but not that funny!
So the first 3000 words, chapter 1 of the 28th Gaby book are now wroted and available to read for my Patreons here, https://www.patreon.com/posts/gaby-book-28-1-81314679?utm_me... , today!
Depending on the weather and so on, there will likely be more before the weekend.
Madeline Anafrid
No offense
But i have to ask. Anafrid is there a history behind that name? Does it have some special meaning in another language?
I only ask because many last names currently in use have a story behind them. Sawyer as example was from “Tom the sawyer” he pit sawed wood for living.
Isn’t my surname, it’s my middle name. My surname is Bell because it has a nice ring to it!
Madeline Anafrid Bell