Dresses are for Boys Chapt 2

Here's chapter two! I'll be trying to post a new one every week or two!

I woke up when my head fell forward and I felt a wave of hair slide past my cheeks.


And I can still feel the seatbelt holding me tightly in place. Oh no!

I kept my eyes closed. Maybe if I didn’t open them then this wouldn’t be real.

I heard the click of the doors unlocking and opening. My dad’s voice called softly then his hand reached out and pushed my hair back from my face. “Eric sweetie, we’re home.”

Reluctantly I opened my eyes and lifted my head. My dad was leaning into the back of the car and giving me a warm smile. At least he wasn’t going to be angry at me or crying the whole time I was stuck here. But where was here exactly?

He unbuckled himself and accepted mom’s help getting out of the car before she came to my door and did the same for me.

This time I tried to shoo her away.

“I’m fine mom.” I told her as I turned my legs sideways and tried to hop out of the car, reversing what I’d seen mom do. I felt my dress ride up my legs a bit but didn’t trip myself up on it or anything.

“Well look at little Mr. Independent over here. Maybe dad can help you practice that a bit more, you almost flashed your panties again.” She said with a laugh. I could feel my cheeks go red. Of course my underwear had to change too! Gah!

“U-uh yeah, sure.”

Her laughter stopped, and she gave me a confused brow, while dad looked outright shocked. He recovered fast though and jumped on the chance to open the passenger door again.

“Never look a gift horse in the mouth Betty. You can head inside while I give him a little lesson.”

“Are you sure you can pull the car into the garage, ok? The last time you tried to pull up to the curb, you almost ran down that poor woman and her little bulldog.”

Dad put his hands on his hips and gave mom a look. “It was an accident, I stepped on the wrong pedal! And our garage isn’t an obstacle course Betty, I’ll be fine.”

She just giggled and lifted a hand to dad’s neck, pulling him down a bit and giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

“Alright boys! Just don’t stay out here too long. I’m starving.”

Mom bent down to give me a kiss on the head too before handing dad the keys, opening the garage door for us, and heading inside.

“Well now mister” dad said, aiming another smile at me. “Let’s get you hopping in and out of the car like a real-life prince. I’m sure your mom will be very impressed the next time we go to church.”

Dad showed me how to tuck my dress underneath me and sit down, to make sure I cross my legs, and a lot of other tricks to stop me from accidentally flashing or doing something embarrassing. I was kind of worried that he would get suspicious of me not knowing any of this stuff, but he didn’t mention it. He did say that most of it would be more useful if I wore shorter things but that I wouldn’t be getting anything like that until I was older. I certainly wasn’t going to complain!

It felt like we were outside for a long time, and I was sure I’d forget this stuff next time I had to sit down, but I had fun in some sort of weird way. I also felt a bit more comfortable in the dress, or I guess it really was my dress.

The longer this went on, the more it started to feel real.

My dad’s praise as I hopped out of the car without letting my dress ride up was very strange but felt good? Pleasing. Yeah, that’s the word. This version of dad wasn't exactly the person I'd been hoping to be like someday, and these weren’t the kinds of things I wanted to learn from him, but it was the same voice and smile complimenting me on a job well done. I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself.

After my lesson, dad had me go into the garage to help guide him in.

He told me that we had to make sure the car was "nice and square with the wall and far enough away from mommy's workbench so she can open all her drawers." Which he apparently had trouble with when parking by himself. Or at least mom claimed he couldn't do it the way she liked it, so dad wanted me here to back him up if she complained about it.

The house, like everything else, was just a little bit off once I got inside and started to look around. The furniture was in different spots, the photos on the walls showed everyone crossdressing, and things like that. Maybe that nap in the car did me some good or maybe I was getting close to losing my marbles. Either way, it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I was kind of having fun spotting the differences. It was like one of those picture puzzles from a magazine that you can spend an hour on trying to spot every difference between two photos. I had time to take a close look later though. Our garage was connected to the laundry room and then through that was the living room. Then I could shoot upstairs to the bedrooms and bathrooms. I was off like a shot. My first priority was getting out of this dress!

"Hang it up in your closet! Don't just throw it on the floor." Dad called out, somehow already predicting exactly what I had planned as soon as I started thumping my way up the stairs.

