While the Labour party in Britain struggles with the gap between trans rights and feminist worries Russia has no such worries, Putin has banned all treatment for transgender folk making it illegal. And I thought we had problems in the west.
Well, Russia doesn't doesn't really chose one over the other
"While the Labour party in Britain struggles with the gap between trans rights and feminist worries Russia has no such worries." The Russian version is not "or" but "nor".
Still, Russia is not really at the very bottom in the world. At least trans people are not executed.
Strangely enough Iran is very trans "friendly". Actually they more or less force people to have surgery since being homosexual in Iran is potentially lethal. Iran is number two in the world after Thailand when it comes to the surgery.
Politics is a game of us versus them.
Establishing enemies is step one in cornering power.
Trans people seem to be a convenient enemy. In Iran trans people are used to accentuate how bad gays are.
We are political footballs, or soccer balls. Something to kick around.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Political Footballs
Aye, we most certainly are.
Here in Scotland auld Nicola Sturgeon decided to use us as wee footballs. Sad to say it backfired on her, but sadder to say there was an awful backlash.
Still we aren't in anywhere near the problems that they have in Russia, or even you poor wee girls in the USA.
The Sweetest Hours
That ere I spent
Were spent dressed
as a Lassie, Oh
"anywhere near the problems that they have in Russia"
Can you please explain what exact problems we have in Russia?
Please, bear in mind (bear... Rrrawrrr...), I live in Russia. And was born in the USSR. I have balalaika playing bear as a pet ;-)
> Can you please explain what
> Can you please explain what exact problems we have in Russia?
Pure and simple. ALL trans care is now nonexistent. This is new law. Well, other than fixing the intersexed children. What is ironic, is that - if the fix was messed up and chosen sex ends up being wrong - there is no fix. Endure, life is pain anyway.
Oh, and also - if you read another law literally - if a doctor suggests that problem is gender dysphoria and sex change/transition will fix it - well... that is a crime too. "administrative code article 6.21. propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations or preferences or sex change".
Want to check? I lived in Russia, right till certain moron in power (among with another ~450 morons in power) started this war.
If I say full list of problems with Russia - I'll probably be banned from here for hostility to others.
Had you read the exact wording of the law?
Pure and simple - if you claim to be purple unicorn and request species confirmation surgery - you will be sent to prove it to the medical professionals.
Trans care is prohibited in cases where there is _no_ medical reason.
It is reasonable compared to previous "trans care" laws in USSR and "Soviet Russia": you go to the local passport authority in DRAG, fill the form to issue new passport filling "F" in "gender" field - you are legally a woman. Go to one appointment with psychiatrist, say the right words, you are cleared for GCS. HRT? You can just go to any pharmacy and by anything you want. Cheap. (some drugs are free if you have a prescription.)
Now? Now we in Russia are conforming to US standards: psychiatrist says that you are TG after couple of years of appointments, you can start HRT... An so on.
Oh... Sorry! You are not a Purple Pixie!
You could vent all of your troubles in the personal message. I am a seasoned troll, you will have to invent something in the range of Nobel Prize winner to offend me.
"administrative code article 6.21. propaganda"
Пропаганда. На этом месте можно остановиться. Пропаганда это что? Правильно, пропаганда. Т.е. нужно во всех возможных соцсетях и новостях сообщить об этом! Вы очень хотите, чтобы все соцсети и все новостные каналы сообщили всему миру ваши сексуальные предпочтения, вашу гендерную идентичность, весь список медицинских процедур? Упс... Наверное вы не хотите... И! Российские законы запрещают это! Не ваши медицинские процедуры, а сообщение всему миру о них!
Или вы хотите, чтобы весь мир знал, кто вы, какие процедуры прошли, как вы себя идентифицируете и с кем предпочитаете секс? Ну так вы уже почти все необходимое сделали: уехать из России, рассказать всем всё.
Но, почему-то, вы за 12 лет с мелочью на этом сайте - так никому и не рассказали про себя ничего важного, что может вас как-то идентифицировать... Даже после отъезда "в прогрессивные страны". (вам не смешно? эти страны начали за последние 5 лет больше войн, чем Россия за всю историю... От чего и куда вы сбежали в результате?)
It is not _that_ simple.
"Any" "trans treatment" "is prohibited"... unless it is a medical necessity.
So we need to wait and see what it will actually filter to in terms of actual rules for medical personnel.
