The Black Sword. chapter- 17

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The Black Sword.

Down through history there has been many stories of heroes and the weapons of power. Thor with his Warhammer Mjölnir, the sword of Aries and Mars, Attila the Hun’s sword, and King Author’s Excalibur. These are but a few legends. Yet for every one of these legends there are two legendary weapons lost to time. Among those lost weapons are the few whose power comes with a cost. They are the cursed weapons of power. Each curse is unique to the weapon. The Black sword is but one such weapon of great power. This is the story of the weapon and its newest welder.

Chapter 17
Crystal Caves of Promises.

As Morgan approached the mouth the of the cave, she had a feeling of dread slowly fill her bones. She and the others landed their dragons in a small clearing not too far from here. “I should have the trees away from here.”

“I doubt that it will matter in the long run your Majesty.” Lisa told her as she pointed to the four Melnibonéan Rangers standing guard at the cave’s mouth. “If Princess Cymorila has Rangers posted here already. Then we own all of the territory between here and Imrryr.”

“Lady Lisa is right, Queen Morgan. I have a feeling that your military has taken almost full command of the north end of Avalon.” Dale Grant told her.

“How do you figure that Lord Grant? Are you gifted with the Sight?” Morgan asked him in a very formal voice.

“The only sight I have been gifted with, your Majesty. Is the sight that all Scholars achieve over a lifetime of study.” Dale chuckled. “I know most of the legends concerning your people. Between what I know of your Empire’s military from those legends and what I know about two of your closest advisors. It is a forgone conclusion that you would conquer the north end of ancient and mystical Avalon.”

“Why not all of Avalon?” Morgan asked him.

“A battle between the north and the south would be a losing battle for you. While your military is powerful so is the military of Avalon Kingdom. It would be the battle of the knife and the stone. While your military will become more effective as the knife becomes sharper. The stone slowly grins the knife away. Just as the people of the south will grinned down your own military might. Not even with your dragons will you be able to subjugate the people of the south. Over time they will finally win out.” Dale told her.

“I hate to say this Morgan, but dad’s right. Remember that humans reproduce faster than we do. We may live longer but we don’t reproduce as often. Despite all of our attempts to change the situation.” Lee told her bluntly. Then chuckled as she gave him a death glare. “Hey, don’t go blaming the men, Morgan. This one is all on the females.”

“Bite me, Lee.” Morgan snarled then chuckled. “You can forget about getting into these panties. I’m not ready to face that part of my new life yet.”

“Have you really come to terms with your new life Morgan?” Dale asked her with the concern of a parent for a child.

“Yes sir. I can honestly tell you that part of my acceptance was kind of forced.” Morgan told him bluntly as she taped her tiara. “Before I got my hands on this. I was being hit with racial memories left and right. A lot of them were from ancient Melnibonéan Queens.”

“Oh yeah. Talk about a head trip dad. For more than just Morgan.” Lee grunted the stuck his tongue out at Morgan for the glare she gave him. “You may have been the one to buy the tickets Morgan, but we all went along on your little trips down ancestral lain. Let me tell you. It wasn’t all fun and games.”

“How many times do I got to say that I’m sorry?” Morgan whined.

“Morgan just ignore the lug head. He’s just pissed off about having his ass hair singed off.” Lisa snarked.

“That was not my fault! I mean come on! How was I supposed to know that the Royal vault was protected like that?” Morgan grumbled. “Besides it was one of those racial memory flashbacks that clued me into this place.”

“Just what is this place?” Lisa asked her as the entered the cave.

“Shortly before the last great Reset of Balance. My ancestor Elric came to this place. Back then it was known as the Cave of Mordaga. It was also the place where the Chaos Shield was held. The magic that was left behind after Mordaga’s death and the Shield was used to form six massive crystals. Those crystals were created by Oberon himself. Then almost six-hundred years ago. An oracle empowered each crystal with prophecy magic. When that happened this cave became known as the Cave of Promises.” Morgan explained as they walked deeper into the cave until they reach the Chamber of Crystals. “What we do now will ignite that center crystal.”

“Exactly what are we doing here Morgan?” Dale asked her.

“Like I said back on the Clearing of Challenges. We’re going to bring the rest of your family here, Professor.” Morgan told him as she slowly drew Stormbringer with an ease born from hard won practice. “The crystal that holds the key to bringing them here is the one in the center.”

