The Black Sword. chapter- 18

The Black Sword.

Down through history there has been many stories of heroes and the weapons of power. Thor with his Warhammer Mjölnir, the sword of Aries and Mars, Attila the Hun’s sword, and King Author’s Excalibur. These are but a few legends. Yet for every one of these legends there are two legendary weapons lost to time. Among those lost weapons are the few whose power comes with a cost. They are the cursed weapons of power. Each curse is unique to the weapon. The Black sword is but one such weapon of great power. This is the story of the weapon and its newest welder.

Chapter 18
The Clearing of Challenges.

It would take the Avalon party three days to reach the Clearing of Challenges. When they arrived, they found the tents of the Melnibonéan delegation already upon the plain. Katherine, David, and Dale looked across the clearing at the Melnibonéans with more than a little distrust. It didn’t matter that their former students and children were their leaders. All three adults knew that if Morgan’s subjects rejected the peace proposal there would be little, they could do to stop an all-out war.

“Katherine is it me, or does Morgan look like she’s ready for a fight?” David asked his wife softly.

“You’re not mistaken David. We’ve seen that look in eyes before.” Katherine sighed then chuckled. “Usually right before Junior pounded the piss out of some asshole in disparate need of a life altering beatdown.”

“Damn. Not good. If she’s that kind of mood. These peace talks are going to be tricky as fuck.” Dale grunted.

“Actually Dale. It’s a good thing that she is pissed off. Because the only thing holding back her military is her iron will.” David told him honestly. “You see those four in the deferent armor? They’re the actual commanders of her separate military forces. While Mike, Lee, Tony, and Lisa maybe her advisors. They represent the people of Melniboné.”

“Lord David speaks truth Master Dale. Morgan Pendragon might be their Queen, but she only rules at their pleasure.” Sile told them.

“It’s a good thing that Morgan can be a stubborn ass at times.” David snarked. “Her subjects might think of betraying her.”

“But it’ll be the biggest mistake of their short lives.” Katherine finished with the finality of the grave as she studied the ground between the two camps. Taking a deep breath. “Time to get this party started.”

On the other side of the clearing Morgan studied her mother’s party. She could tell that one way or the other there was going to be a fight. If she didn’t take precautions. Without turning to her gathered commanders a warning against starting the fight. “No matter what happens. Do not touch your swords unless they attack first. This is the only warning you’ll get.”

“Please your Majesty. Why are we even here? We do not need to make peace with these worthless humans. We should be ruling over them. Not treating them as equals.” Dyvan Shar snorted in disgust.

“Allow me to explain to you exactly what are facing Dyvan Shar. First there are four individuals with magical power that rivals mine own. Behind them is an immortal knight, two Champions, a band of Honor Bound swords, and finally a host of trained knights. All of which is just the tip of the iceberg. Should the humans decide to attack us. We would face ten knights for each knight we can put in the field.” Morgan told him bluntly. “Remember something gentlemen, and Princess. Even if we can push them back. We cannot win a protracted war with the humans. For each knight they lose, they have five more waiting in the training halls to replace them.”

“Then we only need to send our Dragon Knights and our dragon brethren to end the problem with one attack.” Dyvin Yar protested.

“And have our brethren turned on us with one spell?” Morgan asked him bluntly. At the looks of confusion upon the faces of her Commanders Morgan sighed. “Over there in that small group of humans stand three individuals of such power. That with one spell they can turn our brethren against us.”

“How is that even possible?” Princess Cymorila asked in shocked.

“Let me explain a little further about the Emerald Queen and the two men beside her. The human queen and her two escorts are the reincarnations of the three most powerful mages in human history. Each of which can use the Spell of Making.” Morgan warned them coldly.

“Why would that one spell turn our brethren against us?” Yyrkoon Slom asked.

“Because it is no ordinary spell. It is a spell of great summoning. Only the individual it summons is not one of our gods. The god that spell summons is one that even the Lords of Law and Chaos fear.” Lee answered Yyrkoon question for Morgan. “If you doubt me. Think on this fact. Both Law and Chaos must answer to Balance. The Masters of Balance are the Dragon Gods. The most powerful of which is Great Red. The Apocalypse Dragon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor, True Dragon, and the Dragon of Dragons, the most powerful Dragon to resided in the Dimensional Gap. Though most important of all those titles. He is the Eternal Dragon of Balance.”

