I'm still around, it has just been too miserable cold for someone with a non-functional thyroid to be able to do much. I'm pretty much recovered from covid, expect for lingering fatigue and lethargy, which doesn't help either. I haven't even had the energy to do any reading here, I spend my days playing mindless time-wasting computer games and watch reruns of my favorite TV shows. Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, but it isn't any fun to be in my skin. Thanks for reading my maudlin self-pity. Maybe the good Lord will let me not wake up tomorrow morning. I would never do anything to end my life, but I sure wouldn't mind it ending on its own.
How Many Sing Your Praises
Miss Holly Snow, I have no idea how to go back and count all the authors who have thanked "Holly Snow" for her help with their own stories. I believe you have earned a well deserved rest whether covid drove you to it or not. For some that stupid covid seems to never back off. It's been named Long Covid and the effects you described is right on. It also seems a variant is making the rounds now and I've been advising family and friends to take their vitamins and "minerals" so they don't get the new one.
Holly Snow, I wish you well. Hugs darling.
When life has one down rolling around in a mud fight, try and not eat too much of the mud. Keep mouth closed.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Hugs Holly
I am sorry to hear that you're feeling down, but please remember that there are lots of people here who will be thinking of you, and hoping and preying that you feel better soon.
COVID is horrid, I agree, and so is that lethargy and lack of ability to do anything worthwhile. It will pass, Holly, and I hope that it does so quickly, so that you feel back to something like normal soon.
Lucy xxxx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
As one who hadn't noticed
I apologise, been too busy with my own stuff, hope you feel better soon.
Please hang in there, Holly!
Know that you are admired and cherished, right here, in this wonderful community. In sickness or in health.
— Emma
I got my case of Covid shortly I was vaccinated so it blunted the effects quite a bit as I only had a fever for a few days. Vaccines do not guaranteed you cannot get it but it generally greatly reduce the impact, especially nearer to the time you get the shot.
Even so there was residual lethargy for a month after. Keep an eye on it and if it seems to be transitioning to long Covid where you are still feeling fatigue and lethargy and the other laundry list of post-Covid symptoms (knock wood it isn't) then seek treatment. Unfortunately long Covid is not well understood yet but there are now clinics that deal with it. Personally I have experience a ton of hair loss after my infection so in a sense that may be a new long Covid symptom but the initial hair loss surge has abated quite a bit.
I am still amazed that people still can't understand that Covid is NOT 'just a cold'. The counter person at the comic store I go to just recently got his Covid case. He was lucky enough to avoid Delta and as he got the shots for it so he could visit his mother at the time. He was just out for two weeks and he now no longer believes 'it is just a cold'. Honestly, from the way he looks, he should really still be at home instead of trying to 'power his way' through the illness. Why are people such idiots and pretend Covid is a nothing burger? Just to get through the day?
BTW, 3 months is all the natural immunity gets you. After three months you can catch it AGAIN (!) which would add further to any long Covid misery.
We are in a new normal where, like it or not, we can't just casually have contact with people and we are even more responsible for absenting ourselves from others when we get sick.
Not just a cold
It's the flu on steroids; bigger, meaner and far more contagious than the flu ever imagined it could be. Plus it borrows from bronchitis and pneumonia to add to the mix of maladies it resembles. But make no mistake, it not just any of them. It's like they teamed up and came for an unwelcome visit... which is bad enough, but then they sometimes leave their baggage behind when they leave.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Not a cold
Well technically SARS viruses are in the broad categories of viruses that people deem to be a 'common cold'.
But, yes, it is an illness that is on a whole another level from either flu or common colds.
As a side note, I out that Hair Loss is apparently a known effect of a Covid infection. Damn it!
As far as I know, neither colds or flus will cause that.
My Grandmother always said
My Grandmother always said "Stop feeling sorry for yourself" and that's the best advice she gave me.
That sounds rather mean and heartless.
-- Daphne Xu
One of my grandmothers was mean and heartless about 10% of the time. That was a darned shame because she could be quite nice when she allowed herself to be.
My other grandmother was pure sweetheart but if she caught you whining she would say, "And does your arse ache, too."
That was a sign of the times. She was born in the 1880s.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Happy & Sad & Strongly Suggest & Yes, I did
Happy to see you are still with us.
Sad that you are feeling so much "under the weathe-er-hurricane".
Strongly suggest proper (and probably life long) treatment for the 'non functioning thyroid'. My first Wife had no thyroid and was just fine so long as she took her once-a-morning pill. I have a friend who is similar. Minus the thyroid hormone, our life expectancy is 30 days.
With proper thyroid treatment, you will have one less dragon flaming your behind.
Please also see what medical and social support you can get for your boat load of other problems.
And yes, I did wonder ...
Good sign
It's great that you thought to come along and wave at us, so I take that as a positive thing. You can see how much love we want to send you but don't forget to give yourself some as well.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
I hope you feel better soon hon.
I hope it helps you to know you are loved here by many, including me.
mindless time-wasting computer games
You wrote, "I spend my days playing mindless time-wasting computer games and watch reruns of my favorite TV shows." Sounds like my life and I don't have the excuse of recovering from Covid. I just hit the doldrums and stagnate for long periods of time. I can't say I'm depressed, but just not excited about anything.
I hope you get some semblance of "normal" back in you life soon. You are a great asset to this site.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Thyroid affects mood & motivation
Sorry you are down but glad you are well enough to check in here.
I assume you are under some treatment. Are you able to see a medical practitioner to see if some post-covid adjustment to medication is due?