“Okay Morgan. What do you want us to do?” Lisa asked her.

“Each of you needs to take a position around the crystal. Professor I need you take the south. Lee, you got the east. Lisa, you got the west.” Morgan told them as she moved to stand to the north of the crystal. Once they were all in position Morgan stabbed the crystal with Stormbringer. The moment the tip of Stormbringer’s blade entered the crystal it turned red. Holding out her hands to Lisa and Lee. Morgan smiled. “Clasp hands.”

Once the four of them were holding hands Morgan chuckled. “Now we get to have some fun. I want everyone to repeat the fallowing until I said stop. Biotáille Ama agus Spáis. Caith do dhoirse oscailte idir ár saol. Tabhair linn na daoine muinteartha atá á lorg againn. Lig dóibh a bheith anseo agus anois. Whatever happens don’t stop until I tell you to stop.”

“Understood Morgan. By the way why our we using Irish?” Dale asked her.

“Because if we used the actual language of the spell. I would be the only one who could use the damned thing.” Morgan sighed.

“Hold on here Morgan. Are we talking about one of the anceint Melnibonéan summoning spells?” Lisa asked her with a grin.

“You could say that, but it’s not one that will summon a Chaos Lord or anything. This one is a combination of both our magic and Fey magic. Exactly like the spell that brought us all to this world.” Morgan explained for her. “Now are we ready to fulfill one last prophecy?”

“Let’s get it done Morgan. Never thought that I would be the one working some kind of ancient magic.” Lee chuckled before taking a deep breath he called out in a load voice. “Biotáille Ama agus Spáis. Caith do dhoirse oscailte idir ár saol. Tabhair linn na daoine muinteartha atá á lorg againn. Lig dóibh a bheith anseo agus anois.”

Dale picked up the chant next. He was quickly followed by Lisa. As the three of them chanted the spell Morgan set her feet and drew in her power. She waited until crystal’s glow turned green before she began her own chant. It was her half of the spell that would guide the spell. Switching to the High Speech of the Melnibonéan kings Morgan called out with all her power.

“Here me oh Spirits of Time and Space. I am a seeker of knowledge. I travel the ways of Infinite Power. For the ones that are missing I search the worlds unmeasurable. By Lucifer’s command. Let the Great Singularity reunite this family.” As the power of the words burned its way across her vocal cords Morgan fought to control the spell. The sheer power of the spell constantly threatened to run out of control.

When Morgan was close to losing control the shadows of the cavern grouped together. They quickly formed a swirling portal. It wasn’t long before a light began to appear in the middle of the swirling vortex. It quickly grew until the shadows were pushed to the outer edges of the vortex. Within the light a picture formed of the Grant house. The view quickly zoomed into the dining room table. The view show Dale’s wife and two daughters. Morgan watched as first bewilderment then fear crossed their faces. Then all of a sudden, the three Grant women rose up from their chairs to fly into the vortex. Seconds later they tumbled across the floor of the cavern.

Once they were there before Morgan let the spell go and dropped to her knees. She was barely able to crock out her next words. “Okay you can stop chanting.”

The last thing Morgan saw before she blacked out was the crystal’s glow suddenly changing to blinding yellow. She never heard the happy reunion between the Grants. Nor would she hear the panicked shouts of Lisa for the other Rangers. She wouldn’t even know about the dragon ride back to Imrryr.

Central Tower, Imrryr

It would be three days before she would waken in her bed in the Central tower. At first, she didn’t realize where she was. Then she recognized her bedspread. Sitting Morgan sighed. “Well it either worked or I just wasted a massive amount of magic for nothing.”

“Your summoning spell work young Morgan Pendragon. I must say. In all my centuries of existence. I have never seen such a massive use of magic for so trivial a cause.” Morgan looked over to where the female voice came from.

“Hello Stormbringer.” Morgan sighed as she sat up. Then grinned slily. “Or should I say hello Lady Lucifer Morningstar.”

“Very good Morgan.” The ghostly figure giggled as she clapped her hands. With a smile the sword vanished from the stand to fully take the form of the First of God’s angels. “Do you realize that of all my welders. You’re the only one to have figured out my true identity.”

“It wasn’t hard. Once I had all the clues to piece together.” Morgan told the angel with a grin. “If you wanted to keep your secret. Then you shouldn’t have opened the Great Singularity for me.”

