I read an article by a "palliative care nurse" about the regrets people have when they die.
Many of them ring very true with me, and I'll guess many of you.
I Wish I’d Lived a Life True to Myself, Not the Life Others Expected of Me
We all know this one. Many of you are a lot braver than me and are true to yourself, however long it took
I Wish I Hadn’t Worked so Hard
I think we all work because we have to, or too work hard because we think we will have plenty of time later to spend on things we love. Often there isn't.
I Wish I’d Had the Courage to Express My Feelings
Well yes. I personally have always been afraid of doing this.
I Wish I Had Stayed in Touch With My Friends
We promise ourselves we will do it tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes.
I Wish I Had Allowed Myself to Be Happier
Life isn't Fair
There isn't a definitive rule book for each of us for what lies ahead in our life. We look behind and it's one hundred percent clear. The path ahead is many thousands of choices and each one of those spawns into thousands more and... What prior experience were we given? It's not like driving where we have a copilot who keeps us from making errors or really life ending tragedy. If we are lucky we have a partner called a wife or husband who shares enough of what they know with what we know, so we survive or really fortunate we excel.
No regrets, no do overs, no going back, what is done is done. I'm not morbid but I'm looking forward to finishing up this mortal life. The world has changed, people have changed. I have the blessing to know what awaits. If it's hard to have faith in one's self have faith in God. If we tried our best it's good enough. Even those who never do anything make mistakes. They never try!
Hugs Leeanna, your glass is half full not half empty.
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I envy your faith Barb, I am
I envy your faith Barb, I am not particularly religious. I would be classed as Church of England. It is sort of Christian light. Funerals, weddings and Christenings
The logical part of me always wants evidence before I believe anything. The Bible is full of contradictions. That is because it was written by humans with their own agenda. Yet some of the messages in there are warm and wonderful. The old testament has some horrible messages in. it.
Non, je ne regrette rien
It's all a matter of how you look at life if you can believe the song
Here is a regret that seldom is heard:
"I regret that I didn't spend more time working and less with my family."
Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes . . .
“Regrets? Sure.
. . . No doubts, though.”
Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire
— Emma
Pushed into it.
There was such a stigma about it all. I wasn't gay or transgender, I was just a very feminine male, and being XXY really brought that out. It was a lot of work to "Man up" enough to please others. Finally being addicted to porn caused my marriage of 38 years to fail, and still being in denial of it, caused profound depression. The Psych. people and their drugs pushed me over the edge. I had surgery and have lived as a woman since my mid 50s.
These days I have no sexual drive, and wish that I had remained living as a man as pathetic as I was at that. For me, the TG thing is BS.
WOW Gwen, a severe case of a
WOW Gwen, a severe case of a lazy misdiagnosis. They saw the effects o your body of being XXY rather than the mind inside that body.
I assume they thought it would cure your depression.
I Did It My Way
Very few regrets.
There are key moments in my life that I wish I could have played differently. But you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Life isn't about being perfect 100% of the time. It's about a final accounting of the whole that we deem positive.
We all make mistakes.
My goal was not to make huge mistakes -- or do things that were obviously wrong. I made a few huge mistakes and kept my purposeful faults to a minimum. If I can finish out as I've done for the last 75 years (this Saturday) I'll draw a last breath with utter contentment.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I regret that the only person
I regret that the only person I have come out to is my mother. I regret I did not do it years ago. I know my father would have gone mad when he was alive. He screamed at my brother years ago for wearing eyeliner. It was a punk thing.
I know if I came out my 3 boys may be ok with it, but it would mean a messy divorce. In some ways, getting to be "me" for only about 10 days a year makes it all the sweeter.