12 Days - Day 11

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The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 11

The Twelve Days of Christmas

By Tiffany B. Quinn

I wonder what mom is thinking. I am just glad that there is not a male around to see me like this.

I can’t help but feel sexy, and that excites me in a completely different way than when Judy seduced me.

I am pretty sure that I know what Sam’s reaction would be.


Thursday Jan 5, Day 11

As my morning alarm does its best to rouse me, I groan and snuggle deeper into my bed. Shortly after going to bed, I awoke to a dull cramping in my abdomen. I took it to be indigestion so got up to take an antacid.

That didn’t help.

I wondered what I ate at dinner that didn’t agree with me. I’ve always hated eggplant, but somehow it tasted very delicious last night.

I don’t think it was the eggplant parmesan.

By three AM, the cramping relented and I eventually fell into a deep sleep.

Finally turning off the alarm, I snuggle back under my comforter and enjoy the lack of pain. In fact, I feel a warm satisfied glow throughout my body and revel in all the new sensations. Every part of my body seems foreign and new. And exciting. My barely there nightwear feels very sexy even with my eyes closed.

Without opening my eyes, I can feel the weight of my new breasts and an emptiness in my groin. My new curves rest differently on the mattress than my former male body. My hips are definitely wider and my shoulders narrower. My breasts feel much fuller than they did yesterday. The long hair in a nighttime braid tickles my newly sensitive skin. My sexy lingerie sends tingles over my body. I shiver in delicious pleasure.

I could get used to this, I smile.

Running my hand down my smooth, soft belly, I reach my nether regions and continue over my panty clad crotch. The flatness feels alien to me in a fascinating way. I sort of miss my old friend, but I smile thinking that I can adjust to this. Slipping my hand in my panties, I quickly discover the electrifying pleasure of my new clitoris. Continuing their exploration, my fingers discover the moist opening of my new vagina. I tentatively insert a finger to verify that it is there.

It would appear that my transformation is complete.

Resigning myself to starting my day, I stumble into my bathroom and sit to take care of necessary business.

When I start preparing for my morning shower, it becomes clear that things around the house have changed yet again. The shower curtain is gone. So are all my bathroom supplies. There is just a hand towel on the rack and the water won't run in the shower. Fortunately, the sink and toilet still work!

I get the feeling that someone doesn’t want me getting ready for the day in this bathroom.

Everything I need to start my morning routine I find in the master bedroom en suite so, I start my day there.

With my hair wrapped in a towel after my morning shower, I wrap another towel around my torso before stepping into the master bedroom. On the bed is my ensemble for the day along with the expected note.

Karla sweetheart,

Tonight is the twelfth night of Christmas and tomorrow your journey will be complete. Your transformation began Christmas night and will be complete tomorrow on the day of Epiphany.

Your father and I are so excited for you.

As you have guessed, your transformation is now virtually complete, but you will have one final experience tomorrow morning to complete your journey. Sorry about the uncomfortable night, but we couldn’t find a way to reorganize your internal organs and make final adjustments to your skeletal structure without it.

Yes, you are now 100% female, right down to the chromosome level. There have been some slight adjustments to your DNA, but Dr. Lake will discover that your DNA is a 99% match to the sample he took last week. You should move up your appointment to see him today. I have a feeling that his last appointment of the day will be canceling first thing this morning.

In celebration of your completed transformation, I have chosen an outfit that will unambiguously flaunt your new body. I hope that you enjoy it.

You should consider getting your ears pierced. There are several sets of earrings in your collection that would look great today but you are not prepared to wear them.

Also, it is past time for you to move out of your childhood bedroom. We have taken the liberty of moving everything into this room.

Enjoy your day,

Love always, Mom (and Dad)

P.S. I think that you will be very pleased with John’s article when it comes out on Sunday. He has been working hard on it most of the night.

It takes me almost half an hour to dry my hair, do a barely adequate job of applying makeup, then start dressing. I think that I am going to miss the simplicity of my former life every time I have to get ready to go anywhere.

However, looking in the mirror, I see that all the extra work is worth the effort.

Maybe Jane is right. Maybe I am narcissistic. Standing in front of the full-length mirror, I can’t help but smile at the vision before me. I pose a little, trying to see as much of the woman that I am as I can.