“Ah yes. That was a monumental mistake on my part. Then again. I couldn’t very well disobey an order from my welder. Especially one given by the newest of the Eternal Champions.” Lucifer told her with a sly grin of her own. Then before Morgan’s eyes the angel transformed again. This time the angel took on the form of a beautiful man. “It is only befitting that you should see my other form. I will grant you the choice between the two for our conversation.”

“I kind of like your female form better Lucifer.” Morgan giggled. “I hate to tell you this, but naked guys just don’t do it for me.”

“As you wish.” Lucifer chuckled as he transformed back into the beautiful female Morgan had come to associate with Stormbringer’s human form. “Is this better or do you want my more ghostly form?”

“This is good for now, Lady Lucifer. I just wish I knew what day it was?” Morgan said as she stood up from her bed.

“It has been three days since the summoning of the Grant family to this world. In that time your military has decimated the armies of the Aos Sídhe. Both of the Aos Sídhe cities now lay in ruin and their citizens have been reduced to slaves.” Lucifer giggled as Morgan changed into a pair of silk panties and a bra. This was followed by a pair of black silk tights. Over these she pulled on a black leather pants and a dark blue spider silk blouse with a half wrap skirt that covered her ass. “I must say my young Queen. Your taste in clothing is rather modern. Not to mention racy.”

“Stuff it, sister. If I got to be a woman. I’ll be a modern type of woman. As for my outfit. Let’s just say that I recognize that as the Queen of the Melnibonéans I need to project a certain image.” Morgan snarked as she pulled on her high-heeled thigh-high boots. Once dressed she turned to Lucifer. “Has my army stopped their rampage, Lady Lucifer?”

“The last of the fighting ended yesterday morning. The first of your nation’s new slaves should arrive sometime tomorrow morning.” Lucifer told her. “You still haven’t explained why you wasted so much magical power to bring those three humans to this world Queen Morgan. I demand an answer. It was my power that you used after all to open that portal.”

“Oh I know what I did Lady Lucifer. As for why I reunited the Grant family. The reason is twofold. The first is simple. It was the right thing to do. The second is a little complicated. I did it as a step towards peace between the nation of Avalon and my own.” Morgan told the Fallen Angel. “Now I got a question for you. Will you be returning to your sword form?”

“Unfortunately I can only hold this form in your presence.” Lucifer told her honestly. “While I was cast out of Heaven for my rebellion. I was not cast down into the pits of Hell as the legends say.”

“No. Instead you were sealed inside that sword. Just as your fellow Fallen Angels were sealed into the other black swords.” Morgan surmised as she belted her sword sheath around her hips.

“Very good Morgan Pendragon. You have solved the riddle surrounding me and all of the Holy Swords. Inside each of those cursed blades resides one of the leaders for my rebellion against the Heavenly Lord. You only made one mistake. It was only myself and my commanding generals who were sealed inside the Holy Swords. Those other black swords are the damned souls of morals. Cursed forever to serve at my side. That is the truth behind the Christian Hell. It is not some burning pit of flame, but eternal servitude. Bond for all time until the next great reset of Balance.” Lucifer chuckled. “Thou in truth it was not Him who sealed us within those blades. Instead it was that egotistical asshat, little brother of mine, Michael.”

“Hold on here. Aren’t you the First among the Lord’s Angels? And what about the other angels that followed you?” Morgan asked.

“The answer to the first question is simple. Michael had the backing of the Almighty during our little tiff. When HE decides to back someone. They will always win. That was where I made my mistake.” Lucifer snorted then sighed. “As for the lesser angels that followed me into rebellion. They were cast down into the void. There they became the demons that plague mankind.”

“Okay that answers a lot of questions for me. I just wish that I could share all of this with my parents.” Morgan sighed as she sat down at her beauty table. With a steady hand and the knowledge of hundreds of Queens Morgan applied her makeup. “I never thought that I would be doing this.”

“I see that you have found the secret of the Melnibonéan Queens’ beauty.” Lucifer chuckled from behind her. “They truly were centuries ahead of their time. If I’m not mistaken. Melnibonéan women were the first to actually make use of cosmetics to improve their appearance.”

