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Forty-nine years today. Seems to be working out. I married up, which supposedly is dicey.



Happy Anniversary

laika's picture

The way I pronounced that word when I first saw your post
I thought a mahwage was going to be one of those things
you see driving through the desert on a hot summer day.
It looks like a lake, but as you get closer... it disappears!

Anyway, I'm glad it's working out for you, and for her.
From what little I know about mahwage
(I think I read a book about it once...)
it seems you beat the odds!
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


D. Eden's picture

The first thing I thought of when I saw Mahwage was Mahwah, NJ.

I couldn’t imagine why anyone would be posting about a town in North Jersey, lol.

Once I read the post, I caught the reference to Princess Bride, but yeah, I guess I’ve spent too much time driving through NJ over the years.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


I hope you have another 49 happy years :)

As for marrying up... hon, you're pretty damn awesome. Why not just admit you married laterally? I'd imagine your spouse would agree.

Melanie E.

Happy Anniversary!

erin's picture

My parents made it to 49 years, too. :) Shortly after that anniversary, I asked my father when it was he decided to marry mom, because I knew they had known each other for only two weeks before getting married.

He said, "The second time I saw her. I was riding a Ferris wheel with a woman named Gladys when she pointed toward the carnival entrance. 'There's my cousin, Rilda,' she said. I looked and this tall redhead was coming in through the gate. The Ferris wheel came around and I saw her again, waving at Gladys. And that was when I decided I was going to marry her."


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Love at First Sight

I was busing at a sorority house during my senior year in college. While I was setting tables I saw my spouse standing at a window. I talked to her for about five minutes. I called my mother when I got home and told her I'd met my future spouse. Fifty-six years later that seems like a wise decision.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

And to think,

She's had the patience to put up with this long! Sounds like a saint /smirk But really, congratulations, she sounds like a real gem with lot of patience :)

ps Sounds like my marriage and spousal unit, went out for six years, 3 of them living together, and we decided to get married. In her words, "Sure, why not. We haven't killed each other so it must be love!" That was 26 years ago in three weeks.


Andrea Lena's picture

Twoooo wuv is what bwings us togethah today. Congrats!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Fifty two and a half years here. If you are having fun, you're doing it right. Lotsa great story material.


My spouse and I celebrated our 48th anniversary back on the 18th. I don't know how we are both still alive sometimes. Any àdvice on how I might make this last? Congrats on 49 and may you have many more.

Not as "dicey" as you might think.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Long term marriages are very possible and highly rewarding. Congratulations on making it this far. My anniversary is coming up in August, it'll be 56 years. It just keeps getting better and better. Hang in. Marriage works because two people want it to work and both do their part to make it happen. Sounds like that describes the two of you.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Wow & congratulations

When my grandparents reached 50, we celebrated and Grandpa observed “50 years is a long time to be with one woman” which prompted Grandma’s “Bill, it’s an even longer time to be with one man.” They spent 18 more years together.

Patricia, I hope you have more good ones remaining than you expect, too!

Here’s wishing you a very Happy Anniversary!

D. Eden's picture

It will be 38 years for me this year. I never thought it would last past my transition, but somehow we kept it together. Our relationship has obviously changed, but as we started out as friends before we ever became anything more, I think that basis managed to keep us together.

That and the fact that she came to the realization that I am still the same person that I was - just a better, kinder, less angry version of that person. I started to say happier, and usually I am - but am I always happy? No. I have lost too much in this life to say that. I missed too much, like the childhood I should have had. Like the teen years I never knew, and the chance to be the young woman I should have been.

But all things considered, I have a very good life - and I wouldn’t give up my children to go back and do it all over differently.

Hopefully, when the final accounting is made, there will be at least a few good things I have done to offset all the bad, I know which side of the ledger my life will fall on - too many shitty things while in the service - but perhaps I have balanced them out somewhat by doing some good, and by being the best parent and person I can be.

As to marrying up……….

I think we all strive to marry someone who is better than we are. I know that I succeeded.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus