Interesting email

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I got an interesting email the other day from Karen Lea. She was letting me know that life has slowed from its craziness, retirement I guess, and after reading some kind words from me she wanted to let me know that she got inspired and re-examined her tale "Educating Danielle". Anyway, long story short, she has had it professionally edited and it has been formatted and she has placed the first half on Amazon. She has completed the was previously unfinished...... and the second half she hopes to have up around Christmas. And yes, I deleted the link by accident, so no help here. Just a heads up to get a chance to re-read it and read the ending.



Lynda shermer's picture

Long one of my favorites; I bought it.

Latest_me.jpgLynda Shermer

The Amazon Page...

...calls it Book One of a series. Is the story going to be complete in just the two installments? (The sample for the first one didn't go far enough to show anything along those lines.)


Book one

I can't comment as to how it is marked or marketed. She wrote that she split it, so I guess the first is about 8chapters. I have the original at 15 chapters, and it is the unfinished original. So book two would have to go there plus whatever she wrote to finish it. I doubt she could wrap it off in one short chapter, with where it was in chapter 15