“I don’t know about that Lucifer. I can only go off what is in my head and what that is telling me to do. Everything on this table was used by those ancient Queens. Even the Noblewomen of those times used makeup to enhance their beauty.” Morgan told the Angel with a soft chuckle. “Melnibonéans have always been a rather vain lot.”

“That you have.” Lucifer chuckled before asking her own question. “What will you do now? You have secured your kingdom. You could wage a war to conquer all of Avalon with ease.”

“I’ll meet with my mother on the Clearing of Challenges. We shall form a formal peace treaty between our two nations. Hopefully one that will last. After that who knows. Might find myself a mate and settle down then raise a family of my own.” Morgan told the Angel.

“And what of me?” Lucifer asked.

“Try to way a way to release you from that blade. You’ve paid for your sin in my book.” Morgan told her as she finished her makeup. Standing up Morgan walked over to the table that held Stormbringer’s stand. She placed he hand on the sword lightly. “This is a prison. I have never been one to abide with the ideal of imprisoning an individual until death. Everyone should be granted the chance at redemption.”

“I’m afraid young Morgan that you will find that there are sins, that are unforgivable. They are only punishable with no chance of redemption. As Queen you must face this harsh truth. While the death is the final punishment. A lifetime in prison is still a just punishment.” Lucifer told her kindly. “That blade is my punishment. My prison. Just as the other Holy swords are for my generals. Only the Almighty can forgive us.”

“I always thought that He was a forgiving God.” Morgan told her honestly.

“Dad was many things is His younger years. But forgiving was not one of them. He was like all gods back then. When He handed down a punishment. You can bet your ass that it was fire and brimstone. The seven plagues of Egypt was Dad going easy on someone that had pissed Him off. Noah’s flood was Dad spanking the humans of the time.” Lucifer chuckled softly.

“So there is no way to break the spell that sealed you inside this blade?”

“None. Only Dad can break that seal.” Lucifer told her bluntly. “And after you add up all of my shenanigans for the last several centuries. I doubt that Dad will be breaking that seal anytime soon.”

“I see. Then You’ll always have a place at my side until it is time to return you to the void.” Morgan swore to the Angel as she grabbed the hilt of the sword. “Come on sister. I got a kingdom to run.”

“Ah yes, the tedium of ruling a nation. The daily grind of hearing complaints from your citizens. Trying to balance the budget. Seeing to the needs of your civilians and your military. For someone like you young Morgan. This shall be your own person Hell on Earth.” Lucifer chuckled as she vanished back into the sword known as Stormbringer.

“You know something Stormbringer. There at times when I could just strangle your ass.” Morgan snarked as she slide the sword into its scabbard.

“I know. That’s why its such fun to tweak your nose from time to time.” The female voice of Stormbringer told her as she left her rooms. As Morgan strowed through the hall of the Royal Tower made up her mind about something that had been plaguing her.

While she found slavery to be abhorrent it was part of her nation’s civilization. While she might want to abolish slavery it was still a personal choice. Her people wouldn’t stand for it. They would revolt. There was also the fact that abolishing slavery would cripple her nations economy. Another fact was slaves were the spoils of war. She had a feeling that Avalon wasn’t the only island nation in this world. The main reason behind this feeling was the many races of human slaves.

As she passed one slave Morgan stopped the man. “You, there. Where do you come from slave?”

“The Seven Islands, Mistress.” The slave answered quickly.

“How many other slaves are from other lands?” Morgan demanded.

“I do not know Mistress. I only know that I was brought here by one of the golden barges following a sea battle.” The slave told her honestly.

“I see. You can return to your duties.” Morgan ordered the man. When the man ran from her Morgan sighed. “I need to talk to one of my Princely commanders.”

“No need for that Morgan. All of the human slaves within Imrryr were brought here from the human lands outside of the Mist of Bones. Which by the way has been broken. Avalon Island has returned to the world. Not the world that gave you birth but to a world none the less.” Stormbringer told her.

“Wait a minute. Are you telling me that Avalon Island has shifted into another universe? Come on Stormbringer. Even I’m having problems buying that line of horseshit.” Morgan grumbled as she turned to walk down the hall.

“There are over a thousand known universes my young Melnibonéan Queen. That doesn’t even include the number of other plans. Both higher and lower. You would do well to remember this.” Stormbringer warned Morgan as they walked.

“Okay Stormbringer. I hear you.” Morgan chuckled. “How many of these other worlds and plans have you visited Lady Lucifer?”