“That has to be a lie. They cannot have such power.” Yyrkoon snarled only to have Mike punch him in the gut.

“Dip shit. Let me be perfectly clear on this matter. The Emerald Queen, her husband, and the Queen’s second most trusted advisor are the reincarnations of Morgan Le Fay, Merlin and Mordred Ambrosius. All three of these individuals were trained by the Great Dragon in the ways of power.” Mike snarled as he stood over the gasping Prince. “The only way we walk off this field alive is with a peace treaty. IF I have to kill every last one of you to make that happen. Then guess what. Your asses are dead.”

“I must say Lord Michael. Your negotiation skills are rather unorthodox. Where did you learn them?” Dyvin asked with a smirk.

“Somalia, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, and a few other fun filled places. Like the old saying goes. The best diplomacy is conducted at gun point.” Mike snarked then sighed at the blank looks of the born Melnibonéans. “Let me rephrase that. The best diplomacy is conducted at knife point.”

“Very true. Though the question we face is who is holding the knife?” Princess Cymorila asked Mike with a deadpan look on her face.

“As much as I hate to say this. Right now we’re the ones with the knife at our throat Princess.” Tony answered her coldly. “If Queen Katherine gets it into her head that we pose a threat. Not even Queen Morgan can stand up to her mother even with the power of Stormbringer backing help her.”

“Do the humans have any real weakness?” Dyvan asked as he stood up.

“You want the truth?” Morgan asked him with a sneer.

“Never mind your Majesty. Please forget that I ever asked.” Dyvan gulped.

“Good. Because I can tell you without a doubt. My mother has less tolerance for dumbasses than I do. Pissing her off will be the last mistake of your life.” Morgan told her four commanders coldly. “The only one who would be willing to tolerate your stupidity is my father.”

“Majesty would your parents really wage a war on their only child?” Dyvan asked as he studied the humans walking towards the center of the clearing.

“In the blink of an eye if meant protecting their kingdom. Make no mistake on this matter Princess and gentlemen. I might be their daughter, but I am also the ruler of a foreign nation. No matter how powerful they are, we still present a very real threat to them.” Morgan told him bluntly. “Like I said at the start. Our only chance of walking off this clearing is a peace treaty.”

“Understood your Majesty. I never thought that our dragons could be turned against us.” Dyvin Yar told her as he bowed.

“Now that I know the situation your Majesty. I will restrain myself. I have no desire for seeing my sisters dying in a unless conflict.” Princess Cymorila swore as she too bowed deeply.

“My navy might hold them for a short while on the high seas, but over time they would overpower us.” Yyrkoon Slom told her before bowing. “Though I would advise against such a tactic. Peace will buy us time to rebuild our fleet. Not that it would matter in the long run. Numbers have their own quality, and the humans have the numbers.”

“I would give my all to face the knights of Avalon in open combat. Yet for some reason I fear that we would fall to their sheer numbers.” Dyvan Shar said as he bowed to Morgan. “Me and my knights shall not cause problems.”

“Happy to hear that you have all started to listen to reason.” Morgan sighed then looked towards the middle of the clearing. “Mike, Lisa, Tony, Lee, you’re with me. Princess you’re in charge until I return.”

With that Morgan started walking towards the center of the clearing. When the two parties met in the middle Morgan smiled. “Hi mom.”

“Greetings, Queen Morgan Pendragon of the Melnibonéans.” Katherine greeted her a formal curtsy and a small smile of mischief. Then Katherine asked with a slight smirk. “Have you forgotten your manners daughter dear?”

“Greetings, Queen Katherine Pendragon of Avalon. Welcome to the Clearing of Challenges. I am a stranger traveling from the East, seeking that which is lost.” Morgan answered with her own curtsy and a slight sigh.

“I am a stranger traveling from the West, it is I whom you seek.” Katherine smirked then wrapped Morgan in hug. “God it’s good to see you again.”

“It’s good to see you mom.” Morgan sighed as she returned the hug. When quickly pulled back to grab her father in a hug. “Hi daddy.”

“Hi yourself peanut.” David said with a chuckle. Then looking back over her shoulder. “Let’s get down to the business at hand.”