"And help me in the kitchen once you're changed!"

"Okay da-!" I started to reply but stopped and froze. My room was…. Well…. The same!

Everything was exactly, 100% the same as I remembered it. Ok not exactly, I was standing here in a dress, but I was the only thing out of place! Maybe I just teleported back home? I didn’t feel like I was dreaming, but then again, everything had felt real up until this point.

I carefully crept back to my doorway and listened. If I was back home, then I definitely didn't want mom or dad to see me dressed like this. Outside I heard the muffled sounds of the tv playing some sort of sports match and things banging around in the kitchen. Not really a lot to go off but maybe things were back to normal? Dad liked to watch football reruns after church. If that's the case..….

I quickly tried to peel off the dress. Tried being the key word. I'd never put one on before, so I also never figured out how to take one off. After a lot of tugging, and I think some tearing sounds, I managed it. Only then did I notice the seam along the back that held a zipper. I'm not sure it would've helped even if I had known it was. I could barely even scratch the spot on my back, let alone grab a zipper!

Now where could I put this thing? I can't just hang it up in my closet or mom would see it when she put away the laundry.

I quickly scanned my room, and I realized I only had one good spot that was big enough to hide this until I could get it out of the house. I lifted my mattress up off the springboard and laid the dress between them.

"Eric! What's taking you so long!?" Dad called up.

I yanked off the panties. I'd be better off with him finding me naked than wearing these if he barged in.

"Nothing! I'll be down in a sec dad!"

I stuffed them underneath my mattress as well and scrambled to my dresser. But instead of my underwear there were just more panties! They were kind of just like the briefs I usually wore with plenty of room for my stuff, but they weren’t white and were really soft to touch. A quick check of my room showed that nothing had changed but what I had in my drawers. I closed one eye and threw open the drawer below it, socks exactly where they should be. But they looked different, smaller maybe, and some of them were more colorful than anything I’d ever worn before.

“Oh no.” I groaned. Maybe I wasn’t home after all, or maybe all my clothing swapped around? I still had the dress after all.

“Eric if you’re not down here in ten seconds to help with lunch!” I heard my mom threaten.

My next drawer revealed a bunch of neatly folded shorts. I scrambled as fast as I could to get dressed, well as fast as a boy could reluctantly put on a pair of panties anyway. I barely even had time to look at what I threw on as I grabbed it. I felt much better back in boy’s clothes, even if they did fit a bit funny. But maybe I was just imagini-


I dashed out of my room, slamming the door behind me before stumbling down the stairs as fast as I could. My heart dropped the moment I saw my mom sitting on the couch and watching a soccer game with a beer in her hand. That means dad is probably in the kitchen making lunch. And that means I’m not home after all.

“You look nice sweetie, but what were you doing up there? You took longer than your father usually does.”

“I heard that!” he called from the kitchen.

"You won't hear it again if you manage to get out of the house early enough for us to get to church on time for once!" She giggled before nodding her head towards the kitchen.

"Go help your father pumpkin, before he starts trying to ask me for it. I'd probably burn the house down."

I headed towards the kitchen reluctantly, as reluctantly as I could possibly reluct. Why do I need to help in the kitchen? I never had to help mom before! Is dad just worse at cooking? Then again, I never wore a dress before either. It’s probably not worth wearing my brain out trying to understand everything that’s changed.

Mom ignored the tail between my legs act and just turned her attention back to the game, cheering as some woman made a goal.

As soon as I walked in, dad ambushed me with what had to be the pinkest apron ever made. He paused before he could pull it down over my neck.

"You're finally wearing that? I guess it was worth stacking it back on top of the pile every time."

I looked down, a bit confused, and pulled the bottom of my shirt out to get a good look at it. I wish I hadn’t

It wasn’t pink at least, but that didn’t make it any less…. I don’t even know how to describe it. All I know is that I wished I had taken an extra second to look before putting it on. It had some kind of sparkle looking things on it that spelled out “Boy Power!” in a girly cursive font. Rubbing my hand up and down flipped the sparkles upside down, changing the color of the words from purple to red

Before I could even move a muscle to try and take it off, dad spun me around and started putting on my apron. This version of him seems a lot more aware of what’s going through my head.