“More than enough to pass on this warning. Rule with honor and mercy my young Queen. Because the world in which Avalon now resides is in a world of ancient magic and barbarian races. Much like the races of ancient Melniboné.” Stormbringer told her with a chuckle.

“Then I guess I need to rebuild the golden barges and my navy. If my nation and the nation of Avalon is to survey this world. Then it is even more important that my mother’s nation and mine must become allies.” Morgan said to the sword on her hip. “It doesn’t matter for now. We should have time. I doubt that the other nations will come for us just yet.”

“I see that you have grasped the situation fully.” Stormbringer chuckled again. “Should you have need young Melnibonéan Queen. Just call.”

“Thank you Stormbringer. I hope that I do not have need of you any time soon.” Morgan said only to hear nothing from the sword. “It seems you’ve returned to your ancient slumber my friend. Sleep well and long.”

“They say that talking to oneself is the first sign of insanity my Queen.” Morgan had been so engrossed with her conversation Lee’s voice had caught Morgan surprise. “Don’t worry your Majesty. I know that you were talking with that sword on your hip.”

“I’m not worried about going crazy Lee. I already am. Then again, they say that if you think your crazy. You’re in truth very saine.” Morgan chuckled then looked up at her friend. “Shouldn’t you be with your family?”

“I would be except for one problem. There’s no truce between our people and Avalon. Until then it’s best if we stay away from each other.” Lee said.

“Yeah, I can see as how having a dragon preached on top of the watch towers as being a little unsettling for them.” Morgan laughed as Lee fell in beside her. “I take it that your mom and sister are staying in Avalon?”

“Yup. Mom said something about getting to know her new younger husband.” Lee told her with a blush. “By the way Morgan. I think you might soon have a little brother or sister. There was something about your mother.”

“Forget about it, Lee. I know that my mother is pregnant. She’s young again. She’s healthy. My dad is just as young and healthy. I figure that sometime in the near future they’ll be introducing me to a new sibling.” Morgan told him with a giggle in her voice. “I couldn’t be happier for them. I just hope they don’t go pushing for me to have a child anytime soon.”

“Look at it this way. In this world you’re a Queen. You can choose who you want to take to your bed. You don’t have to marry their happy ass.” Lee told her bluntly as he eyed her back side.

“EYES FRONT BUSTER!” Morgan snapped as she caught her friend ogling her ass.

“Hey. You can’t blame a guy for looking.” Lee snarked. “Besides, I know that you’ve done the same thing in the past.”

“As much as I want to argue that point. I can’t.” Morgan giggled. “The problem is I still do. I hate to say this, but I might be bisexual Lee.”

“I got a feeling that we all are now, Morgan. I have been doing a little digging in the last few days. It seems that Melnibonéans have a lot in common with the Aos Sídhe when it comes to sex and love.” Lee told her honestly. “It seems that to our new race sex has nothing to do with who we love. One of the dragon knights told me that it is nothing for our King or Queen to have a harem of up to eight.”

“Hold on. Did you say eight? Like eight wives or husbands?” Morgan asked before she stumbled in surprise.

“Well yes. It seems that in this world there are eight days in the week. The people of Avalon had it all wrong. There are actually four-hundred and seventeen days in the year in the universe.” Lee told me.

“Holy shit. How could there be such a massive fuck up like that?” Morgan asked in total shock. Then it dawned on her. “The people of Avalon are the newest residents to the island. They just added a few weeks to their year. Instead of added one day to their weeks.”

“Yup. The people of Avalon added eight weeks to their year to be exact. That good old Roman Catholic theology at work. The Order of the Bear wasn’t about to tell the Gray Wolf knights they weren’t in our old world. Instead of being stuck between worlds.” Lee told her bluntly. “Damned fools.”

“You’re forgetting about the monks and priests that came with them. Those so-called men of faith are some of the most corrupt assholes to have ever graced the human race.” Morgan snorted with real distain. “Then again. It’s the same with all races when it comes to faiths.”

“I hope that you plan on keeping church and state separate.” Lee grunted.

“You can bet your ass on that Lee. I’ve never had any use for organized religion. There’ll be no state religion in my kingdom. They’ll also pay their fucking taxes.” Morgan snarled. “There won’t be no POPs in our kingdom.”

