I apologize for wasting everyone's time.
For over twenty years I've brought a passionate level of involvement to this site.
Lately, that passion has resulted in less than satisfactory results.
Recently, I was characterized as "cold, unprofessional" and accused of driving writers away from this site.
Recently, I was told that my involvement in a thread had caused a meaningless fight which had wasted everyone's time.
While I think both of the above remarks are baseless rubbish, there is Truth in almost anything anyone says, except what Trump spewed last night on CNN.
Perhaps a sabbatical is in order. Perhaps more.
For the foreseeable future I'm done.
Perhaps Rule 3 applies?
Regardless, I’d say your involvement hasn’t wasted my time, so not “everyone’s,” and at least your public comments that I’ve seen IMO provide a helpful POV. I’ve also heard from other writers through PMs that your comments have been somewhere between “helpful” and “essential” to their work.
So you’re taking a sabbatical for a while? Good for you Jill because you deserve one!
Sad to hear ...
At least lurk' - there's always great stories coming along. And some of those great stories are >yours<.
And I've seen some authors suffering from "Kudus Deprivation" ... Giving them deserved Reads and Kudus is anonymous and safe.
But yeah, I 'get it' about feeling that sometimes the best way to be helpful is to be elsewhere. I've got my own list of Places I don't go, Things I don't do, because, well, "Ouch!" all around.
I have no problems
With your contributions to this site. I for one, look forward to your views. We are of a similar age and circumstanses. I understand your references.
If anything you seem to be a bored with having to listen to the hate and ignorance coming from certain politicians and "the giant peach". Two and a half years of whining after a thorough drubbing is too much.
Take a deep breath, think happy thoughts, and dip your toes in the water.
Dearest Jill,
We old timers here need to stick around to show the upstarts how it's done. You know, things like, oh, I don't know, grammar? spelling? sentence structures? or even :GASP: the many uses of an Oxford comma!
But really, the gist of this missive is to let you know I would rather have a an old frenemy than a new friend around here any day. On second thought, we've had our tussles, but they felt more like jockeying for favor with Mom Erin than anything else, so maybe, just maybe, you're more like a sister than a frenemy from (thinking is hard when your brain gets full from learning too much) 2006? 2007? Having said that, sis, still got those block heel zip up black boots and can I borrow them? /grin
To those who would call you cold and unprofessional? Give 'em the hell back for which they seem to be asking. Be the spitfire Jill from oh so long ago. Or not, it's your call Hon.
Is it just me, or are we getting complacent?
Big Hugs Jill, and please stick around, if for no other reason than just to piss them off!
Agree or disagree
Recently, your posts have been highly political in nature albeit about politics that are relevant to those of us who frequent this site. I can't say that I agree with every opinion you express, but agree or disagree, I'll defend your right to express yourself. We all have the right to choose what we read here, whether it be fiction, essays, articles(,) or blog posts.
If I'm reading something you've posted and you wonder to far a field for me, I can, just skim down to more palatable content. If there isn't any, I can click out of the post and find something else to read.
Bullying you about your stance, and posts regarding it, is a form of censorship and the last resort of those who can't back up their own views... silence those who oppose them. Shameful!
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Sounds like someone's trying to silence you
...for bringing up uncomfortable truths;
which means BCTS need you more than ever.
But if these nameless assholes have managed to
suck all the joy out of your involvement with this site
then a sabbatical could be exactly what you need right now;
And I trust you know more about what you need than I do.
Whoever called you "cold" must have a busted thermometer
because you've been one of the warmest, kindest most supportive
and encouraging people here; and "unprofessional" sure doesn't apply
because this isn't a profession, it's a (virtual) community and you've been
one of my favorite people here; although I'm not selfish enough want you
to stick around when you're not enjoying it out of some sense of obligation.
It's not like we're getting paid for this shit. But if or when you do decide to return
I'll be here, and very happy to see you return; unless I'm dead (I'm not planning on it,
but we're all getting older) or the fucking republicans have thrown us all in concentration camps-
Oh, wait. We're not supposed to talk about that. We don't want to waste everyone's time
with icky old reality when we should be talking about important girly girl stuff
like makeup and shoes and (for some strange reason) guns...
~Namaste, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Incredibly generous
I joined this site less than a year ago. Many people have been supportive of my stories here, but you have gone above and beyond that. You offered to edit some of my work — for free — because you thought it was worth the effort and you could help improve it.
And what did I do? I asked you to review four chapters of Maximum Warp and all of Duet and Aria for Cami. For those who aren’t familiar with my stories, that represents something like 325 thousand words of text. That is a tremendous amount of work — a staggering amount of work — undertaken completely without compensation. You weren’t even all that comfortable with my thanking you for it. If Duets and Aria get published by Doppler to generate money for the site, it will be due to your hard work.
