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Emerald Princess
Chapter 62: Reunions
by Sofia Hammerstein
Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.
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The Legal Stuff: Emerald Princess © 2016-2023 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2016-2023 By Sofia Hammerstein. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.
Chapter 62: Reunions
FRIDAY MORNING, I had a much earlier nursing session and breakfast than usual. We were up super early so Hannah and I could get to Aphrodite’s studio for my first modeling job. Hannah had dressed me in a simple set of elasticized jeans and a pink sweatshirt with Olaf on it that said, ’Some People Are Worth Melting For’ on it. I had nixed Hannah’s idea of holiday dresses based on a conversation with Amanda in the Friar Hall the previous night while we were at dinner. Since they really only wanted me for my diaper butt, there was no real point in dressing up. “You already have the job,” Amanda had stated to me but looked pointedly at Hannah when she said it.
I smiled as we walked in and saw camera crews setting up cameras, backdrops, and furniture in multiple zones of the vast Aphrodite studio. Amanda saw us and waved, “Hi guys,” she greeted me, “This is Janet; she’ll be in charge of the shoot for the manufacturer.”
“Oh my, she’s even cuter in person than in the shots you gave us!” she cooed at me. “You’re really eighteen?”
I nodded, “Well, technically, I’m eighteen years old, or eighteen months – I can be both legally. For modeling purposes, though, I’m eighteen years old.”
She smiled at that, “That’s great! That means we have all day to finish this before you probably go home for Christmas Break?”
“Not quite; our parents are picking us up to go on a vacation,” Hannah said.
“You are?”
“Hannah… her unofficial mommy,” she smiled.
“Well then, let’s not waste too much time! We have a new version of our diapers that we’re going to be releasing in the first quarter of this year. We want to have you wearing it and running around, playing, maybe getting changed, and film a few other scenes…?”
I smiled, knowing I would make enough money to be worth the embarrassment, “Okay, when do we get started?”
I was led to a salon where a lady was ready to work with my hair. “We’re looking for a little younger hairstyle than you have. Would you hate me if I said we needed to cut it way shorter?” she looked at Hannah for the answer, not me. Meanwhile, Hannah looked down at me for my response.
‘Caireen, I can fix it when we’re done with magic, right?’ I asked.
‘Yes, and if the spells you know don’t work for some reason, I have another I’ll teach you.’
I sighed, “Go ahead; I can fix it afterward,” I told her.
She gave me a weird look, “That okay with you, Mommy?”
“She’s not actually mine, and she is eighteen, so just ask her,” Hannah told her. “I’m just here for moral support... and diaper duty!”
My hair was quickly chopped and removed in bulk by the stylist! Other than on the assignment, my hair had not been that short in years! In the end, she had more of a hybrid between Lily’s hair and ‘Olivia’s’ during the assignment. It was just long enough that she’d tied it up in two cute stubby pigtails.
“Perfect!” Janet said when she saw me. “Now we just need to get you dressed in this awesome new diaper and this shirt.” She made the last statement to Hannah, and I felt annoyed that she forgot I was really eighteen...
“Okay,” Hannah said, “Is there some specific place?”
“Here on the floor works? Or wherever you all are comfortable.”
I sighed, “Just get it done, Hannah,” I told her.
She laid out my changing pad and soon had me in the new diaper. It did fit quite a bit differently! It seemed they added another zone of wide elastic along the absorbent pad in the middle from the back to the front. The leg gatherings seemed to be hugging me more too. “These feel nice,” I told Janet.
She smiled, “Not often one of our target audience members can have a conversation about the product! I may have to get you in touch with our research team!”
I smiled, “For the right fee, I’d be interested.”
“Said like a pro!” she smiled at me.
I looked down at the simple pink long-sleeve shirt I’d been given. There was a simple pattern of small, repeating white bows on the shirt’s fabric. “This is really short,” I mentioned.
“It’s a crop top for a baby,” Hannah giggled at me.
“Well, we must ensure the cameras can see the diaper in all its glory,” Janet explained. “Now, ready to get filming?”
At eighteen, there was no limit to my hours as a model, and you could tell Janet intended to take advantage of that to make me the face of the new product line. I was filmed jumping up and down, giggling, clapping my hands awkwardly, and staring at my ‘mommy.’ The actress playing her was another Aphrodite member, and they took shots of me playing with her while inside the set crib. I was filmed playing with toys in a nursery, running around on an outside garden set, crawling all over the place on a playground, and intentionally shown playing with my diaper wet. That was to show the ‘no sag’ design. Soon after, I was most embarrassed as they filmed me getting a diaper change multiple times! Nothing would be aired more than tapes being applied - and possibly my butt, but I had to do everything in my power not to be red as my hair during that part!
