My Book Sales

A word from our sponsor:

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All of this has been said before. But the site readership is constantly changing.

Some have suggested that BC is littered by offers to buy my books.

And, I would have to agree that efforts to sell my books are ubiquitous.

However, the sale of my books isn't making me rich. In fact, all of the revenue from the sales goes directly to BC. I don't get any of it.

I'm not Mother Teresa. The income I would have made from the almost two dozen books I've donated to BC would not be meaningful to me but does help BC considerably. And, there's immense satisfaction noting the number of people who pay to read my books.

If you haven't bought my books, consider that the purchase helps keep BC going.

If you just don't have the financial ability and would like to read my published books, let me know which ones you want to read and I will send you a Word document -- no cost.

Other authors have donated all or part of their revenue. It all helps.




Thanks for this, I've read I think most that you offer through Kindle, it's a great thing you're doing!

Not Me

Erin. It's a great thing Erin's doing. All I'm doing is offering some help -- like countless others.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Missing Books

There are books missing from that list, such as Sky, Baseball Annie, The Handshake That Hides the Snake, and Minnifer.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Highly Recommend

Dee Sylvan's picture

I think I may have read all of Angela's book and have thoroughly enjoyed each one. 'Shannon's Course' is one of my favorites but I have read most if not all of them multiple times. It is very generous of Angela and others to donate the proceeds to BC and well worth investing in one or more to help the cause. A word of warning - these books are highly addictive!

Thank you for sharing your craft with us Angela! :D
