Hey, everyone,
I just wanted to let my readers know that, sadly, there will be no chapter of Apocalypse Dawn this week. I've been having trouble sleeping and having nightmares again, so I've been very tired and making the words into something that I'm happy with has been extremely difficult, especially since my muse is being uncooperative. Instead of AD, this week I will be posting ElectroCute 1: A Short Tail, and Short Tales. They both take place in the Whateley universe and the second is a collection of shorts that are related to the first, and future stories in that storyline. Sorry about the lack of AD, but I am trying to give you all something to tide you over for a bit.
*big hugs*
A muse is a fickle creature
I have two stories I'm working on that are within an enth (infinitely small, not to be confused with Nth, infinitely large) of being finished. A few thousand words at most. You think I can corral my muse and get her to concentrate on them? NOoooo.
I had been bouncing back and forth between them; working one when I couldn't get anywhere with the other and then swapping when it happened with that one. I decided what was needed was discipline and picked the one I felt was closest to being finish; only allowing myself to work on that one. It's been like pulling teeth. I manage a paragraph or three and have to take a break.
What has my muse been doing??? Running after a new tale; working title; "Petticoated". So much for thinking what was needed was discipline.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I'm having trouble sleeping,
I'm having trouble sleeping, and sleeping too much, so I can relate. The temperature dropped, and with the window open, I'm doing a bit better myself. If I could just convince the cat that I REALLY don't need him pressed against me all night, I'd be in great shape. (How one 12 lb cat can push a 200 lb man around the bed, I'll never figure out)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.