You didn’t do it because you knew me, or because we were friends. It’s just part of what you accurately describe as your “passionate engagement” with BCTS. That doesn’t even get to the money you routinely donate, along with the proceeds from all of your published stories. We could use more of that level of engagement, that’s for sure.
I understand the need to step back, as other commenters have said. But for purely selfish reasons, I hope you reconsider, for I will sorely miss you.
— Emma
Strength of Convictions
I have no idea what you are talking about but any community benefits from diversity of characters, as many of us understand better than most.
I also value diversity of opinions , but some don't. If you have strong opinions expect push back - if you use a sword carry a shield - a thick skin.
Take a breather. Breath deeply. Relax.
Then come back and give 'em hell.
take a break if you need to
but as the comments on this post prove, remember you are appreciated here very much - including by me.
A Reflection Of Themselves
To call you "cold" would be laughable if it was meant to be funny. Funny how you can be "unprofessional" when you have spent a lifetime in commerce and run a successful business (or two) and here your generosity to the site is legendary, both in the stories which you post for our enjoyment and the revenue that you gift the site through sales.
Your comments are a breath of fresh air and sanity in the current political swamp. I am amazed that there are denizens of this site who can still embrace reactionary positions. Of course I don't ALWAYS agree with everything you post but I reckon about 95% would be a fair average. My main handicap is that not being a US citizen I don't always appreciate the nuances.
On a personal basis you have always been kind and encouraging to me and I can only give you a very big thankyou.
I am devastated that you feel you have to take a break, but you will do what you feel you have to do. I do beg you to come back before too long while I'm still able to re-engage with you before Alzheimer's claims me!
There is absolutely no "mea culpa" required or deserved. Be well, Jill.
Naming names
If the blow back is coming back from the contingent of which BL is a prominent member of then I would say pay them no mind. Those folks have no qualms in presenting their 'Truths' without any basis in fact all of the time. Frankly, poking that particular bear just helps show what they are really like.
Been there
Done that. Sometimes you get so involved in something that it becomes more real than the real world around you. You get defensive and angry at little things thinking people don’t care.
You need to step away and connect with nature to ground yourself out.
We'll be waiting for you
When you have nullified the nattering nabobs of negativism, we'll be here.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
No need
to repeat what others have already said better. Just wanted to say that if you indeed take a sabbatical you will be sorely missed (at least by me).
You're a person of strong opinions
It's just who you are, we all get things wrong but you helped keep the site afloat for many years. So on balance, I think you've been a good influence. Whether people will say the same about me is another matter.
I’d say the same about you
Another matter settled. ;-)
I'll second that Ang
Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
"we all get things wrong "
Actually, I don't remember her getting much of anything wrong. She just said it as she sees it, and I seem to mostly agree with her. That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the opinions of those who disagree.
What I Got Wrong
What I got wrong is this:
Most of us have suffered guilt and shame from a society that doesn't (won't) understand us.
There are some here who are walking a high wire between who they are and what they believe. Thankfully, my beliefs match who I am. I'm trans and I believe all trans have an absolute right to be who they are. An absolute right! There are many here who are trans and aren't at all comfortable with trans rights. That must be hard to live with.
We have a moral imperative to treat those around us with full compassion -- even those who spout hurtful rhetoric.
I have a tendency not to suffer fools well. That isn't the essence of full compassion.
This site should be a highly compassionate place.
Since I seemingly can't find compassion in my heart for some here, I need to take some time away to get my head straight as to what is really important.
I'm starting a new novel. That novel doesn't have any political message. It is meant to clean my palate. When I'm done with it I will check my feelings and see if I can abide all.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
We love you. We'll miss you. We'll have open arms waiting for you when you feel like posting again hon.
You're a beautiful person, and an essential part of this place.
Melanie E.
Meaningless Fight?
If it was meaningless why did they join in?
One of my favorites
Angela, you are probably the author responsible for my finding BC several years ago. I have read many of your books on Kindle through Amazon, and I think one of the first I read was Shannon's Course, and I loved it. I have been a reader for many years now and have also written some. When I comment on someones story or blog, it is sincere and from my heart. I hope you take time for yourself, gird your loins, and then rejoin with your passion.
Politics is always a minefield to enter, but I admire anyone who puts forth an honest, heartfelt argument in the hopes of improving the lives of others. I may not always agree with you, but I sincerely admire you and everything you stand for and would defend you with my last breath.
You inspire us Angela and we love you. :DD