We stopped for a lunch break and another diaper change. I was changed into a bunch of other tops and still photographed in about as many ways as I could imagine. Finally, they had me just in a fresh diaper for the final shots and nothing else. Most of the time, I was held by the other model, but sometimes I was on my own, still playing or crawling. I had just been changed again and told they had enough shots and footage when I heard, “Sofia!!!” from a little voice. I looked to see Lily running over to me in a cute Christmas dress like Hannah would have wanted to dress me in.
“You wear diapers! You baby still?” She asked and pulled up her skirt, “I big girl now!” she showed me the pink Pull-Ups she’d been wearing since Thanksgiving Break under her tights.
“I’m proud of you!” I told her and hugged her. I noticed she had grown another inch or so since I had left home. ‘She might be taller than me now!’ I frowned.
“I’m done now, right?” I asked Janet.
“Yep, go ahead and get dressed. Oh, we always bring a bunch of extra boxes of diapers, just in case, for the shoot. I think there’s like seven unopened boxes over there – since you like them, go ahead and take them!”
I actually smiled at that, “Thanks!”
I hugged Mom and Dad and then let Mom help me get dressed into a matching dress to Lily’s, along with some white tights.
“Hi, Sofia,” Hannah’s mom said, “Do I get a hug?”
I smiled, “Sure!”
She picked me up and said, “So I hear you consider my Hannah to be your mommy…?”
I blushed, “Sort of…?”
“Well, I guess that makes me Grandma?”
“Grammy,” I said to her instead.
She tickled me and ended up being the one to carry me back to our dorm. My dad and her dad brought the boxes of diapers past way too many students and friends. Each of them seemed to have a knowing smirk on their face. I blushed, but I was a baby… I would always need diapers!
Our parents looked around in shock at the room for the brief time we were there. “How is it…?” Her dad was going to ask.
“Don’t ask,” my dad said, “My experience with magic sometimes means you just have to accept it.”
“You have everything in that?” Mom asked me, looking skeptically at the tiny purple ‘Sofia the First’ suitcase I acquired last week.
“I think so!”
“How about we grab one of these boxes?” Mom suggested as she looked at the diapers.
“I already have three boxes in my bag?”
“Wha…?” Mom asked.
“Magic, Sweetheart,” Dad told her.
She spluttered for a second, “You like them better, right? So let’s just trade them out really quick?”
I sighed and opened up my suitcase. I, of course, had performed one of the enlarging spells on it. It was way larger inside than anything else I’d made like that so far. I reached in and snagged two boxes, each with over a hundred diapers in them. Three had most likely been overkill for the fifteen days we were going to be with our parents at the cabin, but Hannah hadn’t wanted to get stuck without them. ‘You would be a cranky baby…’ Caireen said in agreement the night before about my complaints of overkill.
I groaned and replaced the diapers with the new boxes then. Hannah still had like fifteen of the old diapers in her bag, and I had another twenty in my backpack too… Plenty of other things were inside to take care of me. Hannah and I had included dozens of baby bottles, pacifiers, stuffed animals, games, and even some Lego sets. I still had not found the time to put together the ones from our New York trip!
When I was done, “Now we’re good?”
Mom saw the infant carrier that we’d said we had. “This is her car seat?” She asked Hannah. “Yep, she still fits in it as a carrier, too, if you want to just put her in it now?”
I blushed, but Mom wasted no time picking me up and laying me inside of it, smiling at me as she buckled me in. “I don’t know if I can carry her all the way to the car?” she told my dad.
“I can carry her; you want to pull her suitcase? This has a base somewhere?” Dad said.
Hannah pointed out where it sat beside the stroller that had been folded up. “Should we take this too?” Mom asked.
“You planning on any long walks or shopping that we need to hide her in? Her car seat can just attach to it too.”
Mom sat me back down, unfolded the stroller, and then figured out how to latch it in. “Much better!” She said with a smile and tickled my stomach. “You really are much cuter as a baby!”
I stuck my tongue out at her and found myself rewarded with a pacifier shoved in my mouth by Hannah. “Behave!” she warned me.
I just smiled at her. Lily chose that moment to go up to Hannah with her arms raised. “Uppy Hanny! Missed you!”
She smiled, “Aww… I missed you too, Lily,” she told her and hugged her. Her dad took her suitcase and bag, while my dad pulled the dainty little suitcase with him.