“I think this occasion calls for something special. A pavilion tent, with table and chairs.” Morgan suggested as she waved towards the ten retainers standing over on the edge of the clearing. “It’ll take them only a few minutes to set everything up?”

“I was going to suggest the same thing.” Katherine chuckled pointing towards her own retainers. “What, say we split the chores between the two camps. Your retainers, setup the pavilion. While mine see to the food and drinks.”

“Sounds good to me.” Morgan answered with a smile. Then waved towards the ten central tower retainers. In minutes the ten men were busy setting the 10x20 open sided tent. Before the canvas tent was raised a woolen carpet was rolled out. While the Melnibonéan retainers worked on the tent. The Avalon retainers, setup a cooking area and began to preparing a feast. The two sets of retainers worked the delegations mingled.

During this whole time there was only one problem. Dyvan Shore challenged Sir Bertilak to a friendly game. The problem was he let the Green Knight choose the game. When Morgan and Katherine heard this both Queens stepped in to stop the challenge. When Dyvan went to argue Morgan put her foot down. “If you want to compare dick sizes, do it after the peace treaty is signed.”

“Sir Dyvan do you know what your Queen means by that statement?” Bertilak asked the Melnibonéan knight.

“It be host with you sir knight. I haven’t the smallest notion.” Dyvan shrugged his shoulders. “My Queen often uses phases unknown to my people.”

“It means putting your egos on fucking hold for a while.” Morgan snarled as she rested her hand on Stormbringer. “If I got to tell you again Dyvan. I’ll feed your soul to my friend.”

“You’re as subtle as always Queen Morgan.” Bertilak chuckled before he turned to Dyvan. “I might I suggest a game of chance instead of skill?”

“A roll of the bones sound good to me. Gold or silver?” Dyvan agreed.

“I am ashamed to say that I only have copper with me.” Bertilak chuckled.

“How about for beers instead?” Tony suggested as he and Mike lead the male warriors off to one side. Lisa and Princess Cymorila gathered the females on the other side clearing to wait. This left just Morgan, Lee, and the parents to themselves. For the rest of the day the two delegations spent the time getting to know each other. The way that all people have done throughout history. With drink, food, and song.

“It’s good see that you haven’t forgotten yourself kiddo.” David told Morgan.

“I might be the Queen for Melniboné now.” Morgan told him with a smirk as she tapped the Queen’s tiara. “But I’m still that same loveable smartass you and mom raised for the last sixteen years.”

“I was meaning to ask the last time that we saw you about that tiara. Is that what I think it is?” Katherine asked her daughter.

“No ma’am. This one is actually one of the Four Great Seals of power for the Melnibonéan race. Only the tiara seal acts more as a filter instead of an amplifier.” Morgan told her.

“Okay what does that mean?” Katherine asked. “The Seals of Power are all amplifiers. At that is what the records say.”

“There is massive discrepancy in the records ma’am. Each one of the Great Seals of Power acts in their own unique fashion. Stormbringer is one of the seals and we know what it does for the user.” Morgan told her mother as she placed her hand on the sword. “The Queen’s tiara is a filter. It allows access racial memories while blocking the personalities those memories belong to. The Ring of Kings is a pack between the Elemental Kings and the rulers of Melniboné. Our magic is purely an elemental based magic. The ring allows me to draw on their power without sacrificing part of our soul as a ruler. The Ruby Throne is something that I’m still trying to figure out.”

“That’s strange. I’ve never known you to be one to not know the legends surrounding a mythical artifact. What’s the problem kiddo? Do you need a reference of some type?” David asked his daughter.

“I think so dad. I don’t know of any actual of mythical thrones of mystical power.” Morgan told him scratching her head.

“I’m in the same boat sir.” Lee told David. “We’re not the only ones either. Tony, Mike, even Lisa are at lose in the manner.”

“Son how many times have I told you that you shouldn’t ignore the legends of the great kings and queens?” Dale sighed. “Think about the Charlemagne Kings. Where do you think their power came from?”

“Hold on here, dad. Are you telling me that Charles the Great and his descendants had some kind of mystical throne giving them power?” Lee asked.

