In the Darkness is the Light: Chapter 14

Cherry’s Birthday Surprise part 1

“We continued to perform impressive feats and as we grew as a squad, we grew in power as Umbra people—I don’t really want to call us all girls because Dragon isn’t one, and I care about all of my squad. It wasn’t long before we finally hit Level 2. It was quite a shock, seeing that they were so much weaker than our Level 1 forms. I was confused, but as we continued to fight and grow I realized it had much faster growth potential, and in less than two weeks we had already surpassed our Level 1 maxed out forms. And, oh, did we surpass them. Our new spells and abilities were only just beginning to reveal how much potential an Umbra had.”

Bunberry was deep in thought as she stared at the ceiling shortly after she had woken up. So much had changed in such a short time, and with it her room also seemed to change a little bit. She willed herself out of bed, grabbed her cane, and went to check the damage. Some of the cracks in the center of the room seemed a little closed up. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but for some reason her room had a little less split in it. She looked over to her dresser and sure enough there was the same picture of her friends and lover before he showed up. Though thinking of that made her remember seeing him again, the emotions she had, the feelings that bubbled up inside of her. Then… something strange, there was the memory of arms around her. She felt warm tears falling on her shoulders, and then realized she was recalling when Cherry was hugging her. That sweet gesture was burned into her mind, and she wished to see it again. At her wish, from out of her desk, rose a frame with a picture of that exact scene, Cherry holding a crying Bunberry. How the room could get a picture of something she couldn’t see, from a perspective she didn’t have, she didn’t know. The room could do so many things that seemed impossible. She wondered if this was a perfect recreation of what had happened. It probably was, just like the picture of her time together with her squad.

She picked it up and smiled wistfully at it. This wasn’t even her other self. No, this was her, the Umbra Knight, smiling. It wasn’t like when she smiled as she sparred with Dragon, enjoying the heat of competition. This was something else, something that almost seemed to thaw her cold heart. She put it down, and with a small smile, left to get ready.

A quick shower and she was ready for her closet. The pink floral dress and flip flops along with her long blonde hair tied back in a french braid didn’t really faze her anymore. Her other side seemed to always have control of what she wore. She’d gotten used to it, though, so it didn’t really bother her. She was about to walk out of her room when she heard a knock. She couldn’t guess who it was, since she wasn’t expecting anyone. But she opened the door to find a familiar figure wearing a three-tiered jean skirt over a pair of leggings, boots, and a hoodie with the words: “Am I a boy or a girl? LUL”. It was Dagger Flower.

“Hi Bunberry. So, umm, there’s news. Raftilia is concerned for you, so she decided to hire a second veteran. So I’m here to help with your training of Cherry and Coffin Flower.”

Of course she’d already replaced her. Not like she could do much to help them. Though… that wasn’t entirely true, but it was easier to not have to use that.

“Anyway, I’m going to go get them up. You get some rest okay. Or you can join us, just don’t hurt yourself. Draggy and I both would be terribly sad if you got even more hurt.” He looked genuinely sad.

She gave a large sigh. “Dag, I can’t just stay in my room forever. She can’t freeze my Night Crystal again, that was a one-time thing. I’m stuck, for better or for worse, fighting.”

“I… I know, but I’ll be there to help, okay? I know, I’m… nowhere near as strong as you or Draggy, but I’ll do my best to pull my weight,” he vowed. “Oh, also, it’s Flower today. Not really feeling boy this time. Of course, still He/him. If that ever changes I’ll let you know.”

“Okay, Flower it is. Also, damn right you will, and don’t sell yourself short, your Trait is pretty insane. You just need to believe in yourself.”

“Thanks, Bunberry. I really wish you’d let others see this side of yourself more often. You don’t always have to be harsh and abrasive on everyone, you know? I know it’s like your… thing when you’re the Umbra Knight, but please think over how you act, okay? You don’t want to push everyone away.”

Flower’s words hit her hard. She only pushed everyone away so they wouldn’t get hurt or killed. Just like Ice Dust. Just like her squad. Though, lately… she was wondering if that was truly the correct thing to do. Perhaps Flower was right. Cherry definitely had a hand in helping her open up to this possibility. “All right, I’ll… consider it.”

“My, oh, my. Really? That Cherry girl is really doing a number on you, isn’t she? Well I’m grateful, Bunberry, you really need to stop blaming yourself so much. It wasn’t your fault.”

The attempt at reassurance, unfortunately, only caused Bunberry to doubt Flower’s words a little more. He meant well, but could he even understand why Bunberry couldn’t allow others to rely on her? Still, her more rational side had to admit that she was probably overreacting. She was, after all, in a delicate situation. It was ironic thinking of the Umbra Knight as delicate, but it was true. Her mind was like walking along a tightrope high above a pit of spikes while flamethrowers and swinging pendulums blocked her path. “Thanks, Flower. I’ll go get Cherry, actually. You go get Coffin Flower, okay? Can you do that for me?”