Mom pushed my stroller to the parking lot at the front of the campus. I couldn’t help but smile that she seemed so happy right then to see me! I certainly felt better back with my family! Soon we had signed out and were at the two SUVs they’d rented. “We’ll see you at the dinner stop?” Mom said to Hannah’s mom.
“That should work fine! It’ll give us a chance to interrogate our daughters and figure out what mischief they’ve been up to!”
Mom opened the door, and I found my rear-facing seat soon latched into the base, next to Lily’s now forward-facing car seat. It couldn’t have been more obvious that she was the big girl now, and I was the baby!
ALL ALONG THE drive for the next hour, Mom and Dad kept asking me questions about friends, classes, and things I was learning. I was excited to tell them about things at first, but I grew tired of their questions after a while. Finally, I was so grateful when we pulled up to the restaurant we were stopping at for dinner to make the interrogation stop for a bit!
Mom carried me inside on her hip while Dad had a sleepy Lily cradled in his arms. Hannah gave me an odd expression as she walked in the door, and I sat patiently in Mom’s arms. Soon we were seated at a large table with a high chair for myself and a booster seat for Lily. Mom sat to my right, and Hannah joined me on the left as I waited to see just what food was available!
The restaurant was a mixture of everything, but the twenty-four-hour breakfast menu sounded delicious right then! So mom ordered me a meal with pancakes, bacon, sausage, and hash browns. We didn’t bother pretending I was a normal baby throughout dinner. I ate with the miniature silverware we’d brought and wished I could have a second plate or two.
“I can’t believe you finished that so quickly!” Hannah’s mom said.
“I’m missing Bechtel’s dining room right now,” I complained.
“Be grateful you sent her there, Mrs. Hammerstein. She’d eat you out of the house!”
“She already was before she left.”
I looked at Hannah to glare at her and then realized she’d just made a face that I knew too well. We had this discussion with our friends the past week. I had a pee-pee and poo-poo set of faces that I never even knew I had made! Hannah had the ‘my breasts are leaking’ look she was making right then. So I nudged her, “Need to?”
“My pump is in my suitcase,” she whispered.
“What’s wrong, Hannah?” Her mom asked.
She pointed at her breasts and whispered, “I’m really full…?”
“Well, just have Sofia take care of it,” my mom said, “It’s natural to do?”
“Here…? In front of…?” She blushed as she motioned, especially toward our dads.
“Just take care of Sofia; it’s okay, honey. It’s not like we don’t know,” her mom told her.
I smirked at her, “Nummies, Mommy!” I said to her.
She sighed and picked me up out of the highchair. There was a blanket in the diaper bag that she pulled out, apparently not too fond of breastfeeding me in front of her parents! Other than that, it was so routine to me that I didn’t feel like it was that big of a deal!
She placed me at her breast, and I let my mouth instincts take over. I was really grateful because the plate of food wasn’t nearly enough!!! Her mom said, “Aww… you make such a great mommy!”
“What Sofia do to Hanny?” Lily asked loudly.
I blushed and figured Hannah was doing the same.
“Sofia’s just drinking her milkies like you used to do from me when you were little,” Mom told her.
“She littler baby?”
Dad laughed, “Yes, she is. You wear big girl panties now, right? She still wears her diapees like a little baby.”
After Hannah switched me to her other breast, I began tuning out the embarrassing conversation. Lily was getting bored and becoming a bit more challenging to wrangle. Mom took her to the potty before I finished, and we returned to the cars. I was asleep from my milk coma before we reached the car!
Thank you for reading! Please press the ‘Like’ Button if you’ve enjoyed it! We’re at the conclusion of this tale, the final posting of the Epilogue will be on Thursday. I do really appreciate the Kudos button, but please consider leaving a comment if you’re reading? Some of you are doing a fine job of commenting, and I really do appreciate it!
If you're someone who must finish a good story 'now,' or just have enjoyed the ride, please consider purchasing the full book on Amazon Kindle!
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Good old Lily
Sounds like Sofia has a big sister for the first time in her life. She better be ready for her mother coddling her for the next 2 weeks - they have been apart so long and Sofia has had such a traumatic first simester at Bechtel its time to chill out together, reset the relationships and just have fun being a little girl with her loving family!
Going to miss my Emerald Princess so much !!!!!
Hugs and Kudos
Thanks for the comments! It will definitely be a good thing for all of them to have the break. I'll post the epilogue late tomorrow. Thanks for your support! :-)
Drinking milk
When you're baby is never going to grow old. Especially if you will never grow up or grow older.