Today’s selfie shows a tall slender woman with a beautiful, fully female, figure and face. She is wearing a stretchy cream-colored knee length sweater dress with a V neck and has a small black belt emphasizing a slender waist and fully feminine rear end. She has on matching tights and black boots with a three-inch block heel. Her long hair is free flowing, and she has a huge smile on her face. The only jewelry that she is wearing is the topaz necklace and a women’s watch.

When I grab my phone to text my three friends, my heart gives a little flutter as I notice a text from Sam.

Sam: Finally made it. Thinking of you, and hope you are doing well. Jet lagged, going to bed early.

The text arrived when I was in the shower.

Me: Sleep well, my friend. My transition journey is virtually complete as of this morning, tonight being the twelfth night of Christmas it will be completely done by tomorrow morning. Thinking of you.

Smiling, I add today’s selfie.

I text the selfie and note to my three friends.

Me: Tonight will be the twelfth night of Christmas and it is almost completely done.

It doesn’t take long for the replies to start rolling in.

Joanna: Goodbye Karl, Hello Karla. Love the smile. I think that we need to start working on changing your legal documents.

Anita: Girl, you rock those boots! I need a pair.

Jane: Awesome! I am jealous.

Anita: Let’s talk about it over lunch. I will do whatever it takes to get away from the school today.

Jane: Me too.

Joanna: I have a lunch gig, but will cancel.

Me: Thanks ladies. You are the best. Usual place and time?


“Setting a new standard, are you Miss Bronson?” Celeste eyes me critically as I walk into the office a few minutes after eight.

“I am trying to be here early,” I apologize for being late, again. “But this girl stuff takes more time than I am used to. I will be back to my normal schedule once I figure it out.”

“I don’t think she’s referring to your punctuality,” Theresa grins. “I love your look. The boots are awesome.”

“Take your coat off and give us a spin,” Celeste directs.

As I am taking off my coat, Rachel arrives at work.

“I should go home and change,” she mutters.

“You and me both,” Theresa agrees.

Jim shows up in the reception area about this time to drop some papers at the front desk.

“Showing off I see, Karla,” He observes. “I take it that everything is real?”

“100 percent according to mom,” I confirm.

“Good,” he says, “now maybe we can get some work done around here without all the drama of your transition. Do me a favor, please, and get your doctor to confirm it. You look good, by the way. Stop in and see me in my office, if you please, when you get done modeling for the ladies.”

When he disappears back into his office, I smile at the women and head to mine to drop off my coat and purse before going to see him.

“I have been thinking about our new structural department,” Jim gets right to the point once I settle into a seat. “We are going to need more work once we hire another engineer and draftsman. Do you have any contacts with New City Architecture? I hear that they are having a hard time finding a local structural firm that they can work with.”

“I’ve met one of the partners, Whitney Owens,” I tell him. “She seems nice enough. I don’t know Rebecca Pierce, the other partner. Word on the street is that they tried working with Mark Holt’s office recently and it didn’t go well.”

“Mark is a good engineer,” Jim contemplates what I told him. “I’ve known him for years. I wonder what went wrong?”

I just shrug. “I hear that he’s pretty old fashioned. I don’t think that he has any women on his technical staff. Maybe that was a problem for New City.”

“New City seems to be getting a lot of contracts these days,” Jim observes. “I’d like you to try to establish contact with them and see if there is a possibility of working with them on a project or two. If we could get one of those, you can start on it and we can have our structural department profitable from day one. Maybe your new feminine status might help.”

“I’ll see what I can do next week after the newspaper article goes out.”

“How is that going?”

“I don’t know,” I admit, “Anne and John seemed to be understanding and cordial when they left last night. Mom said in today’s note that I will be pleased with the result.”

“God,” Jim groans, “I really hope so. This whole thing could blow up on us.”

Before getting into the day’s work, I call Dr. Lake’s office and the photographer.

Sure enough, Dr. Lake can see me at four o’clock this afternoon. No surprise there.

I also ask them to cooperate with my reporter friends. I have to fax over an information release authorization. I don't know why medical offices don't join the 21st century and accept email these days.

The photographer is a little tougher. He has not gotten around to post-processing yesterday's images. When I tell him that it is for a newspaper article, and that he will be credited, he still grumbles that providing me with images so fast will cut into his other commitments. Finally, he agrees to move my images to the front of his queue when I promise to model wedding dresses later this month for one of his clients. He drives a hard bargain, however, when I agree to his deal to model the dresses I insist that I will only do so on the condition that I won't be required to model wedding lingerie. We agree on a fee for the modeling and I receive a couple of very nice images via email about an hour later. I forward them on to John along with telling him that Dr. Lake will talk with him.

