like dirt for the last 2 years but to see that you would hurt your only child is sick,’ snapped Harry angrily

If Snape’s eyes could have gone any wider they would have fallen out his head, he paled as he slumped down in the chair behind him and put his head in his hands.

‘No, you’re lying,’ said Snape ‘you look just like that traitor and you’re clearly a boy,’ he hissed

‘I won’t deny I look like James now but I am assured that by tomorrow I won’t, my mother fearing for my safety made me look like a boy when I was born. Dumbledore lied to my mother saying you were a spy for the light and that Voldermort had discovered your betrayal and killed you, she pretended to marry James to cover my birth.’

‘Then 2 months after my birth she found you were alive but you refused to speak to her when she wanted to explain, before she knew what was happening both she and James were in hiding because of a prophesy, Dumbledore told them Voldermort was after me because of it. She never got to speak to you again.’

‘Maybe if you had listened to her she wouldn’t be dead, but either way it happened and now I have to wonder who killed her, was it Voldermort or Dumbledore,’ Said Harry

‘Dumbledore wouldn’t,’ said Snape

‘Are you sure, he has manipulated my life since birth sending me to abusive so called relatives when they are not even related to me so I would become humble and attention starved, giving me clues to protect a stone that should have been destroyed rather than placing kids in a school in danger. You tell me, what better way to gain power than to do things from the shadows while standing in the light,’ said Harry

Harry explained about Lily being a Sapphira Antheia Black not an Evan’s as was thought and how even after finding the truth it had been re-hidden by someone and Harry was suspecting Dumbledore, they carried on talking through dinner and Harry imparted more about what he knew had been going on and also about his life at the Dursley’s. Harry had also given Snape the gem entrusted to him to pass on to Snape, part of him did not want to but the other part felt he had to for his mothers sake. Snape had said he would view it later.

‘It makes sense now,’ said Snape

‘What does,’ said Harry

‘Dumbledore told me that I had to be a spy for him, he said if I wasn’t careful I could lose Lily, he made it sound like Voldermort would go after Lily so I agreed, then I returned to find Lily in James house and her with child, I felt betrayed. That damn meddling old man,’ snapped Snape as anger overtook him

‘Yes well you’re not the only one Dumbledore had been playing around with,’ said Harry

‘I’m sorry,’ muttered Snape

‘Excuse me,’ said Harry

‘I said I am sorry,’

‘For what, not listening to my mother, for being Dumbledore’s pet spy or for hating me for no reason and treating me like dirt?’ Asked Harry

‘All of it, everything. I treated you like that because I felt betrayed by James, we only made friends in the 7th year of school and even then it was a rocky friendship, then I saw them together and I flipped, when I saw you the first time I saw him, I hated you because you should have been mine and Lily’s not his,’

‘Worse I allowed myself to think you had been pampered and preened all your life, I hated you because I hated James, ‘said Snape as his masks dropped and he finally showed the broken man he truly was and wept
Snape stayed like that for a while, Harry was struggling with what to do, part of him wanted to see the man hurt but he realised that he had been played as much as everyone else, after a minute or two Harry got up and gently took Snape into a hug. Snape tensed at first but after a few seconds he allowed himself to relax and weep for his losses.

‘Emerald,’ said Harry while Snape was still in his arms and it was getting late, there was a pop and Emerald appeared

‘Yes Mistress, how can Emerald help Mistress?’

‘Please can you set up the guest bedroom next to the master suite, the professor will be staying tonight.’ Said Harry

‘No I should go, I don’t deserve to be here,’ said Snape

‘Emerald will do as Mistress asks,’ said the little elf as she popped away

‘I didn’t ask, as for deserving that is beside the point, if you return to Hogwart’s in this state Dumbledore will know something is wrong and he will discover what has happened, I cannot allow that just yet,’ said Harry

‘You’re right, and I would not want to cause you more suffering than you have already had because of that man,’ said Snape ‘Why did you comfort me, surely you hate me for all I have done’ he asked
‘I never hated you, I was angry at you and how you treated me, I was angry when I found out how you treated my mom towards the end, but at the same time I can understand how you must have felt like you were betrayed and my mom must have seen something special worth loving if even at the end she still loved you,’ said Harry

‘Don’t get me wrong I am far from comfortable about all this, to be honest part of me wants to curl up and wish all this news away, but I can’t and right now I have a lot more to worry about than who my father is, so forgive me if I cannot bare to call you that at the moment, I don’t know who you are, I only know the bitter potions master who made the last 2 years hell,’ Snape paled

‘Maybe with some time I will feel different but for now let’s just head to bed and take things a step at a time, I have a meeting with Aunt Narcissa tomorrow, I would be grateful of your support, maybe we can spend some time together over this summer and get to know each other from the beginning,’ said Harry as he stood up

‘I would like that,’ said Snape

Before he could say anything more Harry began to drop to the floor in agony, Snape paled and quickly caught Harry before he fell. At first he was worried but then he noticed Harry hair was slowly getting longer and seemed redder and he decided it must be the transformation Harry no Persephone had mentioned earlier.

