Just a little something I remembered languishing on my disks, as you can see by the copyright notice. It wraps up the Palace Steam Engine subplot. I thought that some of you might enjoy it for Christmas, while you wait for everything else.
I have always fully intended to complete this particular thread over time but we all know what happens to good intentions...
This chapter resolves the unfinished business with the steam engine but leaves enough loose ends for what might follow. It also, by chance, allows me to introduce Bennet before she is transferred from the kitchens to the Palace Guard (and thence to the Visund).
I regret that any further chapters may not appear for some time. Regrettably, as most authors already know, it is becoming harder and harder to find time to write. The spirit is willing, so to speak, but the flesh is needed elsewhere.
Thank you!!
I know we can't command the Muse, or make time for you to write, just know we're grateful when you are able to. I've also been reading Julia's companion stories and hope to hear more tales from Anmar when you are able!
Thank you
for an unexpected gift!
My gratitude also
I missed Milsy and am loving she gets to move forward with engineering Anmar.
Excellent Continuation
I enjoyed the resolution of the steam engine issue. It was also great that the guildmaster so quickly accepted the ladies knowledge and worked well with them.
"Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart
Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams." Mary Ellen Kelly
Thank you!
Thank you! I have really missed Milsy
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
A Nice Surprise
That was a very nice surprise this morning finding new chapter in Milsy's life. I was also wondering if Bennet was the same Bennet as on the Visund, and you just confirmed it. Thank-you Penny for keeping on writing the tales of Milsy and The Visund's travels.
They do brighten up the sad world we live in.