My favorite image from yesterday's shoot is a low angle, full body shot taken in front of the office. There is snow on the ground, and I am wearing a white hardhat with the company logo on it. My long hair is cascading in waves over my shoulders. I have my arms crossed under my breasts and have a big smile plastered on my face. Behind me is the front of our office building with the logo and sign plainly visible. It looks like I am ready to take on the world. Since I am not wearing my coat, my feminine curves are there for all to see.

The rest of the morning is spent doing the work that I get paid for. Beside lots of compliments on my attire, it almost feels like a normal day.


Once again, I am a few minutes later than my friends when I arrive at the cafe. This is getting to be a bad habit. Before all this happened, I was never late for anything. Ever. If anything, I was always the first to arrive.

“Damn,” Joanna mutters as I sit down at the one remaining seat at what is becoming our table. “Nobody said to dress up today.”

She is wearing a rather expensive pantsuit with killer ankle boots and looks fantastic.

“I sent you the text of what I am wearing this morning. This is just what my mother set out for me today.” I remind her.

My two schoolteacher friends also look good.

“All of you are very attractive today,” I point out, “as usual.”

Anita rolls her eyes, “I only see one supermodel here, Karla, and that’s you.”

I decide that now is not the time tell them about my upcoming modeling gig.

“Thanks for the compliments,” I respond. “But this is my mother’s fault. She chose my outfit for today.”

“What else did she bring you?” Jane asks.

We are interrupted by the waitress, who takes our orders before we resume our conversation.

“She moved me into the master bedroom as you saw in the note,” I tell them. “I didn’t do an inventory this morning.”

Remembering my sleepwear last night I blush.

“What?” Joanna notices the blush.

“Well,” I blush even brighter. “She did kind of force me into some new sleepwear last night.”

“What do you mean ‘forced’?” Jane asked.

“Somehow, my nightwear drawer was firmly stuck and wouldn’t open so I had to either go to bed naked or wear what she laid out for me,” I continue my blush.

“Don’t drag this out, Karla,” Joanna rolls her eyes. “What did she lay out?”

“It is embarrassing,” I cringe

“Out with it Karla,” Anita demands.

“Okay,” I lean forward and whisper, “a very sexy baby doll set.”

“I bet you took a selfie wearing it,” Jane accurately guesses.

I just nod affirmatively, knowing that they will bug me until I show them. I pull my phone out of my purse then bring up the image before passing it around the table.

“Damn,” Jane says, “you should be a lingerie model. I have a very similar one which I'm sure contributed to both of my pregnancies.”

“I don’t have one,” Joanna declares. “I’ve thought about it, but I think I prefer a nice flannel nightgown this time of year. If not warm, Karla, at least you look very sexy.”

“I have one too,” Anita admits. “My last asshole boyfriend would beg me to wear it, not that it stayed on long when I did. You better not show this to Sam.”

“Speaking of Sam,” Anita changes subject. “Have you heard from him?”

“I’ve had a couple of texts,” I admit. “He arrived safely in Germany. We are going to try a Whatsapp call tonight here, tomorrow morning there.”

The ladies exchange knowing looks.

“What?” I ask.

They all start giggling.

Fortunately, lunch arrives at this point.

The rest of our very pleasant lunch passes chatting about a variety of topics. I enquire into the happenings of their lives. It is nice to shift the center of attention away from me for a change.

Jane and Joanna are both busy this evening, but Anita offers to go with me to the mall tonight to get my ears pierced at some jewelry shop called Claires. She thinks that it will be fun to introduce me to fine art shopping. We agree to meet up at the mall after my doctor’s appointment and grab dinner at the food court after getting my ears pierced.


The afternoon passes quickly as I begin to settle back into the routine of work. Most people seem to have gotten over the novelty of my transition. There are very few questions about my status, but I confirm to those that ask that the change is complete. There are still a few unbelievers out there, but they have more important things to attend to and none of them have been able to explain what they are seeing.

Almost before I realize it, it is time to head off the Dr. Lake’s office.


“Well,” Dr. Lake says removing his latex gloves, “that about wraps it up.”

I am laying on my back in a very compromising position. My legs are in something called stirrups and Dr. Lake, assisted by a female nurse, has just completed my first pelvic exam. It was not at all fun. The weighing, measuring, blood draw, ultrasound, and lots of prodding in sensitive areas occurred before the pelvic exam. The other tests seemed trivial compared to this latest indignity.