“Of course, Bunberry, meet in the training room. We’re just gonna discuss some training plans, then we’ll head to breakfast together, okay?”

Bunberry smirked and waved him off. “Yeah yeah, I’ll make sure.”

Flower smiled, then left. Bunberry stretched, then made her way towards Cherry’s room. Along the way though she saw something unusual. Kittenberry was there, talking to someone that Bunberry never would have thought would associate with her in a million years. The new head of the Anti Adaption Council, Gray Bubbles. She had dark skin with short teal hair with long bangs and gray eyes. She wore a pair of slacks with a loose teal top and flats. She had a crescent moon hair clip clipped on the left side of her hair, a crescent moon necklace, and crescent moon earrings, along with a single monocle on her right eye. “I’ll be taking you both on a mission. Don’t worry, you won’t be in any danger, it’s already been cleared by Raftilia. I think… perhaps we’ve treated you wrongly, Princess Kittenberry, and so I’d like to make amends.” Her voice was soft and flat. Even as she spoke kindly to Kittenberry, her tone struck Bunberry as bored, as if everyone was a waste of her time.

“U-Uh… okay, Gray Bubbles. I, umm, I always believe that people can change. Umm, thank you, and… were you telling the truth? Is it… really possible?” Kittenberry seemed deep in thought, Bunberry wasn’t sure what she was thinking or what they were talking about.

“Yes, I know for a fact it is. Do not worry. You will see her again, soon.” She said matter-of-factly. It sounded as if she was planning to do something unorthodox, and she seemed way too confident for Bunberry’s taste. “Anyway, I have things to prepare. See you tomorrow,” she finished as she walked away.

Bunberry didn’t feel good about that exchange but she had another mission to deal with. She needed to get Cherry up. Flower wouldn’t like to wait too long, after all. Bunberry hobbled down the hall towards Cherry’s room with her cane, and knocked on the door. She heard shuffling as a fully dressed Cherry opened the door.

“Bunberry! It’s so good to see you. Is it a training day, today? Isn’t it a wonderful day? I hope tomorrow is just as wonderful, if not better.” Cherry was full of energy. Bunberry wondered if Kittenberry might have been infecting her.

“Yeah, it is, though you look really excited. Something good happening?”

“Yep, it’s my birthday tomorrow. I’m so excited, I’m gonna turn twelve, I guess, in Umbra years, but fourteen for real!” she said, excitedly.

“That’s wonderful, Cherry.” Bunberry smiled, her energy was just so adorable. “So, got any plans?

“Thank you, Bunberry, but, umm, I don’t really have a party or anything, but could I maybe spend some time with you?” Cherry asked.

“Of course you can.” Though, was that enough, just hanging out with her? An idea was forming inside of Bunberry’s head. She was not sure if it was the influence of her other self or not, but… just this once, she might listen to her. “Well you need to get to the training room. Flower is waiting for you there. He’s joining your squad as my co-instructor. If you want to know more he’ll explain. I have something to do, however, so take care, okay?”

“Oh, uhh, okay. Thanks Bunberry.” The young girl moved in for a hug, and Bunberry reciprocated.

Bunberry broke the hug, then waved her off as Cherry left. Then she set about her newly-formed plan. She walked down the hall and towards Dragon’s room and knocked. After about five minutes of no response, she decided to try something a little different. She contacted him through her Night Crystal. Hopefully he wasn’t doing anything important or dangerous, but even if he was, it was Dragon. He’d probably be fine.

“Hey, Dragon, Cherry’s birthday is tomorrow. I’m thinking of throwing her a surprise party, you in?”

“The fuck is this? Wait, is that you, Bunberry? Wait really, it’s her birthday? Of course I’ll join. Lemme finish eating,” Dragon responded.

Bunberry smiled, then reached into her Night Crystal to pull out a second cord. She intertwined the two cords so the one connecting to Dragon was also connected to this one. Then sent it off to someone else.

“Kittenberry, Cherry’s birthday is tomorrow, you wanna help plan a surprise birthday party for her?” Bunberry asked.

“WOULD I?! Of course, I’ll make sure she’s got the cutest birthday ever, you’ll see! OMG thank you for asking me!” Kittenberry squealed through her Night Crystal.

“Bunberry, did you really have to just put Kittenberry in here with us? She’s so loud and I’m eating…” The grown man whined.

“Yes, and I’m about to bring more, so behave.”

She heard a groan come from his end, as she took out more cords, and sort of made a magickal Skype group chat. It was all inside their heads so nobody outside of the called would hear anything, though it might throw off some concentration. She connected a cord to Flower, Coffin Flower, and Lamp Flower.