“They won’t be the only ones, Lee. Think about all the great empires down through history. They all have the something in common. A central seat of governmental power. We call those seats of power a throne. Only in the west were our nations able to break away from the nobility. Even then we still had heads of state like the presidency that acted as the final authority.” At the confused looks of both teenagers David turned thoughtful. “Think about it this way. Whenever they President addresses the nation where is it from?”

“From the Oval Office or the podium in Congress if he is giving the State of the Union.” Lee answered quickly.

“Do you know what they call the Oval Office in political circles?” Dale asked them with sly smile. Both teens shook their heads no. “The greatest homefield advantage. Think about the shape of the office. No matter where you stand, sit, you’re forced to turn to face the president. Our nation might not have an actual throne, but it does have a seat of power.”

“Damn. I never thought about it like that. I even wrote a paper on the Whitehouse for Social Studies.” Lee grumbled. Then chuckled. “Though I can see the Oval Office as the Throne of Democracy.”

“Yet it is a throne that is governed by some of the strictest laws in the world.” David told the young man. “The truly amazing part of the laws that restrict the power of the Presidency. No other nation in our old-world places the restrictions on the Head of State that we have. There are always checks and balances in place to keep the POTUS from becoming a Dictator.”

“Or setting up a Monarchy.” Morgan smiled as she realized how the laws of the US constitution worked. At least when it came to the President.

“Very good Morgan. I’ve had grad students that never figured that out.” Katherine chuckled. “Now do you see why I went out of my way to remove the old Avalon City Council. Thanks to the new Council I was able to come here and not worry about them stabbing me in the back.”

“What about those jackasses Grand Marshall Dame Eleanor and Grand Master Grahone? Aren’t you worried about them?” Morgan asked.

“Hard to worry about someone who is dead.” David snarked and pulled out his pipe. After packing the bowl and lighting the tobacco David took a healthy draw off the pipe. The whole time Morgan and Lee said nothing. They were too stunned to say or do anything.

“When faced with a traitor there is only one way to deal with them. Public execution. In the case of Eleanor she was beheaded in the town square and her head was stuck on the blade of a pike. Grahone is now a warning sign hanging over the city’s main square. I figure he’ll last about three to four more weeks inside that gibbet iron cage. After that he’ll slowly rot away to bones.” Katherine told them both coldly.

“If you got to deal with fuckheads. Then make sure that the message gets out to everyone. Is that what you’re telling me mom?” Morgan asked as she looked to where the three Melnibonéan Princes stood.

“Very good Morgan. Remember your studies in Medieval justice. Also remember the words of Machiavelli in the Prince. It is much safer for the Prince to be feared than loved, but he ought to avoid being hated.” David warned her.

“Message received dad. Loud and clear. I have to be cruel, but not for cruelty’s sake.” Morgan told him with a small smile.

“I see that not all my lessons in politics fell on deaf ears.” David chuckled.

“Yeah! I paid attention.” Morgan groused. Then admitted. “Most of the time.”

“We know dear.” Katherine giggled then turned serious. “Then again you only truly studied the subjects that piqued your interest.”

“Queen Katherine if your daughter was anything like my son. Then you can rest easy. She has not forgotten your lessons on how to be a good person.” Dale chuckled as he lite his pipe. Then pointed towards Lee. “There is one thing that Lee and Morgan have in common. They both have an unwavering sense of personal honor. Something that they’ll never betray.”

“Which is why this peace treaty will hold.” Morgan told her parents as a faraway look came over her eyes and face. Then in a voice not her own Morgan continued. “Far into the future. A legacy of peace shall reign. Passed down throughout the history of this world. The Eternal Balance restored. The vail of time is lifted for all to see. The black blade of Melniboné’s Queen shall pass once more into the hands of scholars.”

When Morgan stopped talking, she shook her head and staired around at the gathered adults. “Did I just do something strange? I mean for normal people.”

“Depends. Do you normally give out prophecies?” David asked her.

“Nope. This is a first.” Lee answered before Morgan could. “She used to pull almost the same type out of body shit a lot. But that was before she got the tiara. Only those were always some kind of racial memory flashback shit. Let me tell you. Whenever that happened, she got really fucking scary.”

“That would make sense in a crazy sort of way. After all a lot of magic is passed down by way of racial memory.” Katherine told them.

“Hold on mom. I thought that your field of study was in legends?” Morgan asked her with more than a little confusion.

