Once in awhile I need to go out to something a bit more formal and have been wearing pantyhose. I hate them, hate them! So I got the bright idea to wear stockings with a garterbelt, and finding a garter belt with real garter fasteners is a trudge. So, instead I got an open bottom girdle with real fasteners and serviceable stockings. They were quite nice except the girdle is torture. I reasoned that I would buy one a size larger than my 38 4x. The sad part is the seller does not have a 40. ?x. It is amazing to me that genetic women are able to tolerate such punishment. Perhaps that is why they wear pantyhose or nothing at all?
I am thinking about trying to find one in the UK or Europe. That will be a full on confuzzlement.
It might have been easier to remain a man.
Not sure what style you were
Not sure what style you were looking at but they have a couple that go clear up to an 8x 46 style 1 is one of them.