I was putting some of my writing through Grammarly, and I just had to laugh at one of the suggestions.
Original text: When Mom got fed up with us boys, she would cuddle or do something girly with Rose.
Grammarly Suggest correction: Mom would cuddle or do something girly with us boys when she got fed up with Rose.
I've seen the same things
I've seen the same things with Grammarly. Like with a GPS giving you driving directions, you just can't trust a computer.
I dislike grammarly....
I have a profound dislike for grammarly ads. I have blocked almost every single one, skipped when I couldn't, and flagged a majority of them. At this point, I feel harassed by their ads. If they spent less money making a new ad every couple of weeks/months then maybe they wouldn't have to advertise their product so much. I feel insulted every time I see those ads play.
They make it feel less like a tool to help you and more of a crutch you need to keep going.
My problem is with auto correct
That unasked for treatment that presumes the spelling if my intent. For that I am eternally grapefruit.
Autocorrect is better named AutoERROR
My favorite was from the time of IBM and the seven dwarves. Two of the dwarves, Burroughs and Sperry Univac merged, and named the new company Unisys. They didn't change their word processors.(a big mistake). 'Unisys' wasn't added to the dictionary, so the 'autocorrect' fixed the error, and replaced 'Unisys' with 'Anuses' Before this was spotted and corrected, the autocorrect's opinion of the new company was repeated thousands of times in hundreds of internal documents, and also in many external documents.
Tim Hawkins said it best
Those who don’t believe in autocorrect can go to heel!
Computer suggestions are always interesting if nothing else.
Wait, auto correct?
I thought it was an AI supervillain named Otto Korrekt! And one of his aliases (a printable in polite company one) was automangle...
I use Grammarly all the time. I don't trust it, and it's just a tool, the same as an old tech dictionary or stylebook. It's just faster and less hassle. Or different kind of hassle, at least. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Needed Tool
Computer Spelling and Grammar tools are things I have relied on since they were first released. My parents and teachers in the 70s and 80s quickly realized these new tools would help compensate for my disability. I have seen these tools improve dramatically over the decades. I wouldn't be as good of an author if it wasn't for these tools. You learn a lot about spelling and grammar as you go through the recommendations and decide if you will accept them.
I'm surprised no one has talked about what Grammarly did with its correction. I am not sure the boys in my story would have appreciated the correction. Maybe there is a plan at Grammarly to feminize boys.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
what Grammarly did with its correction
I just assumed that Grammarly knew you were writing for Big Closet Top Shelf and adjusted your text accordingly.
"Different tool, same drool"
Either flakey-book or Krumb-er-Chrome Browser insists on replacing the text I'm typing with a plausible match of one of my FB Friends.
So just this morning, I was giving some site extreme grief (all particulars changed to protect the innocent):
As I was typing "You are Banned and Blocked for causing darkness and black###text 'black' abruptly replaced by 'Shirley Black'### on our system. I missed this FUBAR before saving comment. I meant causing >blackouts< ...
So I really posted was "You are Banned and Blocked for causing darkness and Shirley Black on our system".
Auto-notify told Shirley, a Friend who rightfully panicked that I had just blocked her ...
Sum tines eye jest wont two keel scorch sufi-were...
Jest weight on till wee ewes taxed two's peach tu wright hour store ease....
grammerly bland
I can see advantages to Grammerly for punctuation, but their other suggestions bother me. They object to any creative phrasing. Reading a work that has been over corrected that way is like eating plain rice cakes. It might be nourishing , but it's still boring.
Very Watchful
I find you have to be very watchful with it. I'll do some of the auto suggestions, but usually have to delete one or two before I accept. It's definitely not a perfect tool, but if nothing else it usually alerts me to the awkward sentences I need to adjust. I'm not sure if it's only because I pay for the subscription, but the option to have the creative writing style enabled eliminates some of those suggestions that are personal choices/style.
Grammarly isn't perfect, but honestly it's a step above what Google and Microsoft's pick out in my experience.
Rice cakes
Rice cakes don't offer much in the way of nutrition. Certainly not enough to offset the boredom.