I’m really not a fan of that.

“There, now don’t you look cute? I have some sandwich fixings in the fridge already prepared. Can you put it all together for me while I work on dinner?”

As freaky and awful as this whole situation was, the mention of food reminded me I was just barely hungry enough to put those feelings aside if it meant that we got to eat a bit quicker. I gave dad a small nod which earned me a smile in return.

“Thanks sweetie. You can cut the sandwiches too, but no more of that ninja sword fight whatever thing you did last time. You’ll hurt yourself. Can I trust you?”

“Yeah dad, I’ll be careful.”

He nodded and turned back to cutting up pieces of raw chicken or something with a big knife, Yuck.

Meanwhile I went digging through the fridge and pulled out the sandwich stuff. I’m pretty sure that I found the right stuff anyway. If dad didn’t like it, then I guess he would just have to give me his egg salad sandwich and make himself something else.

I couldn’t quite reach the cabinet with all the plates and things but after a little bit of searching I found mom’s footstool. Then again, if her work in the kitchen today was anything to go by then I think it might only be my footstool in this world.

I kept my word and was as careful as I could to get out the plates and cups without making too much noise. Then I scooped the egg salad between some bread and cut them into quarters. Normally mom would cut off the crust, but I didn’t feel the need to do anything but the bare minimum. I could just eat around it.


“Fu-reaking scared that bazeebes out of me! Don’t startle me like that Eric!” He admonished as he lifted up a finger that looked fine as far as I could tell. What was he so upset about?

“Sorry! Sandwiches are done. Can I go now?”

He went right back to cutting and dicing as he asked, “Did you clean up your mess?”

“Umm my mess?”

“I thought so. Clean up, that means wash the bowl, your knife, and wipe down the counter. Then pour us something to drink please. I should be finished up with this by then so we can all have lunch.”

‘What!? But I’m hungry! And the food is right here!’ I thought but didn’t say. This dad was even stricter than my real mom used to be, and I didn’t think he would care much for my argument, even though I knew I was right. Instead, I decided to settle for some grumbling protests as I dragged my stool over to the sink and started washing up. I only needed it to grab the dish soap from the back of the sink, but I was kind of liking the extra height, so I used it while I washed the dishes and wiped down the countertop too.

Dad gave me a look when I tossed my plate onto the kitchen table with a loud clatter that reminded me to be more careful with the rest. I went looking through the fridge and pulled out orange juice for me and dad, and some coffee that mom liked to have iced. I even put a few cubes in there for her. And since she complained about how the ice watered it down if you didn’t drink it fast enough, we have to eat now! Can’t argue with that logic!

“Mom! Lunch is ready!” I yelled, dashing back to the living room. Geez, all this running around cooking and stuff was really exhausting. It should be in the Olympics or something.

A small burp proved no problem to her drinking as she hurriedly finished off her beer and crushed the can before turning off the game. She was still dressed in her church clothes but had gotten rid of the tie. I guess guys and girls can all agree that those things stink.

“Wow this looks nice, thank you Jared.”

“Oh don’t thank me.” Dad replied as he finished washing down the sink. “Eric put this together all by himself!”

“I only put the stuff in the sandwiches though.”

“And cut them, poured our drinks, and cleaned up afterwards. All I did was cut a bunch of stuff up and mix it into a bowl. You put together most of this meal all by yourself.” He assured me.

“Well then, I can’t wait to try it. Any meal made by my little boy has got to be delicious.” mom gushed as she sat down.

I’d never gotten this much praise for doing my chores before. Mom or dad usually just paid me my allowance and that was it. I hoped I would get paid for this later too, but for now this was pretty nice. I smiled and hopped up onto my own seat. Maybe I’d do this once or twice when I got back to… well wherever I came from or something.

Dad wiped off his hands on his apron and walked by, untying mine and peeling it off to hang it with his by the oven.

I remembered the shirt I was wearing and felt embarrassed all over again, but mom and dad didn't seem to care past their initial bit of surprise. And I was hungry enough that I could wait to get this off and do a better check of my wardrobe for things I could actually wear.