“It is dear. More than one legend revolves around magic. That means I have to have some understanding of the basics.” Katherine smirked. Then chuckled as the table and chairs were set in place under the canopy. “Why don’t we continue this discussion over a glass of wine?”

“Sounds good to me mom. Thought I think that dad, Lee, and his father would prefer a few tankards of beer.” Morgan chuckled at the raised eyebrow of her mother. “Don’t go getting any ideas mom.”

“Don’t go taking that tone with me Morgan.” Katherine huffed then grinned. “Besides no matter what world we’re in. It is a mother’s duty to explain the nymphs and satyrs to their daughter.”

Morgan could only blush at this comment by her mother about sex. A subject that she had been going out of her way to avoid since her transformation by Stormbringer. Her blush only deepened when she heard the snickers of her father, Lee, and Dale. In an act of teenage pride Morgan turned, stuck out her tongue, and blew the three of them a raspberry. This cause everyone to laugh all the harder at her embarrassment.

“You know something mom. There are times when you can be a real pain in the ass.” Morgan groused.

“I know dear. After all that is also a mother’s prerogative.” Katherine told Morgan as she patted her on the cheek. “Now why don’t we drink some of the lovely Melnibonéan wine your retainers set out of us?”

“Sounds good mom.” Morgan told her with a grin.

As the three adults and two children sat down at the table tankards of beer and glasses of wine were delivered. The two retainers stole worried glances at the Royals. They didn’t understand the strange connection between the two Queens, but they knew that it was powerful. As they drank their wine Katherine asked Morgan what her plans for Stormbringer were.

“To be honest mom. I don’t have a clue. She is too powerful to just wear around all the time. Yet she is also one of the seals of office for my nation. I have thought about locking her in the royal vault, but that would mean reconfiguring the vault lock.” Morgan told her.

“Then I suggest you use the lock in the Ruby Throne.” Katherine told her with a smile over the rim of her glass.

“The what?” Morgan asked in confusion.

“In the left arm of the Ruby Throne is a slot. It was placed there by the first welder of that blade. Just place Stormbringer inside of her scabbard and set the scabbard inside the throne. Once you have done this a crystal lock will form around them both.” Katherine explained for Morgan. “Only the true King or Queen of Melniboné can draw Stormbringer from the throne once she has been placed in that slot.”

“Mom how did you learn about the lock? I mean its not talked about anywhere in Moorcock’s books.” Morgan told her honestly.

“In the library for the tower of Sagas there is a whole section of books on the Melnibonéans and their rulers. If you like I can arrange for copies of our records on the rulers for you.” Katherine told her. “Or are you going to rely on your racial memories?”

“To be honest mom. I would prefer to read those copies.” Morgan assured her mother as she tapped the tiara. “I’ve noticed something about the tiara and my racial memories. While it blocks out the personalities connected to the memories it only allows me to access memories concerning specific things.”

“Like how to work your magic. Only the memories that you need access to now. Are the ones on how to ruler as a Melnibonéan Queen.” Katherine surmised then turned thoughtful as she took a drink from her wine glass. “I would be more than happy to send the needed materials. Whatever I would require something of equal value in return. Let us say one cask of this wonderful wine for each copy of our records.”

“Wine for information.” Morgan surmised with a small smile. “Why do I have a feeling that you’re getting the better deal mom?”

“You wounded me with such accusation’s child. Why you make it sound as if I’m a careless lush or something.” Katherine huffed before taking a drink.

“Mom, I know for a fact that you’re fair from being a lush. High functioning alcoholic on the other hand is closer to the truth.” Morgan snarked.

“I’ll give you alcoholic.” Katherine snarled as Morgan started to giggle. Taking a deep breath Katherine calmed down. “One of this days Morgan.”

“I know mom. Pow! Zoom! To the moon!” Morgan chuckled. “Shall we get back to the topic at hand. One cask of wine for each copy. Our we in agreement?”

“Agreed. I’ll send the first fifty books by Griffon Calvary upon my return as a sign of good faith.” Katherine told her daughter.

“If you’re sending the first fifty by Griffon Calvary. Then I’ll send an order for the first fifty casks to be sent today.” Morgan said in reply as she raised her left hand to get the attention of a retainer. When the young man neared her Morgan smiled. “Alliaon, take one of the horses and return to Imrryr. Tell the head steward to send fifty casks of wine to Avalon from the royal wine cellars. I want those casks on their way before I return.”