“Thank the Almighty for small favors.” Lee chuckled. “Then again I doubt that a monothecal religion could take hold here. Not with all of the gods and goddesses this place has.”

“True. Here they actually walk among us poor mortals at times.” Morgan snarked as they were joined by Lisa. “You’re looking rather lovely today.”

“Thank you, your Majesty. I must say that I was surprised to find modern style clothing in my rooms.” Lisa said as she looked down at her leather pants, silk blouse, and knee-high boots. “Any idea of how this happened?”

“Just a guess. But I would say that when Morgan worked the spell to bring my mom and sister here. She somehow affected our possessions in this world.” Lee told her honestly as he pointed towards his on clothing. Like the two women he was dressed in boots, leather pants, and a shirt. Only his shirt was made from a lightweight cotton. “Even my underwear is similar to what I would have worn at home. Though it take me a while to get used to silk.”

“I know what you mean. I’ve never had some many silk undergarments in my life.” Lisa giggled. “And I’ve been a woman all of my life.”

“Hi guys, your Majesty.” Tony said as he joined them in the hallway. He too was dressed similar to his friends. “I see that you were attacked by the fashion fairies as well.”

“Pretty much Tony. By the way looking good bro.” Lee grinned lecherously.

“I’m not sure how to take that.” Tony grinned as he eyed Lisa up and down. “Though coming from you Lee. I’ll take that as a complement.”

“My god. The way you two are acting. I would swear that you haven’t been laid in years.” Lisa bitched as she rubbed her thighs together.

“WE haven’t.” Both young men snapped as they eyed her up and down with more than a little lust in their eyes.

“Oh shit. I think I know what’s happening with you guys.” Morgan sighed. “I know why the three of you are suddenly so horny.”

“Why?” The three of them snapped as one.

“It’s Angel pheromones.” Morgan sighed as she tapped Stormbringer on the pommel as she whispered. “Knock it off already.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Lisa asked her as the feeling of sexual frustration left her body all of sudden.

“Let’s just say that I was in the company of a Fallen Angel for a while this morning and leave it at that.” Morgan sighed. She really didn’t want to go over her morning talk with Lucifer Morningstar.

“OOOOkkkaaayyy.” Lee said as he looked down a Morgan’s hand on the hilt of Stormbringer. “We’re going to leave that one alone. Right guys?”

“Oh yeah. That is one nobody wants to touch.” Lisa agreed as she too looked to where Morgan had placed her hand.

“I’m with them on this one Morgan. No matter anyone asks. That is one topic that is off limits.” Tony snorted.

“What’s off limits?” Mike asked as he joined them. “Why do I smell cookies?”

“Don’t ask!” Lisa, Tony, and Lee said at the same time.

“Okay. What did I miss?” Mike asked sharply.

“Let’s just say that Morgan has taken to talking with a new supernatural crowd and leave it at that.” Lee told Mike bluntly.

“So long as one of you bring me up to date later on over a few beers.” Mike said pointedly to Tony. “Right now we’re holding up breakfast.”

“Sounds good to me.” Morgan said brightly.

Few hours later the five friends walked into the Throne room. There they found the commanders of the Melnibonéan military. As Morgan mounted the steps to the Ruby throne, she spotted a line of Aos Sídhe in chains. She could tell by the way they held their heads. These were the first of her nation’s new slaves and they came from the Nobility. With a sigh Morgan took her seat on the throne before saying anything.

“Why are these slaves in my throne room Lord Dyvin?” Morgan asked him.

“A gift to you, my Queen. These seven slaves were members of the Summer Court Queen’s privet harem. Each has been trained in the arts of sexual pleasure.” Dyvin answered her honestly. “You’ll find that the three males are quite proficient at their assigned duties as body slaves.”

“What of the females?” Morgan asked him.

“Their tongues had been trained to bring pleasure to all they service. They are very welcoming to whatever penetrates their lower orifices.” Dyvin grinned as he leered over at the five women in chains. “The red haired one is a true firebrand in the bed your Majesty. My wife swears by her.”

“Place them in one of the Royal Brothels. I have no need for a harem Prince Dyvin.” Morgan told him bluntly only to get a strange look from the Dragon Master. “What am I missing here sir?”

“As our Queen you must have at least one bed warmer for each night of the week. It is not healthy to deny your own sexual appetites.” Dyvin told her.

