For those with whom I have not previously communicated the following? I had my appointment with the orthopedist this afternoon. Everything is fine, compared to living in Cuba or fleeing Ukraine.
My arm is worse than expected. I require surgery for both Cubital AND Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. <<< The reason for numbness on all of my left hand and forearm.
Dupuytren's is the least of the problems. LOL
So Elbow AND wrist surgery same day PLUS Physical Therapy down the line for rotator cuff shoulder problems. Wait and see. The surgeries will be performed consecutively on December 1. And recent endoscopic biopsies revealed NO pre-cancerous cells in a cyst. YAY!!!
It's been a rough few years for nearly all of us here, so I'm trying to keep my own situation in perspective. After Tracey die in 2019, I lived with my older brother and his family. Their rental was sold and their need to relocate left me needing housing, so since May of 2020, I have been living in an apartment not too far from my inlaws. Up until then I had never lived alone. And my brother no longer believes our father molested our sister and me.
As if Tracey's family had more than enough to deal with after her death and the death of a beloved brother-in-law. her second oldest sister suffered a violent death last year. It affected everyone since she was a sweetheart whose absence has been both sad and soul-shaking.
In the midst of this I started having significant pain in my left hand. The above diagnosis and subsequent intervention described above hopefully culiminates with relief. I've been typing for about a year with one finger on my right hand
I came out to my son and daughter-in-law earlier this year; my writing serving for the time being as my sole introduction. Tracey had been helping me formulate a plan to talk with them almost immediately prior to her death, and their wedding later that year gave me pause, since both of them were so broken-hearted by her absence.
My son explained he already knew; like a TG story trope, I had left a document open on the computer and he discovered it. When I told abouut 'me.' i explained I had been fearful to tell him. "Why? I love you!" was his reply. (just like his Mom) My daughter in law asked me about identifying prounouns. I told her no change for the present.
Much love to y'all!
My wife had carpal tunnel about 40 years ago in both wrists. They only had the open procedure then. What with all you have going on, I suspect you will have to open procedure as well. Given that both surgeries will happen back to back, I suspect that you'll be in physical therapy for quite a while. Try to get off the heave meds a quickly as possible.
I'm on a no narcotics order with my doctor, due to my experience dealing with those who needed to recover from drug abuse. I personally would rather suffer the pain (I have a high pain threshold; what many would call painful I classify as being uncomfortable.) When I was dealing with my gall stones prior to my gall bladder surgery. I complained of pain around the bottom of my rib cage (I'm sorry I did) and they brought me in and injected Demerol and I found that to be an unpleasant experience. When I was in the hospital after the surgery, that wanted to give me morphine. Why is it that opiates are their first choice of pain meds? At my insistence the cut the dose in half. They thought I'd need it to be able to get up and walk around as they wanted. The second time I refused the medication and walked without anything.
That's my personal take on it. I realize that not everyone is able to do that kind of thing. So if you need the heavy meds, then don't think that I'm trying to persuade you to do without. I intend this as only caution on their use. The feeling goes back to what I witnessed as a volunteer D & A abuse counselor. I've never had to deal with it personally, but my oldest daughter has.
'Nuff said, I'm rambling.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Pain meds….
I’d advise talking to the Docs about IV Tylenol pre and post op. Also IV Ketorlac and PO ketorlac after discharge. (We don’t use Demerol anymore.) Don’t know what is newest - retired for 4 years now. Most short term narcotic users have no addiction problems. Chronic pain sufferers are more at risk. Hope this helps.
BAK 0.25tspgirl
1)To Drea , 2)Anyone know??
To Drea :
Good luck, I hope everything turns out good.
*sends out some prayers*
~Hyp >i< ..::
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To All, Anyone:
Anyone know?
Is there a similar condition with the shoulder?
Have had something odd going on with hands and arms, since I was a child. It seems to involve the shoulder. All my doctors have just dismissed it all my life. It seems to be worse now with age and other conditions.
PM me rather then clutter this thread further.
( I posted here because: It just seemed somehow related, maybe. )
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
Stay Strong
Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
sending you as many huggles as possible
hope things get better for you.