“At once your Majesty.” Alliaon answered with a deep bow before he ran for the horses. He knew that his Queen’s order was to be carried out without question. That was the way he had been raised. If his Queen want fifty casks of her wine sent to the humans. Then he’ll see that those fifty casks are sent and that they arrive on time.

“Looks like our first trade deal in the books, mom. What do we discuss next?” Morgan asked with a smirk.

“Well I’ve been thinking about national boundaries. When the mystical mist lifted both nations lost their natural borders. I know that if we don’t set some kind of border between out two nations. Our people won’t respect each other’s land.” Katherine told her with a sigh.

“There is more to it than that mom. There are at least eight deferent races that call those mountains home. Who knows how many settlements they have. If we don’t take in those. We could very well end up in nonstop fights over territory.” Morgan pointed out for her mother.

“Very true. While I have traveled through the mountains only twice. I have yet to encounter other races.” Katherine told Morgan with a smile in her voice. “I am actually a little envious of you and the others.”

“Trust me mom. Not all of my encounters with the other races were friendly.” Morgan giggled. “A few of them were rather violent.”

“Which is why I propose a system of roads between our two nations. Roads that are patrolled equally by our two armies.” Kathrine proposed.

“I agree with most of that idea mom. Though I think it would be better to setup a system where mercenaries patrol the roads. This way no one army or nation can lay claim to the roads. I would also suggest a set of waystations along the roads.” Morgan suggested.

“That is a very bright idea. One that will benefit both nations.” Katherine told her in agreement before she took a drink of her wine. While she was taking the drink one of her retainers approached. “Yes Malcom.”

“Diner is ready your Majesty. Will your other guests be joining you?”

“Please inform the others Malcom.” Katherine ordered him.

“Do the old diner tables rules apply mom?” Morgan asked with a smile. Katherine just nodded her head yes. Morgan knew that it was useless to argue with her mother over the point, and wisely waved for one of her own retainers. “Please inform the others in our party that diner is being served Yates.”

“At once my Queen.” The man said with a bow.

“And Yates. Inform the rest of our party that rule number one during diner is no talk of business, sports, politics, or religion. Any violations of that one rule will be met with severe consequences.” Morgan told the man.

“No need to threaten your people for not knowing the family rules Morgan.” David chided her as he took his seat next Katherine. “By the way. Your place is at the other end of the table.”

“Each Queen at one end of the table.” Morgan sighed. “I really hate politics.”

“Morgan you’ll find that politics is part and parcel is all aspects of a ruler’s life. You can do your best to minimize the influence, but it shall always be there in the background.” David warned her as she stood up. “Now please take your seat. Unlike your mother. I’m getting hungry.”

“Yes daddy.” Morgan snarked as she headed for the other end of the table. David could sit and stair at his daughter in wonder as Katherine giggled.

“When did she become such a smartass?” David grumbled.

“You just now noticed?” Katherine chuckled. “David, the only thing that has changed about our child is her body. Junior has been a smartass since he first learned to walk and talk.”

“Why in the world would Junior become such a smartass?” David asked her.

“Because of his rather thin build and slight size. Junior learned that his greatest weapon in avoiding fights was his sharp wit. Despite how formidable Junior’s skills are at fighting. He never relied on them alone. HE learned at an early age that his greatest weapon lay between his ears.” Katherine told her husband as she watched Morgan take her seat at the far end of the table. “It is a weapon Morgan has sharpen to the point that it is frightening. No matter what happens. We must never underestimate our daughter.”

“For some reason I had that same feeling. We might have encouraged her need to learn, but it was her own will that feed that hunger for knowledge.” David told his wife with a soft smile. “I wish that I could say that she gained her hunger for knowledge from me. Only that would be a lie. Her hunger to learn comes from you love.”

“Thank you dear. Though that too is a lie. Morgan’s hunger for knowledge is all her own.” Katherine corrected him as she stood up slowly. Looking around the gathered humans and Melnibonéans. Holding out her arms Katherine spoke with all the grace and decorum she could muster. “Welcome honored guests. It is with great hopes that in the coming days our two peoples can set the cornerstones of peace and friendship. With that goal in mind please eat, drink, and make marry. Only please remember that come the morning it is back to the business at hand.”