“Shaunna will help you out of this torture device and you can dress. Then we can talk,” He tells me.

Damn, but it takes a long time to reassemble a feminine ensemble.

“Well doc, am I going to live?” I grin once we get back together.

He rolls his eyes and sighs. “Back to that again, are we?”

I grin at him. “So, what’s the verdict?”

“I am pleased to announce that you are a perfectly healthy young woman in her mid-twenties,” He gives me the good news. “I am not sure how you feel about this, seeing as you were a healthy male just a week or so ago."

I shrug, “Does it really matter? I am just happy to be healthy. So, no problems?”

“Today’s ultrasound and pelvic exam are pretty clear that you have all the parts of a normal woman your age. I fully expect the blood work to confirm what I see in the flesh. We will check the DNA results against those we took last week and I fully expect a match there.

“In the less than two weeks, you’ve also lost over fifty pounds and your skeletal structure has transformed into that of a female. The changes are nothing short of miraculous.

“With this medical evidence, coupled with your daily selfies, I can categorically testify that the Karl I examined last week is the Karla seated before me now. I can’t say that I understand it, but the evidence is irrefutable. Last week you were male and today you are a complete female."

He smiles, “There is one thing looming. However, given that it has happened to virtually every woman who has ever lived, I don’t classify it as a problem. I just wouldn’t want to experience it myself. I am not a gynecologist, but it appears to me that your first period is imminent.”

Double damn! I should have expected this, but the very thought of monthly bleeding makes me squeamish.

“There’s no way around that?” I ask.

“Nothing short of a hysterectomy or menopause will stop it,” Dr. Lake seems amused. I am not. “Pregnancy will grant you a nine-month reprieve, if you want to take that step.”

“I’ll pass on the pregnancy option,” I am quick to claim. “That would involve sex with a man. I’m not sure where I stand on that issue.”

“I suspect that you will need to deal with the idea sooner than later,” he smiles, “if your hormone levels are still what they were a week ago. Hormones can be powerful motivators. But who knows, maybe you will prefer a female companion. You will have to figure that one out on your own unless you want me to refer you to a counselor.

“I am referring you to your mother’s gynecologist, a lovely woman,” he continues. “The other Dr. Lake. She can talk to you about options for birth control and make sure that I didn’t miss anything during my exam.”

“I suppose that I need some definitive statement that I am genetically female so that I can change records and update my legal identity. Somehow, I don’t think that there is cop in the land who will believe that I am Karl Bronson when they see my driver’s license.” I groan.

“I will work something up, pending the expected results from the lab work,” he assures me. “It should be ready for you to pick up late tomorrow, or Monday at the latest depending on when the lab results are all in.”


Fifteen minutes later, I find myself sitting in my parked car with an appointment card to see Dr. Lake, gynecologist, next Tuesday afternoon.

I’ve known this was coming for the past week and a half. Why do I feel so shell shocked?

Perhaps, in the dark recesses of my mind, I thought that maybe, just maybe, this was a dream or maybe a cosmic joke and I would wake up to find myself returned to the old me. Dr. Lake’s pronouncement of my complete new gender seems to have sunk into my very bones as a life sentence. I suppose it is, and right now it feels as if I will need a lifetime to really learn what I need to know about being a woman.

Is this punishment for neglecting the women around me? I am sure that Joanna could give me a long list of assholes who would be more deserving of seeing life from a new perspective. I am not sure that I am one of them.

Is it an opportunity? I can’t see how. The change has little impact on my major life goals, all of which are professionally oriented. I still want to design great structures and can do that regardless of my gender.

I get a headache trying to figure it out.

I am saved from further mental turmoil by a text notification.

Anita: Heading to the mall now. Where are you?

Me: On my way.

Anita: Great! I will park by the west entrance. Claires is just inside.

Me: See you there.

Starting the car, I think: I better not get pulled over!


Anita is browsing through a rack of hair accessories when I find her in Claires.

“Hi, Karla,” she says brightly. “I let the piercing specialist know that you were coming. Let me introduce you.”

The piercing specialist turns out to be a girl who may be 21, but I have my doubts. Kaylee has me fill out and sign some forms. I suppose that I am guilty of misrepresenting my identity when I sign my name as Karla for the first time, but she doesn’t ask for ID. I look closely at my handwriting and signature before returning the form. I don’t think that my handwriting has changed at all. It is not very feminine.

