I know this has been done to death. Politicians are always asked the question whenever a trans issue is debated
When people say "a woman has xx chromosomes" That is bullshit as there are XY females and XX males.
"A woman has a womb" Some are born without one and many have hysterectomies. Do they stop becoming a woman?
!) Does it really matter? I know for some of the more radical elements it does matter, but suspect for many trans women, just being left alone and not maliciously misgendered would be enough. You don't need a politician drawing attention to you demanding all and sundry acknowledge you as a woman.
2) Why isn't there all this fuss over trans men? Is it that men just don't care? Or is it that men feel more threatened by "a brother" giving up on being what they may consider as being the "superior " gender than they do when a trans man carries a baby to full term?
What indeed
I have yet to see any definition of "woman" that doesn't exclude at least some cisgender women. Boundaries are fuzzy in nature.
2) Society "always" was more tolerant to FTM people...
... More like in the last 150 years since "patriarchy" was established in some countries.
Also, no transman ever won anything in any "male" sport.(AFAIK)
TLDR: Drawing attention of the "masses" we draw unwanted attention. You want to win Olympics? Good for you! Do it in your assigned at birth gender and transition afterwards! Caitlyn Jenner transitioned after finishing her sports career. Was noticed only for being part of the TV show! General population will always oppose ones who make waves! Move to the next city, transition on the way, 99.9% of the population will never know you had transitioned! (yes, you will need to put some effort into gaining a female voice...)
!) Yes. In some areas. As in sports. If a person was not on blockers and hormones since 5 years old, male will beat a female almost in any sport. Just because some of the bone structure that makes a bigger lever for the muscles is set, in some cases, when child is 6 years old. First great testosterone surge in boys happens between 6 and 7 years usually... That is one of the reasons why boys are most terrible at that age. Remember 150 years ago? 12 year old boy was considered a grown man in many cultures (including UK and US).
So, all of the phantasies where boy at 12 years comes to play for the girls team - are true. Average boy will give huge unfair advantage!
So... The problem... Too much attention drawn to the "problem". 300 years ago if you shaved closely (face only) and donned a woman's dress - you were a woman! If you had somehow tried to minimize your G-cups and donned a male dress - you were a male.
Remember "oppressive" "terrible" USSR? Remember what was done to anyone transgendered? Yes. It was what many of us dream now. Go to the local passport authority in dress and makeup with a passport size photo in dress and makeup, provide a proof of paying a passport reissuing fee (under 5 dollars at the USSR rate), receive a passport with "F" in gender square!
If you were not content with living as a girl with an "outie" and without natural breasts - there were additional hoops to jump.
Oh... Birth certificate that everybody seems obsessed about... "In soviet Russia" it is needed typically three times in a life of an average person:
When you get enrolled in preschool/kindergarten, when you enrolled to the school (usually goes without birth certificate as you transfer from preschool to school), when you apply for your passport at 14 (currently, or at 16 when i was a teenager). Yes, there could be additional occurrences of the birth certificate use if parents are divorced before preschool... But it happens not that often.
Birth certificate
Here in California, I didn't even have a copy of my birth certificate until we adopted our daughter from Romania. Likewise my marriage certificate. Didn't need it to enroll in school, get a driver's license, or a passport even. Since then I did need it to get a "real id" from the state, but I could probably have done without because I've not yet done anything requiring a "real id."
"real id"
The only thing I know of that you need "real id" for is to fly within the USA. If you don't have "real id" you can use your passport as a substitute. All "real id" does is show that you've proved you are a citizen of the United States.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
real id
Passports can be used only if they're unexpired. I last used mine in 1998, so it is no longer valid. You also need (or will eventually) a real id to enter a federal courthouse. I wonder what would happen if you were summoned for jury duty but they wouldn't let you in the courthouse for lack of a real id?
Also, I don't think it is required just for flying within the USA, but for boarding a plane in the USA, but if you were flying internationally you would have a passport, so it wouldn't be needed.
And to the original question...
"What is a Woman?"
As soon as we will figure it out - they will change the definition!
I am a woman... somewhere in my outlook, how I can "do" woman's logics, how my woman's intuition works in some cases. (It is not easy to be a lesbian when you look like obese old guy ;-) ) But... As soon as girls around start to suspect that I understand their logics or intuition - something changes... And, go "à la case départ". You have to decipher their logics from square one... ;-)
So many genetic combinations.
I am XXY, with some degree of Androgen Insensitivity and a bunch of stuff. These days, I think it was likely that my Son and Daughter were sired by someone else because I was found to be sterile.
People Are Self-Defined
We decide many of the important defining characteristics that make us who we are.
We decide if we should be honest.
We decide if we should be knowledgeable.
We decide if we should be happy.
We decide if we should love a person.
And much, much more
The decision as to whether or not we should be defined as a woman is ours, personally.
Others might not agree with who we decide to love, with our personal definition of honesty, etcetera. That is their right. But they
have no right to impede our personal decisions.
If we think we are a woman. . .we are!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
2) Covers it in a nut shell.
Plainly stated, MTF is a step down; FTM is a step up.
Combine that with ignorance as to when and how a person becomes trans and they go ballistic. Because of their limited ability to grasp the basics of transgender they assume that if you had had "proper" up bringing that you'd know and be happy with the fact that your genitals are an outie that you are a man. And they are just sure that anyone who lacked in that area is out to recruit more to their way of thinking and will influence young unsuspecting males to adopt the trans lifestyle. Oh and let's not forget that, in their mind, we're all gay and want to have sex with men... just any men; we don't care so long as they are men.
Subconsciously, they are concerned that some of us might actually look good as women and they might lust after us and... well what does that say about their sexuality? Horror of horrors.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I agree with a lot you say.
I agree with a lot you say. "we're all gay and want to have sex with men... just any men; we don't care so long as they are men.. "
I am old enough to remember when gay men were all considered to be a danger to children. I suppose the little knowledge and the mostly negative press do nothing to help understanding.
Even all the stuff about drag storytellers seems to direct hate at trans women.
Ahhhhh....In the key of E Major
I'm a real nowhere femme
according to the likes of 'them'
I might as well just go away
if I let them defi-ine me
I care not for their point of view
Since I've known I was a girl since '62
that's six+ decades of bee-in' me
All you gals please don't listen
Since it's truth they're missin'
We are who we
have known ourselves to be
We're not really nowhere femmes
as long as we ignore the likes of them
Since being isn't what
but rather who we are.
Being isn't what but rather WHO we are!
Love, Andrea Lena