”Hey, everyone, sorry to just shove you all together like this, but Cherry’s birthday is tomorrow. I want to plan a surprise party.”

“Really, a surprise party? I remember doing those for my granddaughters. I’d love to help.” Lamp Flower responded.

“Oh? Awww, how cute. Of course I'll help.” Flower said.

Really? Right after Kittenberry’s, huh? That’s kinda sweet. Where are we gonna have it?” Coffin Flower asked.

Bunberry had to stop and think for a minute, where could they have it? Then it came to her. “How about J.J.’s, he loves this stuff.”

“That’s a great idea. We’ll have to go to him after this. Organizing a birthday party, Bunberry, that child has made a really positive impact on you. I’m proud of you. That doesn’t mean I’ll just let you go off and get yourself hurt anymore, however. Improvement is good, self preservation is paramount.” Lamp Flower could really lecture when she wanted to.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, Lamp. I’ll be careful.”

“You’d better.” Then Lamp Flower hung up.

“Okay, I’m going to meet at J.J. 's. Coffin Flower and Flower, keep her occupied. The rest of us will get to planning.”

With a collective round of approval she cut off the call and made her way to J.J.’s restaurant. Or she would have, if she wasn’t stopped by one of the least favorite people on her list. Coarse Amethyst, wearing a tweed business skirt suit and heels, with her hair let down.

“Bunberry, why do you insist on denying our offers? We’re in desperate need of members and you would be a great help to us.”

Bunberry was utterly sick of these people, so she decided she’d try a different approach this time. “What makes you think I’d want to join an organization like yours? Have you considered that people don’t believe in your bullshit? Amethyst, my sister was transgender, what makes you think I’d join a group that would have made her life hell?”

“I … uhhh, didn’t know that, I suppose… that wouldn’t feel good to hear? Also, what do you mean she was transgender?” Amethyst asked.

“She’s gone. In fact she was gotten rid of by someone who held similar views to yours. Someone who didn’t accept trans people.”

“I don’t understand what you are getting at.” Amethyst had nervousness and uncertainty plastered all over her face.

“Lucid held my sister up in front of me, and tried to hammer in that he thought she was a man. Then he purified her from her feet to her head, slowly… and made me watch. When your beliefs match Lucid Allbright’s, maybe you should rethink your fucking life choices.” She brushed past leaving a stunned Amethyst in her wake.

With that dealt with, Bunberry made her way to J.J.s, luckily she had no other interruptions, and instead just went inside. The only person she saw there was Dragon, the others hadn’t arrived yet. She took a seat near him.

“So, got any ideas? You know, before Kittenberry comes in and super girlifies everything.” Dragon asked.

Bunberry gave a hearty laugh. “Yeah, she is going to do that, isn’t she? Cherry seems to like that stuff though, so it might not be too bad.”

Dragon groaned but nodded. “Fine, but I’m not wearing any fudging pink… wait… did I… oh no.”

“Heeeeey Drag drag!” Kittenberry said from behind them.

“Hey, Kittenberry. Also please… never call me that again.”

“Oh, sorry, I’ll find a different nickie. Anyway, I’m so excited, meow! Cherry’s birthday party is gonna be so cute. You‘ll love it. I got a ton of ideas, mew!”

Bunberry laughed. “Good, we’ll need your expertise, Kittenberry. Cherry likes ultra girly stuff like you do.”

“Kittenberry, Dragon, Bunberry, how great to see you all? What would you like?” J.J. said, approaching the table while they talked.

“Well, J.J., I was thinking of planning a birthday party for Cherry, see, she turns fourteen tomorrow. Well, technically twelve in Umbra years.”

“Say less. You need any kind of special birthday cake or something for her?”

“That sounds great, I also was thinking we could have the party here. Would you be okay with that?”

“Why Bunberry, I would be honored. I’m assuming Kittenberry is handling the decorations and things? It is kind of her thing.”

“Yes, mew! We’re gonna need streamers, and ribbons, and a princess crown and—”

“Calm down, little one. We’ll get it done, don’t worry.” J.J. laughed.

“Yeah, Kittenberry, it’s going to be okay. Anyway, J.J. I could use a light breakfast, how about some toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, and a glass of orange juice.”

“Okay, Bunberry, you got it.”

“Oh, I’ll have some pancakes with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, a poppyseed muffin and a glass of water, mew! I really need to get my brain juices going!”

J.J. laughed. “Always happy to help.” He walked away to the back wall, it opened up and swallowed him once again as he prepared the orders.

Bunberry worked with Kittenberry and the others as they filed in, preparing for Cherry’s surprise birthday. It would take the rest of the day, and a lot of misdirection to keep Cherry from realizing what was going on. Little did they know, however, her birthday was going to mark the beginning of the end. That the events that would transpire would change… everything.

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