“And what business is that your Majesty?” One of the Avalon Knights asked with a friendly smile. “From the looks of things. You and the Melniboné Queen have already set the peace treaty in place.”

“You’re right about most of the treaty Dame Helga. Though there are still a few points of contention that most be ironed out. Though that is talk for tomorrow. Tonight is for making friends.” Katherine told her with a chuckle as she raised her wine glass. “To friends.”

“To friends!” The rest of the Avalon party shouted as they raised their glasses in response to her toast. At the other end Morgan and Melnibonéans quickly jumped to their feet with glasses raised high. “To FRIENDS!”


That night would set the tone for the rest of the conference. During the day the mother and daughter would lead their people under the canopy to conduct the business of politics. During the evening they would gather for a feast and drinks. In years to come the two camps of retainers would become the unnamed heroes of the peace talks. Historians would place the success of the talks squarely at their feet. The days that followed would go down in annals of Avalon History. They would be called the Five Days of Feast and Peace.

Between the mother and daughter a peace was forged between the two nations of Avalon. A peace that would last for millions of years. Over time that peace would lead to an Empire that would expand across their new world. Avalon Island would have two Capital cities. One based on magic and dragon honor, the other based on human reason and traditions.

Over the coming years Morgan would rule over the northern half of Avalon in a way that would often confound her subjects. While Katherine would become one of the most beloved Queens of Avalon. The Historians would chronicle their time as the Golden Rebirth. Trade between the two nations would flourish in ways that neither Queen could foresee.

Where the Golden Barges of Melniboné would once strike fear in the hearts of port cities. They now brought images of wealth. The peace of Avalon Island brought an end to the Mist of Forgotten Bones. The world that Morgan, her parents, and their friends found themselves in was covered by vast oceans and dotted by island nations. Over time Morgan would learn that in this world Avalon Island was the largest island nation in size and resources.

In time Morgan would come to love Lee in ways that she never expected. Over time they would marry and have two children. A son and daughter. It would be their daughter that would one day become the Queen over all of Avalon. To better rule over the nation the daughter would build a third capital city. In this city she would place a throne carved from a giant emerald. In the left armrest she used her magic to forge a lock. A lock that would hold her mother’s sword Stormbringer. She would bring a peace to the waring nations of their world that would last well beyond her lifetime.

Hundreds of years later in another world the tomb for an ancient queen would be found. In the depths of that tomb hundreds of well-preserved scrolls, an emerald carved into a throne, and a solid black sword would be found. Those scrolls and sword would be sent to one of the oldest Universities in that world for study. The key to translating the scrolls would be the sword.

The sword was a huge, finely wrought, crooning rune blade great sword, with a blade at least five feet long from the hilt. The hilt itself is embedded with a large spherical ruby that often looks like an eye in official artwork. The blade was made entirely from an unearthly, vaguely flesh-like black metal, and is etched with mysterious runes so ancient that even the University’s greatest scholars lacks the knowledge to decipher them.

The runes would sometimes be seen to glow and change color, cycling from red and purple to blue. The blade would often wreathe in black light and dark fire, as it moaned. One the researchers once commented that the moans of the sword were those for a lost lover. The sword would be quite vocal at times. Often screaming, grumbling, howling, murmuring, moaning, and even singing at times. It is for this fact that sword was kept locked in a vault built into a solid granite bolder. If the sword was taken from the vault special measures were taken. No one was ever allowed to handle the sword with their bare hands or examine the blade on their own. To insure they remained saine.

Unknow to the scholars of this world. Deep in the heart of the sword rested the soul of the fallen angle Lucifer. Nor would they ever know that the author of the scrolls was locked in that massive vault. Lucifer would often think upon her many welders. Of them all one would haunt her thoughts. Not because of the woman’s power but because unlike all the others only Morgan Pendragon would escape the destiny she had so carefully crafted. Instead of dying alone and in misery. Morgan had gone on to live a long and happy life. One thought would plague the fallen angle’s thoughts for centuries. “How in the name of all that is holy and demonic did that slip of a girl out smart him? It shouldn’t have been possible.”

The end for now.

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