Uninstall Kindle?

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I seem to have filled up my PC Kindle. I have hundreds of books on it, to the point that they won't let me add anything unless I delete something. Now I have found "Uninstall Kindle". What does that mean? If I do that can I just start over again? I'd like that.
Any ideas? I would like to start over on David Weber's books and maybe The Dragon Riders of Pern...



That’s not what that would do you need to offload books individually from within the app.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna


erin's picture

Hundreds of books will not fill your Kindle account. You might have filled your hard drive though. It would take tens of thousands of books to fill your Kindle account. They don't take up any room because they are just database pointers, and maybe a few saved preferences.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

freeing up space

If you right click on individual books in your library, you will find an option to remove from this device. You will still own the right to download them again later but it will make space for new books. Remove those books you are not going to re-read in the near future.


If it is just about the diskspace used, then you can also delete the downloaded files manually with no harm to the "Kindle for PC" applocation. I do this all the time (download, convert to EPUB with Calibre, delete the downloaded file).
The downloaded files are under "Documents" / "My Kindle Content", and there one directory per ebook (named after the ASIN of the book). Just delete those directories and your diskspace gets freed up. You can re-download those files any time.
Also, this would be the directory that you can backup to ensure that you can always access these books even if Amazon can not allow you to download them or has to remove them remotely (when the Kindle app checks for updates to your virtual libarary) due to legal reasons.

Between that

and grey text on light grey backgrounds, it's enough to drive a person batty /sigh
Good luck /hugs

its for older kindles

shadowsblade's picture

Kindles over than 10 years will not be supported and can't """As of August 17, you'll no longer be able to browse, buy, or borrow books directly from these Kindle devices."""
I would assume what is on the drive 'is on the drive' till its deleted AND if you want more or new books that will require buying a new kindle.

You could get a referb one or wait for a kindle sale or maybe get a rebate for sending the old one in as a trade?

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

That's not quite right

The older kindles will no longer be able to download books direct. i.e. You will no longer be able to buy books via them as they will no longer be supported. I think this is due to them not being compatible with new sales software.

YOU WILL be able to buy a book via a computer/laptop/etc. and then move the book over to your old Kindle that way. So if you have an old working Kindle, don't throw it away just yet.

I'm not sure how many of the old kindles are still around as I have had to up-grade my old ones (and there replacements as time has gone by) as the battery's got to a stage where they would not longer charge, but I do use my kindles a lot.


Elizabeth moon

Pern novels, and all the t&t books good reads. David Weber..only thing that comes to mind is honor Harrington. Larry Niven Mercedes lackey Lois McMaster bujold…


Quite a few of those authors are published by Baen. And although you can get them in a format for Kindle, the system of Baen is decoupled from the Kindle Ecosystem.


0.25tspgirl's picture

Kindle app (free) on any smart device. My experience includes chrome book, iPhone, iPad, galaxy phone. All link to my Amazon account. Tap on book cover icon to load from the cloud. Tap same to open the book. Tap and hold touch to bring up a menu. Tap remove from device and it’s back in the cloud. Haven’t used my kindle in years.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

I found my kindle directory

I found what I believe to be all the Kindle books I had downloaded from Amazon. I had thought it to be nearly impossible to "fill" my storage space. I have what adds up to 3+ TB in the form of Electronic hard drives. When I purchased them, I had intended to have my stories on one of them, pictures on another and whatever else on the other. The way Microsoft does things threw a wrench into that idea. I'll never understand them. Meanwhile I am happy enough to have David Weber's stories to read.