Yes, it is about guns, but this goes far deeper than that. This was a trans girl/woman who was forced to go to this school to 'straighten her out' from her dysphoria. I imagine she was tortured by those 'Christians' on a daily basis. Such a shame, when the proper treatment and counseling might have left us with a well-adjusted young woman.
A 28year old person kills
A 28year old person kills 9year olds. And you are going with the murderer must have been tortured. Weapon be it car, Gun, axe, knife or other is irrelevant. You are a really bad person to go to a school and kill with intent children.
Near Occasion of Sin
I grew up in Catholicism. One of the basic rules of that faith was the need to avoid the near occasion of sin.
The logic for this was that we are frail humans and will falter if we place ourselves under circumstances that could lead to sin.
Getting into bed naked with your neighbors spouse would be a near occasion of sin. Hanging out with people of suspect morality would be a near occasion of sin.
Owning an assault gun appears to be a near occasion of sin. It does not appear to be irrelevant.
You might have the morale integrity to withstand the urge to use that weapon of war to commit mass murder. . .or you might not.
Bad people definitely should not have assault guns -- as police have said was used in Tennessee. We seem unwilling to make any effort to determine who is a "bad" person, so we're left with the prospect of a ban.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Trans *man,* though the news is questionable at this time.
Genetic female who the police say they have evidence preferred male pronouns.
Having said that, all I've seen in news stories is the POLICE saying this, and nothing more, with no physical evidence supplied as of yet (again, in what I've seen.)
Something like 130 shootings/mass shootings in the US so far this year.
Melanie E.
That says it all.
That says it all. I imagine she was tortured by those 'Christians' on a daily basis.
Christian? Red Neck? Liberal?
Assault weapons? Civilians can't purchase an assault weapon, that's a fully automatic gun by definition. A knife, a baseball bat, rocks, are assault weapons.
I love everyone has their own opinion on why this girl went bonkers and decided killing someone else was the answer to the demons tormenting her. If we label our demons it's easier to lay the blame and yes even hate. I've had a lifetime to experience the full load of hate and love from every demographic part of society.
The take away from this is her notes gave a heads up she bypassed another site because it was too well protected. Soft targets is what killers want. Schools, clubs, etc are soft targets. Killers are insane but incredibly calculating smart. Someone once told me they were going to drop a cap on my ass. I told him to not miss the first shot because he wouldn't get a second. I never saw him again. At that time it was only a 38 on my hip. Think western movies. The best defense is to have a defense.
She was a pretty woman and at the time she lost it, she was 28yr old. The school wasn't her first choice. She shot the glass door to pieces to get into the school. Locking the doors only works against honest people. A lot of what went on from her pulling into the parking lot to shooting the glass out of the doors to her being put down was approximately eighteen minutes. Great response to the Nashville Team. Certainly different from Texas where it took them an hour and half to decide to go in. Damn cowards. The one who was married to a teacher started in at the beginning had his gun removed as he was escorted from the site. She died along with several others phoning out for help.
A gun has never killed anyone. There is always a reason and purpose behind it, same as a knife, a car, or a rope. Why haven't any of you asked to ban vehicles after the mass murder of someone driving a vehicle into a crowd? Why did I know this was going to be the reaction when read about her entering the school?
If Fox turns you off go over to Youtube, it's splashed all over with lots of news and video.
hugs littlerocksilver
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
The thing is Barb, "mass
The thing is Barb, "mass murder of someone driving a vehicle into a crowd" That does not happen very often. I suppose if you want to kill a lot of random people that would be a good method.
Mass shooting in the USA do happen. This goes on for pages and it is just 2023
I know it isn't the guns fault, but if you let almost anyone buy a gun this is what happens.
Guns don't kill people...
And hydrogen bombs don't vaporize cities.
I mean isn't that the fault of the person pushing the button?
If someone really wants to vaporize a city I'm sure they can do it with a Zippo lighter.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Now, now, we both know that is merely hyperbolae.
Now, as for me, I have a varmint in mind that is so well protected that I really need an RPG to put it out of its misery. An RPG is NOT a weapon of mass destruction, YET, nobody is supporting my right to buy one at Gus's Firearms downtown.
I am an honest citizen, I want a crusade to advocate for the right of everyone to own an RPG!
Got my Vote
If you lived a hundred fifty years earlier you could purchase dynamite across the counter. You could buy a gun at any age. As the masses raised in cities became more prevalent than country folk it became obvious living in cities caused a diminished intelligence on the evils of owning fire sticks and gun powder. I propose laws be passed if one lives in a town or city they can't own a gun, hazardous material, or any vehicles of transportation as that is where mass killings always occur. Don't thank me, it's just common sense and you're welcome.
I'm going to waffle on the RPG thingy. How big is this critter you have a problem with? Is it terrestrial or alien? Maybe you should go for an A-10 Warthog to make sure you don't have to get too close to it?