"In the Soviet Russia" there are basically no directly implemented laws. For the law to work there should be instructions, recommendations, explanations, and so on. For the "prohibited" bit to work there should be changes to administrative and criminal "codex" to introduce specific fines and/or penalties for "breaking the law". 99.9% probability that nothing will actually change. At maximum some doctor will have to write a document that "sex change" is a medical necessity in that particular case.
If you read the wording of the "law" carefully - it just prohibits life altering surgeries and hormonal treatments based on "i want to be a kitten" form a five year old. (and yes, when I was five I wanted to be a kitten.)
PS: As an example... Couple of years ago Russian government "went down on drunk drivers" by... approximately doubling allowed blood alcohol levels.
You are lying. Literally.
You are lying. Literally.
This is full text of relevant article of the federal law 323. Article 45.1.:
1. Any medical intervention (Including usage of medicines) for sex change is forbidden. Including creation of primary and/or secondary traits of opposite sex.
2. "Sex reassignment" term does not include medical interventions related to the treatment of congenital anomalies (malformations), genetic and endocrine diseases associated with impaired formation of the genital organs in children, if such medical interventions are allowed by decision of the medical commission of a medical organization subordinate to the authorized federal executive authority. Based on the results of such medical interventions, the said medical commission issues a medical report on the correspondence of sexual characteristics to the characteristics of a certain sex, which is necessary for making changes to the civil status record. The list of medical organizations subordinate to the authorized federal executive body, the form and procedure for issuing such decisions and medical reports are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
So - no. you can't perform sex change on an adult. That is it. You can on a kid, if commission says it is okay. (Oh, do not start me on bureaucracy in Russia. That part I know first hand).
> "In the Soviet Russia" there are basically no directly implemented laws.
And yes. Laws in Russia lately are written in such a way, that you can stretch them like condoms to fit whatever you want in them.
Ну да. А вы чего хотели?
Наши законы уже скоро 30 лет как натягивают на американские стандарты.
Закон про запрет смены пола - ну вот нет больше проблем в стране!
Это, извините, ваши любимые демократы. У них все еще есть рычаги влияния в России.
Но! Еще раз. Нет запрета смены пола при наличии медицинских показаний.
И, еще раз, в России примерно нет законов, которые применяются напрямую. Нужно подождать год-другой до появления соответствующих "подзаконных актов", инструкций для врачей и т.п.
И я понимаю, вы не поверите мне, но очень многое изменится.
Meat Needed
Putin has another motivation and that is his need for more cannon fodder. Only men can be pressed into serving the motherland by being blown to bits in a cold trench.
Please check out my story on thus subject: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/96966/it-takes-village
So NATO had not assimilated...
... Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania after promising to not move closer to the Russian borders?
Or maybe US and UK are not supplying UKR forces with targeting data for using western supplied armaments to shoot markets, apartment buildings and villages in Donetsk region?
And yes, it is a very good idea to kill people you want to want to reunite with you... *sarcasm*
Re: "need for more cannon fodder"
"Only men can be pressed into serving"...
Russian army had somewhere close to 30 000 female soldiers and more than 300 000 female personnel two years ago.
And yes, google will not show to you how UA army is supplied by bodies. It drives TG numbers up as there is no way to go outside of your home for a male without being "conscripted".
But I understand. It is dangerous to disbelieve "The Guardian" or the NYT ;-)
Big Closet strives to be apolitical
Of course my only purpose was to plug my story "It takes a Village" which is set in the Komi Republic - these people are not Russian and have a centuries old tradition of peace through trade. Like other minorities in Russia they have suffered disproportionally in the conscription and battlefield deaths. I hope you might read the story ManicRacer, and perhaps comment.
What do you personally know about life in Komi?
170000 of Komi people had volunteered to fight against nazi during WWII.
13000 of Komi people received awards.
38 of Komi people received a highest possible distinction of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
What you do know about Komi or Komi villages?
"these people are not Russian"
Could you, please, explain it to NATO or Wehrmacht?
Every one on this side of the border is Russian. UA have a phantasy that they are not Russian... But... only reason in the current situation - Russians are killing Russians - best possible scenario for NATO.
> Russian army had somewhere
> Russian army had somewhere close to 30 000 female soldiers and more than 300 000 female personnel two years ago.
They do not serve on front line.
Any proof?
Any proof?