Once dad finally sat down, we all joined hands and mom said grace.

Yes! Now we could dig in! And dig in I did. I could probably dig out a trench for an entire platoon of soldiers. That thought made me giggle, and that was the only pause to my chewing. I might have even forgotten to breathe.

"The food isn't going anywhere son." Mom promised, as dad just shook his head

"Well today it was getting in the car, maybe tomorrow he'll finally accept some lessons on table manners."

I choked down some of my sandwich with a chug of orange juice and burped. Mom seemed a bit amused, but dad definitely wasn't. It was going to be hard getting used to this acting like a girl thing. They wouldn't be able to realize what was going on if I didn’t act right, would they? With all the glaring dad was doing he might start to wonder. Obviously, I was doing a lot wrong.

"Sorry, I'm just really hungry. Doing stuff in the kitchen is pretty hard. Maybe it'd be easier with all of us next time?"

Dad looked over to mom, his glare changing targets for now. Phew

"At least someone appreciates how hard it is to keep this house running on all cylindericals."

She chuckled, "No dear, that’s not right. The saying is-"

Dad's glare hardened and I actually started to worry a hole might open up in mom's head.

Her laughter died and she quickly changed gears after coughing into her hand.

"I think you might just be getting ready for a growth spurt with the way you’re eating pumpkin. You are looking a bit more uh filled out around the middle."

"Betty! Don't say that! You'll give him some sort of complex!"

Another one? Just what I needed; things are complex enough already.

I pushed my plate away from myself a bit. Maybe if I lost a little weight, I'd make things less complicated instead.

Mom's eyes went wide. Dad's words and my actions seemed to click something in mom’s head and sent her backpedaling to try and fix whatever he’d triggered.

"No sweetie you're just gaining some weight! Uh I mean, it's not a bad thing. It just means you're going to shoot up even taller and more handsome soon. So really, it's a good thing! The fatter you get now-"

Her words finally stopped when dad grabbed her jaw and forced it shut.

"Not another word Betty."

Mom didn't need any further invitation to jump out of the hole that she dug for herself and left dad to refill it in her stead. She grabbed her iced coffee and sipped it while staring quietly at her food.

I'd seen this sort of comedy act between my mom and dad before, but the roles had always been reversed, and it never went this badly for my mom.

I couldn't help but start to laugh at this whole situation.

Mom flicked her eyes up to me. The anxiousness shining through and that just made me laugh even harder. She looked like a puppy begging for forgiveness.

Thankfully for her, dad joined in too when she gave him the same look.

My stomach realized that the flow of food had stopped and by the time we had all calmed down I grabbed my plate and decided to give it what it wanted, complexes or not.

“I guess you’ll have to put a larger limit on your credit card dear, we need to buy him some new clothes.” dad said before taking a small bite of his own meal.

“You just bought him some new things last week, didn’t you?”

“Yes but if he’s growing then we’ll have to replace some of his smaller things soon. You don’t want him running around in rags, do you? Boys can be very cruel at his age.”

Mom sighed, accepting defeat. Without any time to recover after that beatdown dad had put her through already, she didn’t really stand a chance. Maybe I should try and remember that trick.

“And that means you’ll have to come with me, mister. You can’t just lay around at home. And before you even ask, yes, you really do have to go. I need you to try things on so we know what size you are”

I bit back my words and swallowed them down with some more of my sandwich.

The rest of lunch was ok. Dad made mom promise to help with dinner and she kind of gave me the stink eye, but I could tell she wasn’t really mad. It just made me laugh a little more before I rushed back off to my room.

Extra: According to Greek mythology, the Amazons were a group of male hunters and warriors capable of surpassing women in wit, agility, archery, riding skills, and all manner of tactical planning. Their society was entirely closed off to women. They would only briefly meet with neighboring tribes for a month or two to reproduce and take in the children that had been conceived the prior year. The sons would then be taken in while the daughters would be left to be raised by the other tribes. Their actions flew in the face of beliefs at the time that men were incapable of fighting in more nuanced ways. The Amazons allegedly used cunning tactics and their riding abilities to great effect in battles, resulting in a fearsome reputation even among those who had only heard of their deeds through secondary or tertiary sources.

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