I have to purchase an ear-piercing kit to get the free ear piercing. Nothing is ever truly free. Kits with diamond studs can cost over $250.00. I end up buying the crystal blue zircon version with a white gold post for only $80. It is close in color to my favorite topaz necklace.

Kaylee tries to talk me into multiple piercing in each ear but I decline, pointing out that all the "free" piercings she wants to give me would cost a small fortune in ear-piercing kits.

Kaylee informs me about a variety of safety and care requirements. The one that I remember the most is that I need to clean each ear daily with a special fluid and I can’t remove the studs for six weeks. Seems like a long time to me, but Anita assures me that it is worth it.

“Your mother left you so many great earrings,” she enthuses. “I guarantee that you will be glad that you did this.”

I sigh, “Do your best, Kaylee.”

The experience is not as painful as I expected it to be.

In all we spend about an hour in the store after getting my ears pierced. Anita introduces me to a dizzying array of hair and jewelry options. I just hope that there is not a test on this later. Under her watchful eye, I select a six pack of hair clips, a hair band, and some sparkly hair pins which she promises to show me how to use.

As a thank you gift, I buy her a pair of inexpensive earrings that she takes a shine to. This starts me thinking about what I can do to show my appreciation to my new best friends for all their help. Nothing comes to mind right away but I am sure that I will think of something thoughtful if I pay attention to what each one likes.

We each find something we like in the food court. As we eat, Anita continues to educate me on all things feminine. I ask her about periods, telling her that Dr. Lake thinks that my first period will occur soon.

Anita gets excited by this bit of news. I’m not sure what is so wonderful about periods but she insists that a girl’s first period is really special as a right of passage from girlhood to womanhood. She says it is scary too, but not as bad as one might think if you are prepared.

Instead of finishing the evening with shopping, we head across the street to the local supermarket. She takes me straight to the feminine hygiene section and introduces me to an overwhelming display of different sanitary napkins and tampons.

Seeing the blank expression on my face, she gives me a reassuring smile. “This is all new to you, isn’t it?”

“New doesn’t begin to describe it,” I inform her. “I am on information overload. None of this makes any sense to me. It is just not something that I have had to think about or to deal with.”

“I don’t image that your mother or college girlfriend ever talked about this?” she asks, already knowing the answer.

“Oh, I know about periods, but they happened to women,” I point out. “There is no need for a man to get into the specifics, so the answer is: no. I don’t think they ever felt it necessary to bring me into the loop.”

In the end, Anita picks out a couple of different pads, “for different flows,” some tampons, “read the box to figure out how to use them,” and panty liners, “For those days with light discharge or moistness.”

Fortunately, we choose the self-checkout kiosk when we are done. I don’t think that I can handle working with a live checkout clerk with this stuff.

Anita’s final words as we hug before we part are, “Call me if you need help when you get your period. A girl shouldn’t have to face her first period alone.”


I find that mom has already stocked the bathroom with feminine hygiene products when I go looking for some place to stash my new purchases. I am looking in the master bathroom for somewhere to store all the products that I purchased with Anita's help when my phone notifies me of an incoming message.

Sam: Are you still up? It is early morning here.

Me: Yes, I just got home from shopping with your sister.

Sam: Are you broke now?

Me: Very funny, not. We just got my ears pierced and picked up a few supplies.

Sam: Do you have time to talk? We can use WhatsApp.

Me: Sure, give me fifteen minutes.

Sam: I have to leave for work in an hour.

Damn. WhatsApp calls are video calls. I quickly check my hair and makeup in the mirror. A quick brush and a touch up of my lipstick and I am ready to greet my latest new friend.

“Hello good looking,” Sam greets me with a silly grin once we connect. “How was your day?”

I roll my eyes. I guess that I am going to have to get used to flirting.

“Besides getting medical confirmation that I am now 100% female,” I deadpan, “not much.”

Over the next half hour, we chat about my visit to the doctor and I ask him about his trip to Germany. We just enjoy each other’s company before he has to head off to do battle with plaque and I get ready for bed.

Fortunately, I have access to my new nightgown drawer again. I pick a another flannel nightgown for tonight. Given Dr. Lake's prediction, I add a pad to my panty for the night. After cleaning off my makeup, brushing my teeth and admiring my new studs, I braid my hair and crawl into my parent's bed wondering what tomorrow’s epiphany will be.

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