Hugs Kimmie
Sometimes we take life a little too seriously and forget to poke fun at the insanity of it all.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Big cities are to blame?
Per capita gun deaths fail to back this up.
Melanie E.
The only justification
to kill is self-protection be it human or animal, to plan an attack and kill several people is wrong, there is no justification. The guns are just too available and Americans seem to be trigger-happy, or some of them. A ban sounds good to me.
Controlling Violence
Be alert for unintended consequences. Fully automatic weapons have been highly restricted for roughly 90 years. The problematic AR-15 is semi-automatic and will empty its high capacity magazine as fast as the operator can pull the trigger. Restricting high capacity magazines (as found on the AR-15) is a good place to start, as reloading a weapon takes time. An outright ban on rifles with high capacity magazines is ill advised. Along with the obvious military and law enforcement personnel, there are other people with a legitimate need for them. For instance, those who control invasive, feral, hogs that destroy land that provides for both people and animals need high capacity magazines. A carefully crafted licensing program that provides for legitimate individuals and severely punishes those who improperly sell or acquire high capacity magazine weapons is in order.
I have argued about the
I have argued about the "seemingly" easy way anyone can buy weapons in the USA. A knife can be used for many things. A gun, target practice or to kill (defend?).
The problem is there are officially more guns than people. If you restrict sane normal folks from having guns. The evil ones will have a field day against the defenseless honest ones. I cannot see a way to solve it. It does seem to be an almost uniquely American problem, School shootings.
Hale, who had no criminal history and lived with their parents in Nashville, was armed with two "assault-style" rifles and a pistol.
Hale had bought seven weapons legally from five different stores, including the three weapons used in the massacre.
The NRA often pushes the need for guns for self-defence reasons: even in the wake of the deadly Sandy Hook shooting in 2012, the group's executive vice-president, Wayne LaPierre, claimed the lack of an armed guard at the school was to blame for the tragedy.
However, evidence does not support this idea that further arming America is the solution to preventing gun violence: in fact, a 2021 study from Hamline University and Metropolitan State University found that the rate of deaths in 133 mass school shootings between 1980 and 2019 was 2.83 times greater in cases where there was an armed guard present.
I think you should be able to own weapons, just the same ones as when the amendment was written. Flintlocks. Very hard to do a mass shooting with those.
slippery slope
"I think you should be able to own weapons, just the same ones as when the amendment was written. Flintlocks. Very hard to do a mass shooting with those."
then next the law or protections will apply across the board for the 1st amd on down and roll back all advances to 1800 or so....slippery slope
next add that fact, that the armies of the time had the lesser tech firearms and the citizen soldiers had the highest tech available in 1776
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Remove the Gun, Remove the Defense
There are thousands of these stories every year. No one is going to read about them in the liberal news or hear about it on the TV because this isn't the story liberals want everyone to read or hear. There are enough gun laws if they were enforced. Even if they are, lawless are still going to get guns and be criminals. How many men, women, children are we willing to sacrifice in our zeal to remove a person's right to self protection or protect others from harm? I don't care if one doesn't want to protect themself. It doesn't give anyone the right to decide I don't have that right.
Guns are used in self defense 1.7 million times a year. Very seldom is it necessary to fire the weapon. Knowing the victim is armed is enough to stop the assault. The Largest-Ever Survey of American Gun Owners Finds That Defensive Use of Firearms Is Common
The results also confirm that "assault weapons" and "large capacity" magazines are widely used for lawful purposes.
A concealed carry holder engaged the killer two minutes after he fired the first round, saving countless lives of innocent shoppers.
15 Year Old Boy Uses His Father’s Gun to Save Himself and His Younger Sister
Mom locks herself and kids in bedroom, shoots intruder through door,
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Suicide by Police
Suicide by police. She wanted to die but not kill herself so she needed to ensure the police did it. They did. They deserve an extra prayer as they now carry the weight of killing someone and wondering if they could have done something to save anyone
Nashville Shooting
I misgendered the shooter; however, most everything else is the way I suspected. The parents did not support their child. The lack of family support for dysphoria often leads to problems. It's too late to worry about the might have beens and could have beens. How does one prevent something like this from escalating to the point it did. The problem should have been properly addressed more than 20 years ago. Forcing a child to attend a hostile environment can lead only to problems.
TBH. I know he had problems,
TBH. I know he had problems, but to achieve suicide by police, you don't need to kill 6 people. There are many on Bigcloset that have been through the same or worse. They (as far as I know), never went on a killing spree.
Your're Absolutely right
Yep we all carry demons. Now these officers carry three more. They took a life, could they have not taken a life, and could they have saved a life. No one should have to carry those. I know EMTs who had to quit as the demons got too heavy to carry.
Unless those who report it use MtF or FtM I can never get it right. How about Intersex folk?