Quickly he called Scarlet to show him to Persephone’s bedroom where he gently placed his daughter on the bed before Scarlet changed Persephone’s clothes. Snape conjured a chair and watched his daughter as she slowly began to morph, he held her hand as her body was wracked in pain but there was little he could do to help her.

Pain medication would not help in this situation the changes were too severe to be numbed. So he did the only thing he could and watched over her holding her hand hoping to give her strength, after what seemed like an eternity she seemed to settle down before finally drifting into a peaceful slumber exhausted from the transformation. Snape gasped at the sight of his daughter, she was truly Lily no Sapphira’s daughter.

She looked slightly taller with waist length Mahogany hair with obsidian low lights, she had defined cheekbones which were a trait of the Snape’s and her skin was like porcelain like Sapphira’s and Narcissa’s was and she had a perfect slim figure, he found himself hoping to be able to become the father he should always have been.

Even though he realised that after his actions towards her mother and herself it may be too late, even so he would try. As he considered how to go about making amends he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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Most intriguing

A very interesting AU take on the Potter-verse. I am looking forward to seeing where it will go. I can't even comment on the characters due to the way you have set up the AU. So, I will definitely read more when a new chapter comes out.


We are the change that will save the world.


We are the change that will save the world.

potter story

This is great please continue the story

Ahh the plot revealed

I hate the whole idea of that stone in the first book. Three eleven year olds make it through a set of traps that should stop the worst enemy, that is hiding a stone of near limitless power. Yeah, that sounds a bit fishy

Oh, what about riddle's book in the second? Why wouldn't it have talked to the malfoy's and tell them how to bring him back? Why would it be able to take over jinny, but not Lucious or Draco, or willingly?

Why do the wizarding world know about photographs and other muggle stuff, yet can't use a telephone? they are less than thirty years apart in discovered age, less cause a british man made a telephone before Bell but never patented it and died penniless.

Why are the guards for a wizard's prison a creature that wizards cannot control if the guards revolted?

why a train if you won't use cars? Why is there no 'Girl Genius' castle nextdoor where young sparks are trained in steampunk science and advanced clockworks?

I think the potter series was decent until six when Harry seemed to plateau and never got better as a wizard, while the world kept going on around him.

It makes sense that Dumbledor was grooming him, maybe ultimatly to have a lover, as Rowling said that the head of Hogwarts was Gay, and you might never have known cause it didn't matter at all.

"If there are any Psychics in the room, Please raise My hand." - Emo Philips, Comedian


I don't particularly like this story. First off, and no offense, but the grammar is horrible. I normally can ignore that, but when the entire teaser blurb is practically a single run-on sentence, it becomes just a bit tougher. Another problem is the lack of periods, especially at the end of paragraphs. By itself, it wouldn't be too bad, but there are enough other problems of that nature to make the story a chore for someone like me to read. My suggestion for this is to read over the story and weed out most of this stuff, and if necessary, get a editor to check it over again.

Second, the whole premise to your story practically screams "contrived!" Yes, Harry Potter as a series is rather contrived in its own right, so for me to make that comment should say something. I realize this is a fanfic, and thus you're likely going to do things that would not be done in the story, but when you take practically the entire established premise and say "okay, that's all fake, here's how it really is", it's more than a little jarring.

What you need to do is lead up to the changes you want to make, rather than dumping them all on the readers (practically all at once) and expecting them to sort it out. There's a reason Rowling dribbled out things over seven years and kept many of the important revelations right up until the end. Don't rush things. It isn't going to hurt anything if you take a couple of chapters to develop your premise and set things up, but it will do more harm than good if you sacrifice quality for speed.

Third, and possibly the most important, the changes you made didn't make a whole lot of sense. Just to pick one, why did the Gringotts goblin wait for a decade to give Harry his mother's last will and testament? There's also the fact that Harry, who was suspicious of Dumbledore's intentions, took things practically on faith as far as Gragnok and his mother's will was concerned. And that's just in the first page of the story. There are other things which are just as hard to swallow.

The point here is that these things pretty much ruin suspension of belief, which is necessary for a fantasy story and doubly necessary for a fanfic. I've read lots of fanfics before, and a common element in the better fanfics was that the characters didn't immediately start acting differently than normal. They might change as the story progressed, but it'd be a natural result of the events of the story, rather than something that gets shoved at the reader right at the beginning.

What you've written here is not too bad. I can see potential here, but right now it's getting drowned out by the things I mentioned above. Fix the grammar, pace the story better, and make your changes believable, and I think you'll have the potential for a good story, rather than a mediocre fanfic.


The rings and credit cards are kinda weird concepts. The goblins also feel way out of potter verse. I like both your Harry Potter fanfics. The grammar and punctuation need work though.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Yay. Another fem Harry Potter story.

WillowD's picture

I have read many, MANY Harry Potter fan fiction stories and many are Fem Harry stories. I absolutely adore it when I come across such a story whose plot does not remind me of other stories. This story is totally off of the beaten track.

I look forward to reading the rest of it.