“Find put them in the Emerald tower for now.” Morgan sighed. She realized that she wasn’t going to get away with turning down the gift. “Has my campaign been arranged for yet?”

“It has your Majesty.” Dyvin answered her somewhat hesitantly. “Is there any way that I can talk you out of this your Majesty?”

“No. I will see my parents on the Clearing of Challenges at the appointed time. If anyone gets in my way. I will gut their sorry ass personally.” Morgan snarled as she rested her hand on Stormbringer.

“As you command my Queen.” Dyvin answered with a smile. “I must say that you remind me of your ancestor Elric. He too would have gone to this meeting.”

“I don’t know about that Dragon Master. I just know that I need to forge this peace treaty. Without it I fear that our nation shall fall.” Morgan told him honestly. Then laughed at the looks on the faces of the other commanders. “Don’t be fools Commanders. The humans outnumber us by more than fifty to one on this island alone. We don’t know how many more humans there beyond the horizon. If they should band together. Not even our dragon brethren will be able to stop them all.”

“Understood my Queen.” Princess Cymorila said as she bowed to Morgan. “My Rangers will secure the route between here and the Clearing.”

“I have assigned fifty of my finest knights to guard you during your travels my Queen.” Dyvan told her with a deep bow. “Though I would suggest that you pick at least one hundred knights to become your personal guards.”

“I agree with Prince Dyvan Majesty. I would suggest the formation of a Praetorian Guard.” Yyrkoon Slom suggested from his place at the foot of the throne steps. “I can have fifty of my finest Marines here within the hour.”

“I’ll think about it. Right now. I need to get ready to leave. Have my horse saddled and brought to the front of the tower.” Morgan ordered them then stood up and left the throne room. Mike, Tony, Lee, and Lisa were hot on her heels. Once they were halfway back to her rooms Morgan stopped. “Guys no matter what happens. Never let those shitheads form that Praetorian Guard.”

“Morgan, I hate to say this but they’re right. You’re the Head of State for one of the most powerful nations in this world.” Mike told her honestly. “You need something like a Praetorian Guard. Elric made the mistake of not having something like that. Look where that got him.”

“Okay fine. I’ll form one once we get back.” She told him bluntly. “But the four of you will be in charge of the damned thing.”

“So long as you do it.” Lisa told her then gave Morgan a hug. “Come on. Let’s get changed and head for the Clearing.”

Two hours later a party of ten Rangers rode through the southern gate of Imrryr. A half hour later the rest of the Royal delegation passed through the gate. The delegation consisted of Morgan, Lee, Mike, Tony, Lisa, fifty fully armored Knights, three supply wagons, a cook’s wagon, and a cargo wagon holding the tents for their trip.

Avalon Castle, Avalon City

Katherine smiled as she rode through the northern gate of Avalon city. It had taken her, David, and Dale three days to convince the City Council that a peace treaty with Imrryr was a good thing. Most of them were still having problems with the idea that the Melnibonéans were ruled by a peaceful Queen. Not that Katherine blamed them. She was still having problems grasping the fact that her child was a Queen in her own right.

“You know something Kathy. I never would have thought that we would be leading a peace delegation.” David said as he rode next to her.

“You’re not the only David.” Dale chuckled. “Though in a way it is befitting.”

“How so Dale?” Katherine asked him.

“All three of us, and our students, have studied history through the lens of time. Since we arrived in this world. We have bore witness history as it was made. In years to come. It will be our words that future historians read.” Dale told them with a chuckle. “The only problem we’ll have is people believing us a few hundred years from now.”

“I hate to say this old boy, but I got a feeling that to our world. Everything we record would be considered a medieval fantasy.” David snarked.

“True. I have to confess. When Morgan led us to that cave, I thought I had seen everything this world had to offer.” Dale shivered as he thought back to four days ago and what he had witnessed in the Cavern of Promises. “I can tell you both now. The power that Morgan unleashed in that cave was a thousand times more than anything she released during that battle.”

“Speaking of what happened in that cavern Dale. How are Gale and the girls adjusting to their new lives?” Katherine asked him with real concern.

“Let’s just say that the ladies of my family are missing a few of their modern conveniences. You know things like running water, indoor bathrooms, and the internet.” Dale chuckled. “Surprisingly the girls are getting used to the idea that they’re real ladies of the court here. It’s Gale who is having a hard time with the idea.”

