That's right folks, there's less than a week left to get your entries in!

We've had some amazing stories so far, and I'm sure there are more to come!
Just as a reminder to folks, the last day for entries is March 20th, at midnight your local time zone (operating on the honor system here.) Voting will begin on the 25th, most likely via a Patreon poll. Another announcement will be made when that goes live.
If you've been following stories but want to make sure you don't miss a single contest entry, don't forget that you can always use the contest tag to see all the stories that have been posted with it so far! Just click on the tag in any story you see where it's been used to view the full list. Or, use the link below!
Keep up the great work, writers and readers!
Melanie E.
Rain Check
Too much real life has got in the way to be bringing home aliens for a visit. Tracker-Hunter is over thirty pages long already and not even into the basis of the tale. It got out of hand once started.
Not my Fault!
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Even if it misses the contest, I'm looking forward to it!
A good story is a good story, no matter when it comes out :)
Melanie E.