“Not surprising. After all she is a professor of political science. To her a Monarchy like ours is the lowest form of government. For her to now be a part of a system that she hates would drive her crazy. Spending time at a Ren fan as the local Lady is one thing. Being an actual Nobel Lady is something else entirely.” Katherine told him honestly. “Trust me I know what she is going through right now.”

“By the way Dale. Why are Gale and the girls staying behind?” David asked.

“Just the small matter of not knowing how to ride a horse in armor.” Dale chuckled as he thumped the chest plate of his armor. “I know that this is supposed to be a peace delegation, but the route between here and the Clearing isn’t exactly secure yet. Until the trade routes are secure or they can learn how to ride in armor. They won’t be going anywhere.”

“That way of thinking is very commendable, Sir Dale. I to had wondered why your wife and daughters were not riding with us.” Bertilak said as he pulled along side the man. “There is a trick to riding in armor.”

“And what is this trick Sir Bertilak?” Dale asked with a smirk.

“Properly fitted armor.” The Green Knight chuckled as he thumped his chest plate. “This is my tenth, no eleventh set of armor. For your lovely wife I would suggest the Iron Woman foundry run by Mistress Rut MacShealbhaigh. When it comes to your daughters Blue Steel foundry are the best armorers for the younger Dames and Ladies.”

“I thank you for the information, Sir Bertilak. I’ll have to take of the problem once we have returned.” Dale told the knight. “Now all I need to figure out is why armor doesn’t screw with my magic?”

“Because our magic isn’t bound by the laws of our old world.” Katherine told him as they rode. At the look of confusion on his face Katherine explained. “In our old, world iron and steel act as a natural barrier against magic. Here in this world everything is flooded with a magic. Even the very iron that is used to forge armor and swords.”

“That explains a lot. Like Morgan’s armor changing to fit her personality. The way Honor’s Blade changed the armor of those Gray Wolf Knights. Not to mention every spell that the three of us have used since coming here.” David said as he looked back towards Katherine’s personal guard.

“It’s more than that Master David.” Sile said from her place behind them. “Even now as we speak the Mist of Forgotten Bones is lifting. Soon it shall be broken completely, and Avalon will have returned to the world.”

“Just not our world.” Dale surmised quickly. “So exactly what world is Avalon returning to Sile?”

“This is the world between worlds. A world of magic. A world that lies at the heart of the universe. It has been called many names. Though no one knows its true name.” Sile answered honestly.

“That doesn’t help Sile. Not that it matters in the long run.” David snarked. “When the Mist lifts, the Mist lifts. There’s nothing we can do to stop it.”

“You have a very pessimistic point of view Sir Dale.” Bertilak grunted then laughed. “Though it is one that I can understand.”

“This coming an immortal Knight.” Dale snarked as he looked over at the Green Knight. “Any idea of how long we have before the Mist lifts?”

“In the words of Merlin. Looking at cake is like looking at the future, until you’ve tasted it what do you really know? And then, of course, it’s too late. That is all that I can tell you Sir Dale.” Bertilak answered him.

“Normally I would call bullshit on something like that Sir Bertilak. Yet seeing as how you might have actually known the man. I’ll take your word.” Dale chuckled as both David and Katherine along with Bertilak laughed. For the rest of the trip Sir Bertilak told them of his time and friendship with the famous and ancient wizard of Camelot.


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peace is coming, I hope

I understand the need for the violence that has happened, but I hope now can be a time of peace.


It seems that Queen Morgan has won the war

Julia Miller's picture

But now has to pursue peace. And she brought over the rest of Dale's family as a peace offering to Avalon. We find a bit more information about the spirit in her sword and surprisingly, it's Lucifer Morningstar. Though even though they sign a peace treaty with Avalon, the island is now in a new reality, with new dangers that are yet unknown. This story continues to captivate me. I'm not sure when it will end, but I know I would like it to go on for as long as possible.

i'm confused.

smdani4mm's picture

from Chapter 16 -
Before Morgan could reply. Stormbringer vanished. Lee took that moment to voice the words on everyone’s mind. “Was that really her?”

So how is Morgan able to...
"Once they were all in position Morgan stabbed the crystal with Stormbringer. The moment the tip of Stormbringer’s blade entered the crystal it turned red. "




Who is she Morgan’s older sister? Also is there another chapter on the way.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna